Fortnite Wiki

Disambig-iconPara el artículo sobre la Temporada 1 del Capítulo 1 o 2, por favor vea Capítulo 2: Temporada 1 o Temporada 1

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Assassin Unknown - Emoticon - Fortnite
Debido a la falta de información oficial, este artículo/sección puede contener especulaciones y/o interpretaciones de los fans.
Por lo tanto, parte de la información contenida en esta página puede ser parcialmente incorrecta o objetivamente incorrecta.

Capítulo 3: Temporada 1 fue la decima-novena temporada de Fortnite: Battle Royale, que inició el 5 de diciembre de 2021 y concluyó el 20 de marzo de 2022. Fue la primera temporada del Capítulo 3 y su eslogan es de vuelta.

Previamente, en Fortnite...[]

Con la caída de la Nave Nodriza, varios cubos mas el cubo dorado cayeron en Apollo. Durante el Capítulo 2: Temporada 8, La Convergencia fue construida por La Reina del Cubo y comenzó a propagar corrupción paralela por toda la isla. En Parque Placentero se contruyó una fortaleza llamado Fortaleza Guava para que sirviera como última resistencia para los enbuclados.

Durante El Fin, La Pirámide fue utilizado por la Reina del Cubo para abrir un portal a su realidad. A través del portal, convocó naves nodrizas como la del Capítulo 2: Temporada 7, monstruos del cubo y gigantes para destruir la Isla y a los embuclados en ella. Sin embargo, La Fundación rescató al Agente Jones de la Doctora Slone y comenzó a girar la isla más de 180 grados en orden de cerrar la grieta. La Reina del Cubo fue derrotada al entrar en contacto con el agua, lo que resultó en la destrucción de La Pirámide y la derrota de La Última Realidad en su conjunto *. Una vez que se volteó la isla, se reveló un mundo completamente nuevo con un tiempo de inactividad de un día.

*Cabe señalar que la animación de la derrota de la Reina del Cubo en El Fin parece haber mostrado a la Reina del Cubo teletransportándose.

Como empezó?[]

Después del tiempo de inactividad de 18 horas, el embuclado es abandonado en una pequeña isla al este de El Santuario. Allí, el embuclado se despierta y encuentra personajes alrededor de una acogedora fogata. el embuclado se sienta cerca de la fogata y La Fundación explica al embuclado que, si bien la Orden Imaginada todavía tiene posesión del Punto Cero, siempre se enfrentarán a amenazas como La Última Realidad, y posiblemente incluso peores. Continúa diciéndoles que mientras la Orden Imaginada siga abusando del Punto Cero, todo estará en peligro. Es por eso que necesita su ayuda para destruir la Orden Imaginada para liberar el Punto Cero y liberarse de Artemis y, en última instancia, de El Bucle para que todos puedan irse a casa.

Cambios en el mapa[]

Artemis (Update v19

Mapa final del Capítulo 3: Temporada 1

El final del capítulo 2 hizo que la isla se volteara, revelando la isla Artemis.

Cambios iniciales[]

Cambios durante la temporada[]

  • La nieve se derritió, revelando Pisos Picados.
  • Los Klombos comienzan a deambular por la isla.
  • La Orden Imaginada llega a Artemis con perforaciones y construyen Caverna Clandestina.
  • La perforaciones de la OI provocan la destrucción de algunos lugares emblemáticos, siendo remplazados por huecos.

Nuevos cambios y caracteristicas[]

El Capítulo 3: Temporada 1 introdujo la mecánica de deslizo, los lanzatelarañas de Spider-Man y los Klombos.

También introdujo la niebla curativa, la escopeta de corredera con ariete, la escopeta automática, el fusil de asalto de comando, el fusil de asalto mk7, el subfusil aguijon, etc.

Pase de Batalla[]

Chapter 3 Season 1 Battle Pass Outfits - Promo - Fortnite

El Pase de batalla cuestá 950 paVos, con una oferta de refuerzo de 25 niveles de 1,950 paVos. Si compras una suscripción del Club de Fortnite, desbloquearás gratis el pase de batalla.


Página 1[]

44 Battle Star (Chapter 2) - Icon - Fortnite Total

Shanta - Outfit - Fortnite
Ronin - Outfit - Fortnite
Enchanted Lifebloom - Glider - Fortnite
Level 1
9 Battle Star (Chapter 2) - Icon - Fortnite
Enchanted Lifebloom
6 Battle Star (Chapter 2) - Icon - Fortnite
Bronzed Scimitars
7 Battle Star (Chapter 2) - Icon - Fortnite
V-Bucks - Icon - Fortnite
Ronin's Revenge - Loading Screen - Fortnite
PaVos x100
5 Battle Star (Chapter 2) - Icon - Fortnite
Icono de estandarte
2 Battle Star (Chapter 2) - Icon - Fortnite
Ronin's Revenge
3 Battle Star (Chapter 2) - Icon - Fortnite
Página 2[]

53 Battle Star (Chapter 2) - Icon - Fortnite Total

Ronin (Azure) - Outfit - Fortnite
Crimson Crest (Midnight) - Back Bling - Fortnite
The Soaring Crescent (Azure) - Glider - Fortnite
Lunar Charge - Emote - Fortnite
Ronin (Azure)
8 Battle Star (Chapter 2) - Icon - Fortnite
Crimson Crest (Midnight)
8 Battle Star (Chapter 2) - Icon - Fortnite
Comes by purchasing Ronin (Emerald)
Blade of the Midnight Moon
8 Battle Star (Chapter 2) - Icon - Fortnite
Comes by purchasing Ronin (Azure)
The Azure Crescent
8 Battle Star (Chapter 2) - Icon - Fortnite
Comes by purchasing Ronin (Azure)
Lunar Charge
7 Battle Star (Chapter 2) - Icon - Fortnite
Lotus Touch - Wrap - Fortnite
Ronin's Mission - Spray - Fortnite
V-Bucks - Icon - Fortnite
The Soaring Crescent - Glider - Fortnite
Crimson Crest - Back Bling - Fortnite
Lotus Touch
4 Battle Star (Chapter 2) - Icon - Fortnite
Ronin's Mission
3 Battle Star (Chapter 2) - Icon - Fortnite
PaVos x100
5 Battle Star (Chapter 2) - Icon - Fortnite
The Soaring Crescent
6 Battle Star (Chapter 2) - Icon - Fortnite
Crimson Crest
5 Battle Star (Chapter 2) - Icon - Fortnite
Página 3[]

46 Battle Star (Chapter 2) - Icon - Fortnite Total

Lt. John Llama - Outfit - Fortnite
Lil' Monster - Emote - Fortnite
Crescent's Flame - Contrail - Fortnite
Trot Shot - Back Bling - Fortnite
Lt. John Llama
9 Battle Star (Chapter 2) - Icon - Fortnite
Lil' Monster
7 Battle Star (Chapter 2) - Icon - Fortnite
Crescent's Flame
4 Battle Star (Chapter 2) - Icon - Fortnite
Trot Shot
5 Battle Star (Chapter 2) - Icon - Fortnite
The Heat - Loading Screen - Fortnite
V-Bucks - Icon - Fortnite
The Heat
3 Battle Star (Chapter 2) - Icon - Fortnite
PaVos x100
5 Battle Star (Chapter 2) - Icon - Fortnite
Icono de estandarte
2 Battle Star (Chapter 2) - Icon - Fortnite
Página 4[]

51 Battle Star (Chapter 2) - Icon - Fortnite Total

Lt. John Llama (Special Forces) - Outfit - Fortnite
Trot Shot (Special Forces) - Back Bling - Fortnite
Wooly Mammoth - Glider - Fortnite
Lloose Cannon - Wrap - Fortnite
Lt. John Llama (Special Forces)
8 Battle Star (Chapter 2) - Icon - Fortnite
Special Forces Llaminator
8 Battle Star (Chapter 2) - Icon - Fortnite
Comes by purchasing Lt. John Llama (Special Forces)
Trot Shot (Special Forces)
8 Battle Star (Chapter 2) - Icon - Fortnite
Comes by purchasing Lt. John Llama (Special Forces)
Wooly Mammoth
6 Battle Star (Chapter 2) - Icon - Fortnite
Lloose Cannon
4 Battle Star (Chapter 2) - Icon - Fortnite
V-Bucks - Icon - Fortnite
Explorers - Loading Screen - Fortnite
V-Bucks - Icon - Fortnite
7 Battle Star (Chapter 2) - Icon - Fortnite
PaVos x100
5 Battle Star (Chapter 2) - Icon - Fortnite
3 Battle Star (Chapter 2) - Icon - Fortnite
PaVos x100
5 Battle Star (Chapter 2) - Icon - Fortnite
Página 5[]

51 Battle Star (Chapter 2) - Icon - Fortnite Total

Haven - Outfit - Fortnite
Ronin (Vest) - Outfit - Fortnite
Hidden Haven - Spray - Fortnite
9 Battle Star (Chapter 2) - Icon - Fortnite
Haven (Cat)
9 Battle Star (Chapter 2) - Icon - Fortnite
Comes by purchasing Haven
Ronin (Vest)
8 Battle Star (Chapter 2) - Icon - Fortnite
Hidden Haven
3 Battle Star (Chapter 2) - Icon - Fortnite
Nomad's Treasure - Wrap - Fortnite
V-Bucks - Icon - Fortnite
Treetop Haven - Loading Screen - Fortnite
Nomad's Treasure
4 Battle Star (Chapter 2) - Icon - Fortnite
PaVos x100
5 Battle Star (Chapter 2) - Icon - Fortnite
Treetop Haven
3 Battle Star (Chapter 2) - Icon - Fortnite
7 Battle Star (Chapter 2) - Icon - Fortnite
Página 6[]

52 Battle Star (Chapter 2) - Icon - Fortnite Total

Gumbo - Outfit - Fortnite
Haven (Backwards Hat) - Outfit - Fortnite
Gummy Sack - Back Bling - Fortnite
All Gooped Up - Contrail - Fortnite
9 Battle Star (Chapter 2) - Icon - Fortnite
Haven (Backwards Hat)
4 Battle Star (Chapter 2) - Icon - Fortnite
Gummy Sack
5 Battle Star (Chapter 2) - Icon - Fortnite
All Gooped Up
4 Battle Star (Chapter 2) - Icon - Fortnite
Here Comes Trubble - Spray - Fortnite
Mwahaha - Emote - Fortnite
V-Bucks - Icon - Fortnite
Here Comes Trubble
3 Battle Star (Chapter 2) - Icon - Fortnite
7 Battle Star (Chapter 2) - Icon - Fortnite
PaVos x100
5 Battle Star (Chapter 2) - Icon - Fortnite
Página 7[]

46 Battle Star (Chapter 2) - Icon - Fortnite Total

Gumbo (Bitter) - Outfit - Fortnite
Gummy Sack (Bitter) - Back Bling - Fortnite
Bubbloon (Bitter) - Glider - Fortnite
Brain Candy - Emote - Fortnite
Gumbo (Bitter)
8 Battle Star (Chapter 2) - Icon - Fortnite
Gummy Sack (Bitter)
8 Battle Star (Chapter 2) - Icon - Fortnite
Comes by purchasing Gumbo (Bitter)
Bitter Gum Brawler
8 Battle Star (Chapter 2) - Icon - Fortnite
Comes by purchasing Gumbo (Bitter)
Bitter Bubbloon
8 Battle Star (Chapter 2) - Icon - Fortnite
Comes by purchasing Gumbo (Bitter)
Jolly Ball
3 Battle Star (Chapter 2) - Icon - Fortnite
Munchy Mayhem - Loading Screen - Fortnite
Jolly Ball - Emoticon - Fornite
V-Bucks - Icon - Fortnite
Troubled Gum - Wrap - Fortnite
Munchy Mayhem
3 Battle Star (Chapter 2) - Icon - Fortnite
Jolly Ball
3 Battle Star (Chapter 2) - Icon - Fortnite
PaVos x100
5 Battle Star (Chapter 2) - Icon - Fortnite
Troubled Gum
4 Battle Star (Chapter 2) - Icon - Fortnite
Chewer's Choice
5 Battle Star (Chapter 2) - Icon - Fortnite
Página 8[]

55 Battle Star (Chapter 2) - Icon - Fortnite Total

Harlowe - Outfit - Fortnite
Ronin (Cape) - Outfit - Fortnite
Ronin (Helmet) - Outfit - Fortnite
WYVERN X77 - Glider - Fortnite
9 Battle Star (Chapter 2) - Icon - Fortnite
Ronin (Cape)
8 Battle Star (Chapter 2) - Icon - Fortnite
Ronin (Helmet)
8 Battle Star (Chapter 2) - Icon - Fortnite
Comes by purchasing Ronin (Cape)
6 Battle Star (Chapter 2) - Icon - Fortnite
V-Bucks - Icon - Fortnite
Bladed TravPak - Back Bling - Fortnite
V-Bucks - Icon - Fortnite
7 Battle Star (Chapter 2) - Icon - Fortnite
PaVos x100
5 Battle Star (Chapter 2) - Icon - Fortnite
Bladed Travpak
5 Battle Star (Chapter 2) - Icon - Fortnite
PaVos x100
5 Battle Star (Chapter 2) - Icon - Fortnite
Página 9[]

51 Battle Star (Chapter 2) - Icon - Fortnite Total

Spider-Man - Outfit - Fortnite
Harlowe (Torso - Racing Suit) - Outfit - Fortnite
Magenta - Deep Future Outlaw - Fortnite
Magenta - Deep Future Outlaw - Fortnite
Magenta - Deep Future Outlaw - Fortnite
9 Battle Star (Chapter 2) - Icon - Fortnite
Harlowe (Racing Suit)
8 Battle Star (Chapter 2) - Icon - Fortnite
Bladed Travpak (Magenta)
8 Battle Star (Chapter 2) - Icon - Fortnite
Comes by purchasing Harlowe (Racing Suit)
Spikebat (Magenta)
8 Battle Star (Chapter 2) - Icon - Fortnite
Comes by purchasing Harlowe (Racing Suit)
WYVERN X77 (Magenta)
8 Battle Star (Chapter 2) - Icon - Fortnite
Comes by purchasing Harlowe (Racing Suit)
Thwip thwip! - Emoticon - Fornite
V-Bucks - Icon - Fortnite
Web-Head's Knapsack - Back Bling - Fortnite
Loose Threads - Contrail - Fortnite
Thwip Thwip!
3 Battle Star (Chapter 2) - Icon - Fortnite
PaVos x100
5 Battle Star (Chapter 2) - Icon - Fortnite
Web-Head's Knapsack
5 Battle Star (Chapter 2) - Icon - Fortnite
Loose Threads
4 Battle Star (Chapter 2) - Icon - Fortnite
Redline Cruise
5 Battle Star (Chapter 2) - Icon - Fortnite
Página 10[]

51 Battle Star (Chapter 2) - Icon - Fortnite Total

Spider-Man (Symbiote Suit) - Outfit - Fortnite
Web-Head's Knapsack (Symbiote) - Back Bling - Fortnite
Neighborly Hang - Emote - Fortnite
Web-Chute - Glider - Fortnite
Spider-Man (Symbiote Suit)
8 Battle Star (Chapter 2) - Icon - Fortnite
Web-Head's Knapsack (Symbiote Suit Knapsack)
8 Battle Star (Chapter 2) - Icon - Fortnite
Comes by purchasing Spider-Man (Symbiote Suit)
Neighborly Hang
7 Battle Star (Chapter 2) - Icon - Fortnite
6 Battle Star (Chapter 2) - Icon - Fortnite
V-Bucks - Icon - Fortnite
Whatever A Spider Can - Spray - Fortnite
Web-Slingin' Goodness - Loading Screen - Fortnite
PaVos x100
5 Battle Star (Chapter 2) - Icon - Fortnite
Whatever A Spider Can
3 Battle Star (Chapter 2) - Icon - Fortnite
Wallopin' Web Hammer
7 Battle Star (Chapter 2) - Icon - Fortnite
Web-Slingin' Goodness
3 Battle Star (Chapter 2) - Icon - Fortnite

Recomensas gratis[]

Página 1[]

Mehndi - Contrail - Fortnite
Ancestral Bloom - Back Bling - Fortnite
Shanta's Lifebloom - Spray - Fortnite
4 Battle Star (Chapter 2) - Icon - Fortnite
Ancestral Bloom
5 Battle Star (Chapter 2) - Icon - Fortnite
Shanta's Lifebloom
3 Battle Star (Chapter 2) - Icon - Fortnite

Página 2[]

V-Bucks - Icon - Fortnite
Shanta's Tale - Loading Screen - Fortnite
PaVos x100
5 Battle Star (Chapter 2) - Icon - Fortnite
Blade of the Waning Moon
7 Battle Star (Chapter 2) - Icon - Fortnite
Shanta's Tale
3 Battle Star (Chapter 2) - Icon - Fortnite

Página 3[]

Waning Moon - Wrap - Fortnite
Ancestral Bloom (Cape) - Back Bling - Fortnite
Ancestral Bloom (Ancestral Cape) - Back Bling - Fortnite
Ronin Flame - Emoticon - Fornite
Waning Moon
4 Battle Star (Chapter 2) - Icon - Fortnite
Ancestral Bloom (Bloom Cape)
4 Battle Star (Chapter 2) - Icon - Fortnite
Ancestral Bloom (Cape)
4 Battle Star (Chapter 2) - Icon - Fortnite
Comes by purchasing Ancestral Bloom (Bloom Cape)
Ronin Flame
3 Battle Star (Chapter 2) - Icon - Fortnite

Página 4[]

Back 'n' Better - Emoticon - Fornite
Love it! - Emote - Fortnite
Chomp Cud!! - Spray - Fortnite
Back 'n' Better
3 Battle Star (Chapter 2) - Icon - Fortnite
Love it!
7 Battle Star (Chapter 2) - Icon - Fortnite
Chomp Cud!!!
3 Battle Star (Chapter 2) - Icon - Fortnite

Página 5[]

The Bestiary Chest - Back Bling - Fortnite
Haven's Opus
5 Battle Star (Chapter 2) - Icon - Fortnite
The Bestiary Chest
5 Battle Star (Chapter 2) - Icon - Fortnite
Icono de estandarte
2 Battle Star (Chapter 2) - Icon - Fortnite

Página 6[]

V-Bucks - Icon - Fortnite
Deep Freeze - Loading Screen - Fortnite
PaVos x100
5 Battle Star (Chapter 2) - Icon - Fortnite
Gum Brawler
7 Battle Star (Chapter 2) - Icon - Fortnite
Deep Freeze
3 Battle Star (Chapter 2) - Icon - Fortnite

Página 7[]

Bubbloon - Glider - Fortnite
In Her Sights - Spray - Fortnite
Icono de estandarte
2 Battle Star (Chapter 2) - Icon - Fortnite
6 Battle Star (Chapter 2) - Icon - Fortnite
In Her Sights
3 Battle Star (Chapter 2) - Icon - Fortnite

Página 8[]

Horned Heart - Emoticon - Fornite
Skywheeler - Contrail - Fortnite
Harlowe's Target - Loading Screen - Fortnite
Horned Heart
3 Battle Star (Chapter 2) - Icon - Fortnite
4 Battle Star (Chapter 2) - Icon - Fortnite
Harlowe's Target
3 Battle Star (Chapter 2) - Icon - Fortnite

Página 9[]

The View from Afar - Loading Screen - Fortnite
It's... you? - Emote - Fortnite
Icono de estandarte
2 Battle Star (Chapter 2) - Icon - Fortnite
The View from Afar
3 Battle Star (Chapter 2) - Icon - Fortnite
7 Battle Star (Chapter 2) - Icon - Fortnite

Página 10[]

Spidey Senses Tingling! - Emoticon - Fornite
V-Bucks - Icon - Fortnite
Webslinger - Wrap - Fortnite
Spidey Senses Tingling!
3 Battle Star (Chapter 2) - Icon - Fortnite
PaVos x100
5 Battle Star (Chapter 2) - Icon - Fortnite
4 Battle Star (Chapter 2) - Icon - Fortnite

Recompenas especiales[]

Página 1[]

100 Battle Star (Chapter 2) - Icon - Fortnite Total

Lt. John Llama (Classic) - Outfit - Fortnite
Trot Shot (Classic) - Back Bling - Fortnite
Ronin (Emerald) - Outfit - Fortnite
Lt. John Llama (Classic)
25 Battle Star (Chapter 2) - Icon - Fortnite
Classic Llaminator
25 Battle Star (Chapter 2) - Icon - Fortnite
Comes by purchasing Lt. John Llama (Classic)
Trot Shot (Classic)
25 Battle Star (Chapter 2) - Icon - Fortnite
Comes by purchasing Lt. John Llama (Classic)
Icono de estandarte
10 Battle Star (Chapter 2) - Icon - Fortnite
Ronin (Emerald)
30 Battle Star (Chapter 2) - Icon - Fortnite
Crimson Crest (Emerald) - Back Bling - Fortnite
The Soaring Crescent (Emerald) - Glider - Fortnite
Deep Future - Wrap - Fortnite
Harlowe (Future Frost) - Outfit - Fortnite
Crimson Crest (Emerald)
30 Battle Star (Chapter 2) - Icon - Fortnite
Comes by purchasing Ronin (Emerald)
Blade of the Verdant Moon
30 Battle Star (Chapter 2) - Icon - Fortnite
Comes by purchasing Ronin (Emerald)
The Emerald Crescent
30 Battle Star (Chapter 2) - Icon - Fortnite
Comes by purchasing Ronin (Emerald)
Deep Future
15 Battle Star (Chapter 2) - Icon - Fortnite
Harlowe (Future Frost)
20 Battle Star (Chapter 2) - Icon - Fortnite
Bladed TravPak (Future Frost) - Back Bling - Fortnite
WYVERN X77 (Future Frost) - Glider - Fortnite
Bladed Travpak (Future Frost)
20 Battle Star (Chapter 2) - Icon - Fortnite
Comes by purchasing Harlowe (Helmet)
Bleached Spikebat
20 Battle Star (Chapter 2) - Icon - Fortnite
Comes by purchasing Harlowe (Helmet)
WYVERN X77 (Future Frost)
20 Battle Star (Chapter 2) - Icon - Fortnite
Comes by purchasing Harlowe (Helmet)

Página 2[]

100 Battle Star (Chapter 2) - Icon - Fortnite Total

Shanta (Headpiece - Headwear) - Outfit - Fortnite
Gumbo (Sour) - Outfit - Fortnite
Gummy Sack (Sour) - Back Bling - Fortnite
Bubbloon (Sour) - Glider - Fortnite
Shanta (Headdress)
15 Battle Star (Chapter 2) - Icon - Fortnite
Gumbo (Sour)
25 Battle Star (Chapter 2) - Icon - Fortnite
Gummy Sack (Sour)
25 Battle Star (Chapter 2) - Icon - Fortnite
Comes by purchasing Gumbo (Sour)
Sour Gum Brawler
25 Battle Star (Chapter 2) - Icon - Fortnite
Comes by purchasing Gumbo (Sour)
Sour Bubbloon
25 Battle Star (Chapter 2) - Icon - Fortnite
Comes by purchasing Gumbo (Sour)
Spider-Man (Future Foundation Suit) - Outfit - Fortnite
Web-Head's Knapsack (Future Foundation) - Back Bling - Fortnite
Haven (Midnight) - Outfit - Fortnite
The Bestiary Chest (Midnight) - Back Bling - Fortnite
Spider-Man (Future Foundation Suit)
30 Battle Star (Chapter 2) - Icon - Fortnite
Web-Head's Knapsack (Future Foundation Knapsack)
30 Battle Star (Chapter 2) - Icon - Fortnite
Comes by purchasing Spider-Man (Future Foundation Suit)
Haven (Midnight)
20 Battle Star (Chapter 2) - Icon - Fortnite
Wilderspear (Midnight)
20 Battle Star (Chapter 2) - Icon - Fortnite
Comes by purchasing Haven (Midnight)
The Bestiary Chest (Midnight)
20 Battle Star (Chapter 2) - Icon - Fortnite
Comes by purchasing Haven (Midnight)
Harlowe (Helmet) - Outfit - Fortnite
White - Deep Future Outlaw - Fortnite
White - Deep Future Outlaw - Fortnite
White - Deep Future Outlaw - Fortnite
Harlowe (Helmet)
10 Battle Star (Chapter 2) - Icon - Fortnite
Bladed Travpak (White)
10 Battle Star (Chapter 2) - Icon - Fortnite
Comes by purchasing Harlowe (Helmet)
Spikebat (White)
10 Battle Star (Chapter 2) - Icon - Fortnite
Comes by purchasing Harlowe (Helmet)
WYVERN X77 (White)
10 Battle Star (Chapter 2) - Icon - Fortnite
Comes by purchasing Harlowe (Helmet)

Página 3[]

Ronin (Photo Negative) - Outfit - Fortnite
Lt. John Llama (Photo Negative) - Outfit - Fortnite
Shanta (Photo Negative) - Outfit - Fortnite
Harlowe (Photo Negative) - Outfit - Fortnite
Spider-Man (Photo Negative) - Outfit - Fortnite
Ronin (Fotonegativo)

20 Battle Star (Chapter 2) - Icon - Fortnite

Lt. John Llama (Fotonegativo)

20 Battle Star (Chapter 2) - Icon - Fortnite

Shanta (Fotonegativo)

20 Battle Star (Chapter 2) - Icon - Fortnite

Harlowe (Fotonegativo)

20 Battle Star (Chapter 2) - Icon - Fortnite

Spider-Man (Fotonegativo)

20 Battle Star (Chapter 2) - Icon - Fortnite

Página 4[]

Ronin (Scarlet Blackout) - Outfit - Fortnite
Lt. John Llama (Scarlet Blackout) - Outfit - Fortnite
Shanta (Scarlet Blackout) - Outfit - Fortnite
Harlowe (Scarlet Blackout) - Outfit - Fortnite
Spider-Man (Scarlet Blackout) - Outfit - Fortnite
Ronin (Apagón escarlata)

20 Battle Star (Chapter 2) - Icon - Fortnite

Lt. John Llama (Apagón escarlata)

20 Battle Star (Chapter 2) - Icon - Fortnite

Shanta (Apagón escarlata)

20 Battle Star (Chapter 2) - Icon - Fortnite

Harlowe (Apagón escarlata)

20 Battle Star (Chapter 2) - Icon - Fortnite

Spider-Man (Apagón escarlata)

20 Battle Star (Chapter 2) - Icon - Fortnite

Página 5[]

Ronin (Gilded Reality) - Outfit - Fortnite
Lt. John Llama (Gilded Reality) - Outfit - Fortnite
Shanta (Gilded Reality) - Outfit - Fortnite
Harlowe (Gilded Reality) - Outfit - Fortnite
Spider-Man (Gilded Reality) - Outfit - Fortnite
Ronin (Realidad Dorada)

20 Battle Star (Chapter 2) - Icon - Fortnite

Lt. John Llama (Realidad Dorada)

20 Battle Star (Chapter 2) - Icon - Fortnite

Shanta (Realidad Dorada)

20 Battle Star (Chapter 2) - Icon - Fortnite

Harlowe (Realidad Dorada)

20 Battle Star (Chapter 2) - Icon - Fortnite

Spider-Man (Realidad Dorada)

20 Battle Star (Chapter 2) - Icon - Fortnite

Recompensas de la Fundación[]

The Foundation - Outfit - Fortnite
Foundation's Mantle - Back Bling - Fortnite
Foundational - Wrap - Fortnite
True Foundation - Spray - Fortnite
La Fundación Manta de la Fundación Foundation's Plasma Spike Foundational True Foundation


Galería y trailers[]

Pre-Season - Nav Seasons - Fortnite
Season 1 - Nav Seasons - Fortnite
Temporada 1
Season 2 - Nav Seasons - Fortnite
Temporada 2
Season 3 - Nav Seasons - Fortnite
Temporada 3
Season 4 - Nav Seasons - Fortnite
Temporada 4
Season 5 - Nav Seasons - Fortnite
Temporada 5
Season 6 - Nav Seasons - Fortnite
Temporada 6
Season 7 - Nav Seasons - Fortnite
Temporada 7
Season 8 - Nav Seasons - Fortnite
Temporada 8
Season 9 - Nav Seasons - Fortnite
Temporada 9
Season X - Nav Seasons - Fortnite
Temporada X
Chapter 2 Season 1 - Nav Seasons - Fortnite
Temporada 1
Chapter 2 Season 2 - Nav Seasons - Fortnite
Temporada 2
Chapter 2 Season 3 - Nav Seasons - Fortnite
Temporada 3
Chapter 2 Season 4 - Nav Seasons - Fortnite
Temporada 4
Chapter 2 Season 5 - Nav Seasons - Fortnite
Temporada 5
Chapter 2 Season 6 - Nav Seasons - Fortnite
Temporada 6
Chapter 2 Season 7 - Nav Seasons - Fortnite
Temporada 7
Chapter 2 Season 8 - Nav Seasons - Fortnite
Temporada 8
Chapter 3 Season 1 - Nav Seasons - Fortnite
Temporada 1
Chapter 3 Season 2 - Nav Seasons - Fortnite
Temporada 2
Chapter 3 Season 3 - Nav Seasons - Fortnite
Temporada 3
Chapter 3 Season 4 - Nav Seasons - Fortnite
Temporada 4
Chapter 4 Season 1 - Nav Seasons - Fortnite
Temporada 1
Chapter 4 Season 2 - Nav Seasons - Fortnite
Temporada 2
Chapter 4 Season 3 - Nav Seasons - Fortnite
Temporada 3
Chapter 4 Season 4 - Nav Seasons - Fortnite
Temporada 4
Chapter 4 Season OG - Nav Seasons - Fortnite
Temporada OG
Chapter 5 Season 1 - Nav Seasons - Fortnite
Temporada 1
Temporada 2