Fortnite Wiki

En Fortnite: Battle Royale, cuando se guarda un objeto, deja de estar disponible en el juego. Esto significa que ya no podrás encontrarlo en Battle Royale. Esta lista no contiene armas específicas de TML ni armas de Spy Games. Además de esto, cuando un arma se ajusta para cambiar su rareza por razones de equilibrio (por ejemplo, la eliminación de la pistola suprimida legendaria, ya que sus estadísticas se transfirieron a la pistola suprimida épica), no se incluye en esta lista, ya que la rareza en sí puede haber sido saltada, pero permaneció el equivalente estadístico.

Recursos del mundo[]

Nombre Icono Rareza Tipo Descripción Parche de bóveda
Huesos de animales
Animal Bones - Item - Fortnite
Común Recurso de crafteo Recurso obtenido al eliminar Animales. V17.00
Saco apestoso
Stink Sac - Item - Fortnite
Poco común Recurso de crafteo Recurso obtenido al eliminar Ranas. V17.00
Partes mecánicas Común Recurso de crafteo Recurso obtenido de la cosecha de automóviles. V17.00
Tuercas y tornillos Común Recurso de crafteo Se utiliza para cambiar las armas a sus versiones alternativas. V19.00
Piezas de mountruos del cubo Común Recurso de crafteo Se usa para mejorar el armamento lateral. V19.00


Nombre ícono Rareza Descripción Parche de bóveda
Rockets - Ammo - Fortnite
Común Munición utilizada para Armas Explosivas. v21.00
Arrow - Ammo - Fortnite
Común Munición utilizada para arcos. v19.40


Nombre Icono Rareza Categoría Descripcion Parche de bóveda
Fusil de asalto
Assault Rifle - Weapon - Fortnite
Común Assault Weapon Arma de asalto totalmente automática. V19.00
Poco común
Fusil de asalto de Skye Mítico Assault Weapon Rifle de asalto utilizado por la IA Skye. V13.00
Fusil de asalto de ráfaga
Burst Assault Rifle - Weapon - Fortnite
Común Assault Weapon Rifle de asalto de ráfaga automática completa de 2 rondas. V19.00
Poco común
Fusil de asalto de ráfaga de Océano
Burst Assault Rifle (High Tier) - Weapon - Fortnite
Mítico Assault Weapon Rifle de asalto de ráfaga utilizado por la IA de Oceano V14.00
Rifle de asalto de ráfaga de Slone
Burst Assault Rifle (High Tier) - Weapon - Fortnite
Mítico Assault Weapon Burst Assault Rifle used by Doctor Slone AI. V19.00
Rifle de asalto pesado
Heavy Assault Rifle - Weapon - Fortnite
Común Assault Weapon Disparos más lentos, pero un rifle de asalto de mayor impacto. V18.00
Poco común
Heavy Assault Rifle (High Tier) - Weapon - Fortnite
Rifle Peow Peow de Miausculos
Heavy Assault Rifle (High Tier) - Weapon - Fortnite
Mítico Assault Weapon Rifle de asalto pesado utilizado por Meowscles AI. V13.00
Rifle de asalto con mira
Scoped Assault Rifle - Weapon - Fortnite
Poco común Assault Weapon Rifle de asalto con mira telescópica de disparo lento y zoom bajo. V14.20
Scoped Assault Rifle (High Tier) - Weapon - Fortnite
Épico V15.00
Rifle de asalto silenciado
Suppressed Assault Rifle - Weapon - Fortnite
Raro Assault Weapon Versión suprimida del rifle de asalto. V19.00
Fusil de infantería
Infantry Rifle - Weapon - Fortnite
Común Assault Weapon Fusil semiautomático de largo alcance. V10.31
Poco común V17.00
Rifle de asalto táctico
Tactical Assault Rifle - Weapon - Fortnite
Raro Assault Weapon Rifle de asalto de bajo daño y alta cadencia de fuego. V16.00
Minigun - Weapon - Fortnite
Épico Assault Weapon Arma de disparo rápido con un sistema de enfriamiento. V13.00
Ametralladora de Brutus
Minigun - Weapon - Fortnite
Mítico Assault Weapon Minigun utilizado por la IA de Brutus V13.00
Rifle de energía de Industrias Stark
Stark Industries Energy Rifle - Weapon - Fortnite
Raro Assault Weapon Totalmente automático cuando se dispara desde la cadera, semiautomático cuando se apunta. V15.00
Sufusil de tambor
Drum Gun - Weapon - Fortnite
Poco común Assault Weapon Híbrido SMG de disparo rápido. v10.20
Sufusil de tambor de Midas
Drum Gun - Weapon - Fortnite
Mítico Assault Weapon Drum Gun utilizado por la IA de Midas. V13.00
Fusil de tambor de Jules
Jules' Drum Gun - Weapon - Fortnite
Mítico Assault Weapon Drum Gun utilizado por la IA de Jules. V14.00
Fusil de tambor de Shadow Midas
Shadow Midas' Drum Gun - Weapon - Fortnite
Mítico Assault Weapon Drum Gun utilizado por Shadow Midas AI. V14.50
Rifle improvisado
Makeshift Rifle - Weapon - Fortnite
Común Assault Weapon Weaker version of the Primal Rifle. V17.00
Poco común
Rifle Primitivo
Primal Rifle - Weapon - Fortnite
Raro Assault Weapon High Damage, Inaccurate Assault Rifle. V17.00
Rifle bláster de la primera orden
First Order Blaster Rifle - Weapon - Fortnite
Mítico Assault Weapon Infinite Ammo Laser Rifle. v11.30 Content Update #1
Fusil de pulso
Pulse Rifle - Weapon - Fortnite
Raro Assault Weapon Fast firing when hipfired, slow firing when aimed. V18.00
Rifle de pulso de Slone
Pulse Rifle - Weapon - Fortnite
Mítico Assault Weapon Pulse Rifle used by Doctor Slone AI. V18.00
Rifle de pulso de ráfaga
Burst Pulse Rifle - Weapon - Fortnite
Exótico Assault Weapon A Pulse Rifle that shoots in bursts. V18.00
Rifle lateral
Sideways Rifle - Weapon - Fortnite
Poco común Assault Weapon Rifle which gains damage the closer it gets to overheating. V20.40
Ametralladora lateral
Sideways Minigun - Weapon - Fortnite
Poco común Assault Weapon Minigun which fires faster the closer it gets to overheating. V20.40
Rifle de asalto MK7
MK-Seven Assault Rifle - Weapon - Fortnite
Común Assault Weapon Fast firing Assault Rifle with Red Dot Sight. v21.00
Poco común
MK7 de la Fundaciñon
MK-Seven Assault Rifle - Weapon - Fortnite
Mítico Assault Weapon La versión Mitica de la MK7 lanzado por La Fundación. V20.00
Slone's Striker Burst Rifle Mítico Assault Weapon Mítico Rifle dropped by Doctor Slone. v21.00
Light Machine Gun
Light Machine Gun - Weapon - Fortnite
Común Assault Weapon High fire rate assault rifle with high magazine size v21.00
Poco común
Thermal Scoped Assault Rifle
Thermal Scoped Assault Rifle - Weapon - Fortnite
Raro Assault Weapon Semi Automatic Rifle with Thermal Scope v21.00
Huntmaster Saber's Thermal Rifle
Thermal Scoped Assault Rifle - Weapon - Fortnite
Mítico Assault Weapon Mítico Rifle dropped by Huntmaster Saber v21.00
Boom Bow
Boom Bow - Weapon - Fortnite
Legendario Bows Explosive Bow. Explodes on impact. v9.30
TNTina's Ka-Boom Bow
TNTina’s Kaboom Bow - Weapon - Fortnite
Mítico Bows Boom Bow used by TNTina AI. Ammo Recharges. v13.00
Makeshift Bow
Makeshift Bow - Weapon - Fortnite
Poco común Bows Low Damage Bow. V17.00
Primal Bow
Primal Bow - Weapon - Fortnite
Raro Bows Bow made from Animal Bones. V17.00
Primal Flame Bow
Primal Flame Bow - Weapon - Fortnite
Épico Bows Bow which ignites wooden structures. v19.40
Primal Stink Bow
Primal Stink Bow - Weapon - Fortnite
Épico Bows Bow which creates a stink cloud. v19.40
Grappler Bow
Grappler Bow - Weapon - Fortnite
Exótico Bows Bow which pulls the player towards its projectile. V17.00
Unstable Bow
Unstable Bow - Weapon - Fortnite
Exótico Bows Bow which swaps between four elemental bows. V17.00
Mechanical Bow
Mechanical Bow - Weapon - Fortnite
Raro Bows Bow made from Mechanical Parts. V17.00
Mechanical Explosive Bow
Mechanical Explosive Bow - Weapon - Fortnite
Épico Bows Bow which explodes into three grenades. v19.40
Raz's Explosive Bow
Mechanical Explosive Bow - Weapon - Fortnite
Mítico Bows Mechanical Explosive Bow used by Raz AI. V17.00
Mechanical Shockwave Bow
Mechanical Shockwave Bow - Weapon - Fortnite
Épico Bows Bow which launches players. v19.40
Crossbow - Weapon - Fortnite
Raro Crossbows Long Ranged Scoped Crossbow. v4.00
Épico v15.40
Fiend Hunter Crossbow
Fiend Hunter Crossbow - Weapon - Fortnite
Épico Crossbows Short Ranged, Un-scoped Crossbow. Deals more damage to Fiends. V14.50
Dual Fiend Hunters
Dual Fiend Hunters - Weapon - Fortnite
Raro Crossbows Shoots an arrow that deals more damage to Fiends. V19.00
Rocket Launcher
Rocket Launcher - Weapon - Fortnite
Común Explosive Weapon Fires a slow moving explosive rocket. v11.00 Hotfix
Poco común v12.00
Rocket Launcher (High Tier) - Weapon - Fortnite
Épico V19.00
Quad Launcher
Quad Launcher - Weapon - Fortnite
Épico Explosive Weapon Fires up to four explosive projectiles before reloading. v7.20
Burst Quad Launcher
Burst Quad Launcher - Weapon - Fortnite
Exótico Explosive Weapon Exótico version of the Quad Launcher. Fires two rockets per shot. V16.00
Guided Missile
Guided Missile - Weapon - Fortnite
Épico Explosive Weapon Removed Launcher. Missiles controlled by the player. v6.21
Grenade Launcher
Grenade Launcher - Weapon - Fortnite
Raro Explosive Weapon Shoots grenades which explode on a timer. v20.00
Shockwave Launcher
Kit's Shockwave Launcher - Weapon - Fortnite
Legendario Explosive Weapon Shoots Shockwave Grenades. V19.00
Kit's Shockwave Launcher
Kit's Shockwave Launcher - Weapon - Fortnite
Mítico Explosive Weapon Grenade Launcher carried by the Kit AI. V14.00
The Big Chill
Snowball Launcher - Weapon - Fortnite
Exótico Explosive Weapon Exótico version of the Snowball Launcher. Freezes player's feet. v16.00
Egg Launcher Poco común Explosive Weapon Seasonal version of the Grenade Launcher. Grenades stick to surfaces. v20.20
Proximity Grenade Launcher
Proximity Grenade Launcher - Weapon - Fortnite
Épico Explosive Weapon Projectiles explode in proximity to players. v10.20.2
Recycler - Weapon - Fortnite
Raro Explosive Weapon Harvests resources as ammo. V17.00
Spire Assassin's Recycler
Recycler - Weapon - Fortnite
Mítico Explosive Weapon Recycler carried by the Spire Assassin AI. v16.30
Alien Knockgun Launcher Legendario Explosive Weapon Projectiles knock back opponents in a radius. V18.00
Plasma Cannon
Plasma Cannon - Weapon - Fortnite
Legendario Explosive Weapon Shoots a large energy ball which pierces structures and damages enemies. V18.00
Anvil Rocket Launcher
Anvil Rocket Launcher - Weapon - Fortnite
Raro Explosive Weapon Shoots a rocket high into the air which falls down onto a target. Has lock on capability. v21.00
Clinger - Item - Fortnite
Poco común Explosive Weapon Explosive which sticks to surfaces and players. v20.00
Dynamite - Item - Fortnite
Poco común Explosive Weapon Explosive which deals high structure damage. v9.30
Bottle Rockets
Bottle Rockets - Item - Fortnite
Poco común Explosive Weapon Thrown on the floor to launch rockets in arc. Content Update 3 v9.30 July 12th
Proximity Mine
Proximity Mine - Item - Fortnite
Raro Explosive Weapon Explodes when a player is nearby. v13.00
Remote Explosive
Remote Explosive - Item - Fortnite
Épico Explosive Weapon Explosive which sticks to surfaces and can be detonated at any time. v21.00
Combat Pistol
Combat Pistol - Weapon - Fortnite
Común Pistol Semi Automatic, high fire rate pistol. Less Bloom than normal pistol. V19.00
Poco común
Dual Pistols
Dual Pistols - Weapon - Fortnite
Raro Pistol Dual wield, burst fire pistols. V17.00
Deadpool's Dual Hand Cannons
Deadpool's Dual Hand Cannons - Weapon - Fortnite
Mítico Pistol Dual Wield Hand Cannons used by the Deadpool AI. Siphons health. V13.00
Pistol - Weapon - Fortnite
Común Pistola Disparo lento, pistola de impacto bajo. Content Update v18.30 - 2
Poco común
Pistol (High Tier) - Weapon - Fortnite
Scoped Revolver
Scoped Revolver - Weapon - Fortnite
Épico Pistol Scoped version of the revolver. v9.00
Night Hawk
Night Hawk - Weapon - Fortnite
Exótico Pistol Exótico version of the Scoped Revolver with a Thermal Scope v21.00
Six Shooter
Six Shooter - Weapon - Fortnite
Poco común Pistol Revolver that fires faster at the hip than aiming. v7.10 Content Update #3
Makeshift Revolver
Makeshift Revolver - Weapon - Fortnite
Común Pistol Low Damage, Inaccurate Revolver. V17.00
Poco común
Primal Pistol
Primal Pistol - Weapon - Fortnite
Poco común Pistol Two Round Burst Pistol. V17.00
Escopeta de corredera
Pump Shotgun - Weapon - Fortnite
Común Escopeta Alto daño, escopeta de acción de bomba. V19.00
Poco común
Pump Shotgun (High Tier) - Weapon - Fortnite
Escopeta táctica Común Escopeta Disparo lento, escopeta completamente automática. V18.00
Poco común
Tactical Shotgun (High Tier) - Weapon - Fortnite
Escopeta de carga
Charge Shotgun - Weapon - Fortnite
Común Escopeta Escopeta que debe cargarse para causar el daño completo. V19.00
Poco común
Charge Shotgun (High Tier) - Weapon - Fortnite
Escopeta de carga de Kit
Charge Shotgun (High Tier) - Weapon - Fortnite
Mítico Escopeta Escopeta de carga utilizada por la IA de Kit V14.00
Escopeta de combate
Combat Shotgun - Weapon - Fortnite
Poco común Escopeta Escopeta semiautomática de mayor alcance. V19.00
Escopeta de acción de palanca
Lever Action Shotgun - Weapon - Fortnite
Común Escopeta Escopeta de alto daño, solo letal a muy corta distancia. V19.00
Poco común
Dragon's Breath Shotgun
Dragon's Breath Shotgun - Weapon - Fortnite
Épico Escopeta Escopeta de un solo disparo que puede encender estructuras. V16.00
Double Barrel Shotgun
Double Barrel Shotgun - Weapon - Fortnite
Épico Escopeta Escopeta de alto daño que solo tiene dos rondas. v7.00
Heavy Shotgun (New)
Heavy Shotgun - Weapon - Fortnite
Común Escopeta Dispara una sola bala de alto daño en lugar de una dispersión de perdigones. V20.00
Poco común
Heavy Shotgun (Old)
Heavy Shotgun - Weapon - Fortnite
Épico Shotgun Escopeta semiautomática de alto daño. V7.30
Makeshift Shotgun
Makeshift Shotgun - Weapon - Fortnite
Común Shotgun Escopeta de alto daño y bajo tamaño de cargador. V17.00
Poco común
Primal Shotgun
Primal Shotgun - Weapon - Fortnite
Poco común Shotgun Disparo rápido, escopeta completamente automática. V17.00
Spire Assassin's Primal Shotgun
Primal Shotgun - Weapon - Fortnite
Mítico Shotgun Primal Shotgun used by the Spire Assassin AI. V16.20
Drum Shotgun
Drum Shotgun - Weapon - Fortnite
Común Shotgun Fast Firing Automatic Shotgun. v21.00
Poco común
Ranger Shotgun
Ranger Shotgun - Weapon - Fortnite
Común Shotgun Longer ranged shotgun with high damage which only holds one rounds. v21.00
Poco común
Bolt-Action Sniper Rifle
Bolt-Action Sniper Rifle - Weapon - Fortnite
Común Sniper Rifle Rifle de francotirador con mira telescópica de un solo tiro. V11.00
Poco común V18.00
Bolt-Action Sniper Rifle (High Tier) - Weapon - Fortnite
Dragon's Breath Sniper
Dragon's Breath Sniper - Weapon - Fortnite
Exótico Sniper Rifle Exótico version of the Bolt-Action Sniper Rifle. Ignites structures. v20.00
Semi-Automatic Sniper Rifle
Semi-Automatic Sniper Rifle - Weapon - Fortnite
Poco común Sniper Rifle Semi Automatic Scoped Sniper Rifle. v10.00
Automatic Sniper Rifle
Automatic Sniper Rifle - Weapon - Fortnite
Raro Sniper Rifle Fully Automatic Scoped Sniper Rifle. V19.00
Lever Action Rifle
Lever Action Rifle - Weapon - Fortnite
Poco común Sniper Rifle Lever Action Sniper Rifle. Un-scoped. V16.00
Storm Scout Sniper Rifle
Storm Scout Sniper Rifle - Weapon - Fortnite
Épico Sniper Rifle Scoped Sniper Rifle which tracks the next storm circle. v10.20
Storm Scout
Storm Scout - Weapon - Fortnite
Exótico Sniper Rifle Exótico version of the Storm Scout Sniper Rifle. Functions the same. v21.00
Amban Sniper Rifle
Amban Sniper Rifle - Weapon - Fortnite
Mítico Sniper Rifle Thermal Optic Sniper Rifle with Melee Attack used by the Mandalorian AI. V16.00
Zapotron - Weapon - Fortnite
Legendario Sniper Rifle Removed Hitscan Laser Rifle. Charges up before shooting. v1.6.4
Rail Gun
Rail Gun - Weapon - Fortnite
Raro Sniper Rifle Hitscan Sniper Rifle which can pierce walls. V20.40 Hotfix
Hunter Bolt-Action Sniper
Hunter Bolt-Action Sniper - Weapon - Fortnite
Poco común Sniper Rifle Scoped Sniper Rifle with 3 shots in its magazine. v21.00
Submachine Gun
Submachine Gun - Weapon - Fortnite
Común Submachine Gun SMG de corto alcance y alta cadencia de fuego. V19.00
Poco común
Suppressed Submachine Gun
Suppressed Submachine Gun - Weapon - Fortnite
Común Submachine Gun Versión suprimida de la ametralladora. V18.00
Poco común
Compact SMG
Compact SMG - Weapon - Fortnite
Épico Submachine Gun Idéntico a las subfusiles de alto nivel v13.20
Tactical Submachine Gun
Tactical Submachine Gun - Weapon - Fortnite
Poco común Submachine Gun Medium Fire Rate SMG. V15.00
Rapid Fire SMG
Rapid Fire SMG - Weapon - Fortnite
Común Submachine Gun Very High Fire Rate SMG. V19.00
Poco común
Burst SMG
Burst SMG - Weapon - Fortnite
Común Submachine Gun Burst Fire SMG. v10.30
Poco común
Submachine Gun (Pre-Season) Común Submachine Gun Medium Fire Rate Automatic Pistol. v2.50
Poco común
Makeshift Submachine Gun
Makeshift Submachine Gun - Weapon - Fortnite
Común Submachine Gun Medium Fire Rate SMG. V17.00
Poco común
Primal SMG
Primal SMG - Weapon - Fortnite
Poco común Submachine Gun High Fire Rate SMG. V17.00
Kymera Ray Gun
Kymera Ray Gun - Weapon - Fortnite
Raro Submachine Gun Fast firing, low damage, infinite ammo weapon V18.00
Zyg and Choppy's Ray Gun
Kymera Ray Gun - Weapon - Fortnite
Mítico Submachine Gun Ray Gun used by Zyg and Choppy AI. V18.00
Machine Pistol Común Submachine Gun Fast firing, low damage Submachine Gun. V20.00
Poco común
Gunnar's Stinger SMG
Stinger SMG - Weapon - Fortnite
Mítico Submachine Gun High damage Stinger SMG with high recoil used by Gunnar. v21.00
Combat SMG
Combat SMG - Weapon - Fortnite
Común Submachine Gun Fast Firing SMG with heavy recoil but a tight spread. v21.20
Poco común
Sideways Scythe
Sideways Scythe - Weapon - Fortnite
Poco común Melee Weapon Weapon with a leap, swing and dash attack. V19.00
Infinity Blade
Infinity Blade - Weapon - Fortnite
Mítico Melee Weapon Mítico sword which deals high damage and gives increased Health. v7.01 Hotfix
Kingsman - Item - Fortnite
Legendario Melee Weapon Weapon which can block damage and hurt enemies. Allows glider redeploy. v12.60
Luke's Lightsaber - Weapon - Fortnite
Rey's Lightsaber - Weapon - Fortnite
Kylo Ren's Lightsaber - Weapon - Fortnite
Mace Windu's Lightsaber - Weapon - Fortnite
Mítico Melee Weapon Weapon which can block damage and hurt enemies. v12.50 Hotfix
Bandage Bazooka
Bandage Bazooka - Healing - Fortnite
Épico Ranged Weapons Can be fired at players to heal Health. v15.00

Objetos 'a distancia'[]

Name Icon Rarity Type Description Vault Patch
Doctor Doom's Arcane Gauntlets Mítico Superpower Low damage attack which connects between players. Allows for double jump. V15.00
Doctor Doom's Mystical Bomb Mítico Superpower Lanza una gran bomba explosiva que puede incendiar estructuras. V15.00
Silver Surfer's Board Mítico Superpower Lanza al jugador hacia arriba en Glider Redeploy. V15.00
Groot's Bramble Shield Mítico Superpower El jugador está protegido por una bola que bloquea el daño entrante y cura la salud. V15.00
Iron Man's Repulsor Gauntlets Mítico Superpower El jugador tiene un arma de energía de bajo daño y fácil de apuntar. Permite al jugador flotar. V15.00
Iron Man's Unibeam Mítico Superpower Rayo de alto daño que perfora estructuras. V15.00
Thor's Mjolnir Strike Mítico Superpower El martillo cae del cielo destruyendo estructuras e infligiendo daño. V15.00
Storm's Whirlwind Blast Mítico Superpower Golpea a los jugadores enemigos en las proximidades. V15.00
Wolverine's Claws Mítico Superpower Ataque cuerpo a cuerpo que cura al jugador continuamente. V15.00
Black Panther's Kinetic Armor Mítico Superpower El daño entrante se refleja hacia los enemigos cercanos. V15.00
She Hulk's Fists Mítico Superpower Ataque cuerpo a cuerpo que cura al jugador continuamente. V15.00
Venom's Smash and Grab Mítico Superpower Atrae a los enemigos más cerca de ti. V15.00
Venom Symbiote
Venom Symbiote - Item - Fortnite
Mítico Superpower Atrae a los enemigos más cerca de ti. Aumenta la velocidad de movimiento del jugador y permite la redistribución del planeador. V18.10
Carnage Symbiote
Carnage Symbiote - Item - Fortnite
Mítico Superpower Atrae a los enemigos más cerca de ti. Aumenta la velocidad de movimiento del jugador y permite la redistribución del planeador. V18.10
Spider-Man's Web Shooters
Spider-Man's Web Shooters - Item - Fortnite
Mítico Superpower Permite al jugador atravesar el aire balanceándose de superficie a superficie. V20.00
Port-a-Fortress Legendario Ranged Utility Genera un gran fuerte. v7.20 Content Update
Holiday Presents! - Item - Fortnite
Legendario Ranged Utility Crea un regalo que genera botín. v14.30
Birthday Presents
Birthday Presents - Item - Fortnite
Legendario Ranged Utility Crea un regalo que genera botín. v14.30
Alien Nanites
Alien Nanites - Item - Fortnite
Común Ranged Utility Crea un bioma de baja gravedad durante treinta segundos. V18.00
Chiller Grenade
Chiller Grenade - Item - Fortnite
Común Ranged Utility Da a los jugadores afectados pies congelados. v8.00
Smoke Grenade
Smoke Grenade - Item - Fortnite
Poco común Ranged Utility Crea una nube de humo no dañino. v3.30
Stink Bomb
Stink Bomb - Item - Fortnite
Raro Ranged Utility Crea una nube de gas nocivo que ignora el escudo. v14.00
Impulse Grenade
Impulse Grenade - Item - Fortnite
Raro Ranged Utility Lanza un jugador y no niega el daño por caída. v9.30 Content Update #1
Boom Box
Boom Box - Item - Fortnite
Épico Ranged Utility Lanza un jugador y no niega el daño por caída. v7.30 Content Update
Recon Scanner
Recon Scanner - Weapon - Fortnite
Raro Ranged Utility Scans Opponents and Containers in a radius. V20.40 Hotfix
Lump of Coal
Lump of Coal - Item - Fortnite
Común Ranged Consumable Deals a very small amount of damage. v11.31 Content Update #3
Grappler - Weapon - Fortnite
Épico Ranged Consumable Pulls players towards the aimed location. V19.00
Skye's Grappler
Grappler - Weapon - Fortnite
Mítico Ranged Consumable Grappler used by the Skye AI. v13.00
Jules' Glider Gun
Jules' Glider Gun - Weapon - Fortnite
Mítico Ranged Consumable Grappler used by the Jules AI. Allows for Glider Redeploy. v14.00
Icy Grappler
Icy Grappler - Item - Fortnite
Exótico Ranged Consumable Infinite ammo Grappler which applies Frozen Feet. V19.00
Batman Grapnel Gun
Batman Grapnel Gun - Weapon - Fortnite
Mítico Ranged Consumable Grappler which allows for Glider Redeploy. v11.00
Flare Gun
Flare Gun - Weapon - Fortnite
Raro Ranged Consumable Marks enemies in the area. Ignites structures. v20.00

Objetos consumibles no a distancia[]

Name Icon Rarity Type Description Vault Patch
Candy Corn
Candy Corn - Item - Fortnite
Común Candy Heals 10 Health. v14.50
Jelly Beans
Jelly Bean - Item - Fortnite
Común Candy Heals 10 Shield. v14.50
Pepper Mint
Pepper Mint - Item - Fortnite
Común Candy Heals 5 Health. Gives temporary speed boost. Update v19.01 January 6th, 2021.
Thermal Taffy
Thermal Taffy - Item - Fortnite
Común Candy Heals 10 Health. Gives temporary thermal vision. v14.50
Hop Drops
Hot Drop - Item - Fortnite
Común Candy Heals 5 Health. Gives temporary low gravity. v14.50
Zero Point Pretzel
Zero Point Pretzel - Item - Fortnite
Poco común Candy Heals 5 HP. Gives brief teleport ability. v14.50
Cuddle Fish Raro Fish Deals damage when players go near it. v17.00
Zero Point Fish Raro Fish Heals 15 Health. Gives brief teleport ability. V16.00
Rift Fish Épico Fish Heals 15 Health. Spawns a Rift. v16.00
Vendetta Flopper Legendario Fish Heals 40 Health. Marks a nearby enemy. v17.00
Snowy Flopper Poco común Fish Heals 40 Health. Gives brief Frozen Feet. V16.00
Midas Flopper Legendario Fish Heals 40 Health. Turns all inventory weapons to Legendario. v15.00
Stink Fish Poco común Fish Heals 20 Health. Can be thrown to make a stink cloud. v17.00
Shadow Flopper Raro Fish Turns the player into a shadow when consumed. V19.00
Spicy Fish Raro Fish Heals 15 Health. Gives brief speed boost. V20.00
Thermal Fish Legendario Fish Heals 15 health and gives Thermal Vision for 60 seconds. v21.00
Pepper - Item - Fortnite
Común Foraged Items Heals 5 Health. Gives brief speed boost. V20.00
Mythic Mushroom
Golden Mushroom
Mítico Foraged Item Heals 200 HP. v14.00
Zero Point Crystals
Zero Point Crystal - Consumable - Fortnite
Común Foraged Item Gives temporary ability to teleport. V16.00
Ice Cream
Ice Cream Icon
Común Foraged Item Heals 5 Health. v10.10
Shadow Stones
Shadow Stone - Fortnite
Común Foraged Item Transforms the Player into a Shadow with various effects. V19.00
Hop Rocks
Hop Rock - Consumable - Fortnite
Común Foraged Item Gives temporary low gravity. v5.00
Birthday Cake
Birthday Cake Icon
Común Foraged Item Heals 10 HP. v18.00 September 23rd, 2021
Spicy Taco
Spicy Taco Icon
Común Foraged Item Heals HP. Gives temporary speed boost. v11.00
Glitched - Item - Fortnite
Común Foraged Item Replicates a random foraged item. v11.00
Guzzle Juice
Guzzle Juice - Item - Fortnite
Poco común Healing Heals Health over time, interrupted on most damage taken. v20.00
Chug Jug
Chug Jug - Healing Item - Fortnite
Legendario Healing Heals 200 HP. v11.00
Ocean's Bottomless Chug Jug
Chug Jug - Healing Item - Fortnite
Mítico Healing Chug Jug used by Ocean AI. Recharges over time. v14.00
Pizza Party
Pizza Party - Item - Fortnite
Épico Healing Contains 8 Pizza Slices. V20.00
Pizza Slice
Pizza Slice - Item - Fortnite
Raro Healing Heals Plantilla:Shield and Plantilla:Health simultaneously. V20.00
Shield Bubble
Shield Bubble - Item - Fortnite
Raro Throwables Creates a dome of protection, which cannot be shot through. v11.00
Crash Pad
Crash Pad - Item - Fortnite
Raro Throwables Creates a pad which negates fall damage and launches players. V15.00
Storm Flip
Storm Flip - Item - Fortnite
Épico Throwables Inverts the storm, creating a harmful radius, or removing the storm. v10.00
Junk Rift
Junk Rift - Item - Fortnite
Épico Throwables Drops a prop onto the area it was thrown, dealing damage. v11.00
Air Strike
Air Strike - Item - Fortnite
Legendario Throwables Sumons an air raid when thrrown v21.00
Zapper Trap
Zapper Trap - Trap - Fortnite
Épico Throwables Thrown to spawn a damaging trap. v11.00
Balloons - Item - Fortnite
Raro Misc Allows the player to float, or lower gravity. v21.00
Bush - Item - Fortnite
Legendario Misc Disguises the player as a Bush. v11.00
Shadow Bomb
Shadow Bomb - Grenade - Fortnite
Poco común Misc Turns the player into a Shadow with various effects. v10.00

Sin categoría o categoría desconocida[]

Name Icon Rarity Category Subcategory Description Vault Patch
Agency Keycard
Ghost Keycard - Item - Fortnite
Legendario None Keycard Keycard to access The Agency Vault. v13.00
Authority Keycard
Authority Keycard - Item - Fortnite
Legendario None Keycard Keycard to access The Authority Vault. v14.00
Catty Corner Keycard
Catty Corner Keycard - Item - Fortnite
Legendario None Keycard Keycard to access the Catty Corner Vault. v14.00
Dr. Doom Keycard
Dr. Doom Keycard - Item - Fortnite
Legendario None Keycard Keycard to access the Vault of Doom. v15.00
Fortilla Keycard
Ghost Keycard - Item - Fortnite
Legendario None Keycard Keycard to access The Fortilla Vault. v14.00
Grotto Keycard
Grotto Keycard - Item - Fortnite
Legendario None Keycard Keycard to access The Grotto Vault. v13.00
Iron Man Keycard
Stark Industries Keycard - Item - Fortnite
Legendario None Keycard Keycard to access the Stark Industries Vault. v15.00
Rig Keycard
Rig Keycard - Item - Fortnite
Legendario None Keycard Keycard to access The Rig Vault. v13.00
Shark Keycard
Shark Keycard - Item - Fortnite
Legendario None Keycard Keycard to access The Shark Vault. v13.00
Yacht Keycard
Ghost Keycard - Item - Fortnite
Deadpool Keycard - Item - Fortnite
Legendario None Keycard Keycard to access The Yacht Vault. v13.00
Creepin’ Cardboard
Creepin’ Cardboard - Item - Fortnite
Poco común None Throwables Spawns a box the player can hide inside of. v13.00
Sneaky Snowman(do)
Sneaky Snowman - Item - Fortnite
Sneaky Snowmando - Item - Fortnite
Raro None Throwables Spawns a snowman the player can hide inside of. v15.20
Inflate-A-Bull - Item - Fortnite
Raro None Misc Player is put into an inflatable Bull, which increases their movement speed by bouncing across terrain. Update v18.00
Glider (Chapter 2) - Glider - Fortnite
Raro None Misc Allows for Glider Redeploy. v10.00
Jetpack - Item - Fortnite
Legendario None Misc Allows the player to hover in the air for a short time. v21.00
The Mandalorian's Jetpack
The Mandalorian's Jetpack - Item - Fortnite
Mítico None Misc Allows the player to hover or glide in the air for a short time. Unlimited Fuel. v16.00
Stark Industries Jetpack Épico None Misc Allows the player to hover in the air for a short time. v15.00
Decoy Grenade
Decoy Grenade - Item - Fortnite
Raro Unknown Throwables Spawns a fake player. v14.00
Witch Broom
Witch Broom - Item - Fortnite
Mítico Unknown Misc Launches the player upwards into Glider Redeploy. v18.30
Spire Jump Boots
Spire Jumpboots - Item - Fortnite
Mítico Unknown Misc Continuous jumps allow for Glider Redeploy. v17.00
Eye of the Storm Tracker
Vintage - Back Bling - Fortnite
Unknown Misc Removed Item. Allows the player to see the next storm circle. 30 mins afterUpdate v4.20
Grab-itron - Weapon - Fortnite
Unknown Misc Allows the player to pick up and throw props, the smaller the prop, the further the throw. v18.00
Prop-ifier - Item - Fortnite
Raro Unknown Misc Allows the player to transform into a prop of their choice. v18.00
Hunter's Cloak
Hunter's Cloak - Item - Fortnite
Unknown Misc Used to not scare away animals when taming them. v19.00
Buried Treasure
Buried Treasure - Item - Fortnite
Unknown Misc Marks a spot on the map to find high tier loot. v9.00
Drake's Map
Drake's Map - Item - Fortnite
Unknown Misc Marks a spot on the map to find high tier loot. v20.00
Runestone - Item - Fortnite
Común Unknown Foraged Item Held over head, used to redeem Spire Jump Boots. v17.00
Bouncy Egg
Bouncy Egg - Item - Fortnite
Común Unknown Foraged Item Heals 5 Shield. Gives temporary low gravity. v20.20
Propane Tank
Propane Tank - Item - Fortnite
Común Unknown Foraged Item Held over head, can be shot to explode it. V19.00
Upgrade Bench
Upgrade Bench - Item - Fortnite
Raro Unknown Throwables Spawns an upgrade bench. v14.00
Mythic Goldfish
Mythical Goldfish - Item - Fortnite
Mítico Unknown Throwables Instantly eliminates an enemy. v19.00
Explosive Batarang
Explosive Batarang - Item - Fortnite
Mítico Unknown Throwables Explodes on impact. v11.00
Spiky Stadium
Spiky Stadium - Item - Fortnite
Raro Unknown Throwables Playground exclusive. Spawns a large stadium. v7.30


Name Icon Rarity Category Description Vault Patch
Chiller - Trap - Fortnite
Común Trap Causes affected players to have Frozen Feet. v7.00
Damage Trap
Damage Trap - Trap - Fortnite
Poco común Trap Deals a large amount of damage. v12.00
Poison Dart Trap
Poison Dart Trap - Trap - Fortnite
Poco común Trap Inflicts poison on targets, which deals damage over time to Health. v9.00
Wall Dynamo
Wall Dynamo - Trap - Fortnite
Raro Trap Removed. Deals a large amount of damage. Only placed on Walls. v1.11 Small Shield Update
Ceiling Zapper
Ceiling Zapper - Trap - Fortnite
Raro Trap Removed. Deals a large amount of damage. Only placed on Ceiling. v1.11 Small Shield Update
Directional Jump Pad
Player Jump Pad (Directional) - Trap - Fortnite
Player Jump Pad (Directional (Up)) - Trap - Fortnite
Raro Trap Removed. Launches a player in one of two directions. v1.9
Cozy Campfire
Cozy Campfire - Trap - Fortnite
Raro Trap Heals Health over time. v11.00
Mounted Turret
Mounted Turret - Trap - Fortnite
Legendario Trap Spawns a turret which can be operated to deal damage. v10.00
Fire Trap
Fire Trap - Trap - Fortnite
Poco común Trap Deals damage and ignites structures. V15.00
Bouncer - Trap - Fortnite
Raro Trap Launches a player, and negates fall damage. Content Update v19.40


Name Icon Rarity Category Description Vault Patch
Carrito de compras
Shopping Cart - Vehicle - Fortnite
Común Vehicle Small cart which must be pushed to operate. v19.00
Kart todo terreno
ATK - Vehicle - Fortnite
Común Vehicle Four person kart with drift feature. v19.00
Alatormenta X-4
X-4 Stormwing - Vehicle - Fortnite
X-4 Stormwing (Operation Snowmando) - Vehicle - Fortnite
Común Vehicle Five person Airplane with guns. Update v15.20
Cañón Pirata
Cannon Spawner - Device - Fortnite
Legendario Vehicle Cannon which can deal damage or shoot a player into the air. v9.30 Content Update #1
Legendario Vehicle One seater hoverboard, allows driver to attack normally. v11.00
B.R.U.T.E. - Vehicle - Fortnite
Legendario Vehicle Two seater armored mech. v11.00


Salvaged BRUTE - Vehicle - Fortnite
Común Vehicle Two seater armored mech. V19.00
Saucer - Vehicle - Fortnite
Común Vehicle Flying Vehicle which can abduct players and props v18.00
Quadcrasher - Vehicle - Fortnite
Común Vehicle Two Seater quadbike with boost function. V20.00
Choppa (Seven) - Vehicle - Fortnite
Común Vehicle Five seater helicopter with boost. V21.00
Titan Tank
Titan Tank (IO) - Vehicle - Fortnite
Común Vehicle Four Seater Tank with a turret and machine gun. v21.00