Fortnite Wiki
Disambig Este artigo é sobre Regiões dentro dos locais do mapa em Salve o Mundo. Para ver sobre Locais do Battle Royale, veja Locais do Battle Royale.

Regiões são áreas distintas em cada local do mapa do Salve o Mundo.[1] As regiões são áreas menores e temáticas com diferentes missões e tarefas a cumprir.

Selecionando uma região

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Lista de Regiões

As pastagens

The Grasslands are a plain, slightly hilly area. It consists mostly of rocks, with trees dotted around places. It's very easy to navigate around this map due to the lack of visual obstruction. This region isn't particularly unique, although it does contain some caves and abandoned mines you'll most likely be able to find some valuable resources in.

A Floresta

The Forest region consists of densely packed woods, with trees everywhere. Prime place to farm if you are ever in need of wood, planks, or twines. Stone is also quite common, despite the abundance of trees. Completing quests in this zone can be tricky at times due to the lack of vision, and sometimes objectives can spawn in difficult locations, making them more challenging to defend. Forests are a wonderful location if you're looking for caves. Due to the large number of hills and dips in the map, caves are likely to spawn very often, and 9 times out of 10 will contain valuable ore and loot.

O Subúrbio

A região do Subúrbio é um bairro suburbano com muitas casas, carros e parques. As casas estão por toda parte, como esperado, fazendo com que encontrar baús e um porão possivelmente cheio de saques seja fácil de achar. Desafios diários são melhores para completar aqui, devido aos parques que você pode descobrir, e os sobreviventes que você pode encontrar em casas ou na periferia do mapa.

A Cidade

The City includes tall buildings and cars as far as the eye can see. Great place for defending objective, as it could spawn near a building with a basement, prime time for taking advantage. If you're ever in need of mechanical parts or nuts and bolts, here is an ideal place to farm.

O Parque Industrial

Much like the city, the Industrial Park is a great place for farming. It has an abundance of mechanical objects, making it ideal to farm Nuts 'n' Bolts, as well as many other materials.

