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— In-Game Description
The Aloy Cup was a Tournament in Fortnite: Battle Royale spanning across all regions, is a collaboration with the "Horizon" Game and the tournament is exclusive to PS4 and PS5. It is a event in DUOS
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For the Victory Royale, 35 points are rewarded. Every Elimination grants a team 2 points, and every bow elimination grants a team 8 points, meaning 18 eliminations is required to gain as many points as a Victory Royale. For this tournament, it is best to value living as long as you can over getting as many eliminations, unless there is a good bow player on your team, as bow eliminations grant a team 8 points, so 4 bow eliminations are required to gain as many points as a Victory Royale. This does not mean that going for eliminations is bad however, because 18 eliminations may not be hard for a team who specialize in getting eliminations.