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Fortnite Wiki

Punch forward, destroying structures and harvesting their materials. Deals X Damage to enemies. Activate Heavy Attack with your pickaxe equipped.
— In-Game Description

Anti-Material Charge is an   Outlander Class Perk in Fortnite: Save the World.


Activated by using the aim key with the Pickaxe equipped, Anti-Material Charge causes the player to punch forward in a melee attack that destroys structures, harvesting their resources, and damages enemies.

Hero Perks[]

Hero Perks interacting with Anti-Material Charge:

Hero Perk
Archaeolo-Jess - Hero - Save the World
Archaeolo-Jess Strike Cost - Perk - Save the World Strike Cost Increases Anti-Material Charge Heavy Attack Efficiency by 28%.

Increases Anti-Material Charge Heavy Attack Efficiency by 128%.

Bloodfinder A.C. - Hero - Save the World
Bloodfinder A.C. Iron Knuckles - Perk - Fortnite Iron Knuckles Increases Anti-Material Charge Damage to enemies by 75%.

Increases Anti-Material Charge Damage to enemies by 225%.

Cassie Clip Lipman - Hero - Fortnite
Cassie "Clip" Lipman High Caliber Harvest - Perk - Fortnite High Caliber Harvest Objects destroyed by Anti-Material Charge have a 33% chance to drop additional ingredients.

Objects destroyed by Anti-Material Charge have a 100% chance to drop additional ingredients.

Valkyrie (New) - Outfit - Fortnite
Valkyrie Rio Kinetic Punch - Perk - Fortnite Kinetic Punch Increases Anti-Material Charge Impact by 245% and adds knockback.

Increases Anti-Material Charge Impact by 600% and adds knockback.

Team Perks[]

Team Perks interacting with Anti-Material Charge:

Icon Outlander Long Arm Of The Law

Long Arm of the Law

Requires: 2 Outlanders
Increases Anti-Material Charge Range by 1 tile(s).


Stonewood Storm Shield Defense 4

One-Two Punch - Team Perk - Fortnite

One-Two Punch

For Each: T-Icon-Hero-CARD Hero with 2 or more stars
Your next Heavy Attack after using an ability costs 20% less Energy.


Swordmaster Ken


Concept Art[]

Former Icons[]

Save the World Content (edit)
Heroes Soldier - Constructor - Ninja - Outlander - Abilities - Hero Perks - Squad Bonuses
Personnel Survivors - Defenders - Expedition Squads - F.O.R.T. Stats
Armory Weaponry - Traps - Perk Recombobulator - Weapon Perks - Collection Book
Enemies Husk Monsters - Mist Monsters - Mini-Bosses - Storm King
Map Regions - Biomes - Missions - Mutant Storms
Quests Stonewood Quests - Plankerton Quests - Canny Valley Quests - Twine Peaks Quests - Ventures
Locker Locker
Store Llama Shop