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Ascenders are a type of zipline in Fortnite: Battle Royale. They were introduced in Chapter 3: Season 2.


Ascenders are a method of transportation which function similarly to ziplines, but vertically as apposed to horizontally. Unlike Ziplines, players are unable to do anything while riding an ascender. Players cannot stay still on a ascender and will continuously move.

Players attach to an ascender using the interact button, and can dismount one by pressing the jump button. Ascenders will negate fall damage, and once the player touches the floor this protection is removed. If the player initiates an ascender when a structure is in the way, the ascender will destroy it in order to create a clear path. If you destroy the floor under an ascender, it will extend to the floor below it if possible.


Chapter 3: Season 2[]

Chapter 4: Season 1[]

  • Update v23.00: The new map contains several new ascender locations.

Chapter 4: Season OG[]

Chapter 5: Season 1[]

  • Update v28.00: The new map contains several new ascender locations.

Chapter 6: Season 1[]

  • Update v33.00: The new map contains several new ascender locations.