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Atlantis is a civilization originating from Fishstick's reality in Fortnite: Battle Royale that was first introduced indirectly in Season 7, but directly in Chapter 2: Season 3.

They can be easily recognized through their characteristics of creatures who lives in the sea.

Members and Locations[]


Name and Icon Information
Bryne - Outfit - Fortnite
Bryne Genuine princess of Atlantis and the ocean's most beloved ruler.[1]
Princess Felicity Fish - Outfit - Fortnite
Princess Felicity Fish Princess of Atlantis. Wanted to form an allegiance with the Oathbound Empire.[2]
Atlantean Fishstick - Outfit - Fortnite
Atlantean Fishstick Two Warriors of Atlantis and Kings of the Fishstick clan.[3]


Name and Icon Information
Fishstick (New) - Outfit - Fortnite
Fishstick (Snapshot) Snapshot of the original Fishstick and the owner of the Sticks restaurant.
Fishstick - Character - Fortnite
Fishstick (Original) Lost warrior of Atlantis who died outside of The Loop in Batman/Fortnite: Zero Point.
Axo - Outfit - Fortnite
Axo A sea axolotl with an interest in basketball and dry land.
Pirate Fishstick - Character - Fortnite
Pirate Fishstick A Fishstick who became a pirate of Blackheart’s Crew, member of The Resistance during Chapter 3: Season 2 and friend of 8-Ball. He was killed in Fortnite X Marvel: Zero War Issue 1.
Fishstick (v10.10 - Pirate) - Outfit - Fortnite
Pirate Fishsticks Inhabitants of Atlantis who became pirates and joined Blackheart’s crew.
Triggerfish - Outfit - Fortnite
Triggerfish Highly-trained, battle-elite combat fish, member of The Resistance during Chapter 3: Season 2. Worked with Bryne and The Looper to save the Coral Buddies.
Fishdrift - Outfit - Fortnite
Fishdrift An alternate version of Drift as a Fishstick who appears in Chapter 4 Season OG's Reality. He serves as the Infinite Drift Unit's aquatic charmer.
Coral Buddies
Coral Buddies Smallest citizens of Atlantis. They share genetic markers with rare Island coral.[4] Tried to advance their civilization, only for it to end up in disaster.[5]


Name and Icon Information
Mystery Reward - Icon - Fortnite
"The Great Kraken" An unseen entity, mentioned by Bryne in Snapshots Quests. Potentially a deity of some kind.
Aquaman - Outfit - Fortnite
Aquaman King of the Sea and assistant of the Fishstick Clan to protect their Castle from Black Manta.
The Looper (Animated) - Character - Fortnite
The Looper A former agent of The Last Reality.[6] They've joined many factions such as the Imagined Order and The Resistance.
Poseidon - Outfit - Fortnite
Poseidon Brother of Hades and Zeus. Slurp-God of the sea, King of the beach, and one of the friendly faces among The Pantheon's crowd. He defended the Coral Buddies from Society Commanders.


Name and Image Information
Coral Castle
Coral Castle (Day) - Location - Fortnite
Castle of Atlantis.
Lazy Lagoon
Lazy Lagoon - Location - Fortnite
Lagoon of the Scallywags.
Coral Cove
Coral Cove (v32.00 - 8) - Landmark - Fortnite
Beachside containing a small village of Coral Buddies.
Coral Buddy Cave Cave of Atlantis’ Coral Buddies. Monitored by The Explorers.
Wreck Ravine
Wreck Ravine (Coral Buddy) - Landmark - Fortnite
Small home of the Coral Buddies on Artemis.


Chapter 1: Season 7[]

Fishstick arrives on the Island in Reality Zero, fearful of Maki Master, yet prepared to make new friends in this new world he's found himself in, likely alongside his Coral Buddy friends.[7]

Chapter 1: Season 8[]

Arriving on the Athena Island, Pirate Fishsticks and the Scallywags set up base at Lazy Lagoon, alongside various Pirate Camps. These Atlanteans are under the rule of the feared Blackheart, teaming up with Daring Duelist, Sea Wolf and Buccaneer. Through Blackheart's map, they know that there is hidden treasure near the Volcano. By doing this, they got into conflict with The Ice Kingdom and The Fire Kingdom over the hidden treasure all of them sought after.

Chapter 1: Season 9[]

The Atlanteans and The Scallywags remain calm after the war had ended.

Chapter 1: Season X[]

The Island they've grown to know, alongside their Lazy Lagoon base, was pulled in and reorganized by the Black Hole caused by The Scientist.

Chapter 2: Season 1[]

The Coral Buddies set up camp on the new Apollo Island at their Coral Cove base. Fishstick, at an unknown point, escapes The Loop for good, leaving behind a snapshot. Whether it's by him or the snapshot, the Sticks restaurant gets formed.

Chapter 2: Season 2[]

A few Coral Buddies moved to the vents found in The Shark.

Chapter 2: Season 3[]

After The Flood, Coral Castle arrives on the Island alongside Aquaman, providing great support for the Kingdom. Black Manta posed a threat to their empire, causing the two Fishstick Kings to team up with Aquaman to dispel the threat he posed. It is around this time that Axo exits the seas to discover the dry land and what it contains,[8] and Bryne similarly goes out to explore the world above the seas.[9] The Coral Buddies aimed to advance their civilization, only to create nuclear weapons that detonated upon themselves.

Chapter 2: Season 6[]

Fishstick, now out of the Loop for a while now, is killed by Deathstroke, a traitor among their group that was secretly working for the Imagined Order Small - Logo - Fortnite Imagined Order.

Chapter 3: Season 1[]

After the Island flipped, the Atlanteans arrived on the Artemis Island.

Chapter 3: Season 3[]

The Coral Buddies make a base at Wreck Ravine, with a sandcastle built as a home.

Chapter 4: Season 1[]

Some of the Atlanteans arrived on the Asteria Island. Princess Felicity Fish can be found at Western Watch, wanting to forge an alliance between her kingdom and the Oathbound empire. When confronted by The Looper about the sabotage of Rift Warden Stellan's Rift Gate, she confirms that she did not do it, even though she would like to see her entire kingdom again.[10]

Chapter 4: Season 3[]

The Coral Buddies are captured by Turk and Riptide and taken to Berg Barge for money from a wealthy collector. Thanking the Great Kraken for assistance,[11] Bryne gets Triggerfish's help to save them, where The Looper will enter the picture to help Triggerfish and Byrne track them by using their genetic material based on rare Island coral. To analyze this genetic material, Triggerfish borrowed scientific equipment from The Luminaries - Faction - Fortnite The Luminaries.[12] With the Coral Buddies saved by The Looper, Triggerfish gets the idea of contacting his cousin to build them a sanctuary.[13]

Chapter 4: Season 4[]

Fish Thicc, with help from The Looper out of desire for him to join The Heist Crew, creates a gym for the Coral Buddies.[14]

Chapter 5: Season 1[]

The Coral Buddies are monitored by The Explorers - Faction - Fortnite The Explorers on their new base on Helios, their Coral Buddy Cave, with some hanging out at Breezy Coast. Meanwhile, at Ruined Reels, posters depicting a movie about their revenge can be found.

Chapter 5: Season 2[]

The Coral Buddies are saved by Poseidon from the Society Commanders. Later, they appeared on the sword of Zeus's statue.


  • Their demonym is, expectedly, "Atlantean".


Promotional Images[]


  1. "Princess Bryne is the ocean's most beloved ruler. But when her citizens are threatened, Bryne is ready to swim into action and save crustaceans and invertebrates of all shape, size, and scale." - Bryne's Character Collection Book description, Chapter 4: Season 3
  2. "Princess Felicity Fish has found herself in a new kingdom, which means a possible royal alliance. But can the wayward princess impress the Oathbound's mysterious leader?" - Princess Felicity Fish's Character Bio, Chapter 4: Season 1
  3. Atlantean Fishstick’s skin description is “King of the Fishsticks.” In promo material with Aquaman, there is shown to be at least two of them.
  4. "Now.. The Coral Buddies share genetic markers with rare Island coral. Could we use that to track them?" - Bryne, Chapter 4: Season 3 Snapshots Quests
  5. Coral Buddies Quests
  6. "If it isn't my best human friend! Remember me? Drop the act. You really don't remember me? Them? You mean us? Ah! You don't remember... You will. Give it time. Your directive from Kymera will come back to you." - Trespasser, Chapter 2: Season 7
  7. The Coral Cruiser glider.
  8. "Here to see if life on dry land lives up to the hype." - Axo's skin description.
  9. "The queen rises to explore the world above!" - Bryne's News Tab feed on August 9th, 2020.
  10. "I would never, ever sabotage the work of my dear Champion! Even though I do dearly wish to see my kingdom again." - Princess Felicity Fish during the Oathbound Quests
  11. "Triggerfish sent you? Oh, thank the Great Kraken. - Bryne, Chapter 4: Season 3 Snapshots Quests
  12. "We've borrowed some science equipment from those Luminaries. Go analyze that coral!" - Triggerfish, Chapter 4: Season 3 Snapshots Quests
  13. "We can build 'em their own little sanctuary. I've got a cousin I can call about that... Thanks, Looper. I'll keep you in mind if any more hero business comes along down the river." - Triggerfish, the finale of his part of the Chapter 4: Season 3 Snapshots Quests
  14. "Tell the coral buddies: it's time to get SWOLE! And I've got some teeny tiny self-defense lesson plans, too. The coral buddies are all set up in their lil gym. GO SAY HI!"- Fish Thicc, Chapter 4: Season 4 Snapshots Quests