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Fortnite Wiki

Barebones is a Limited Time Mode in Fortnite: Battle Royale. It was introduced on December 21st 2018.

LTM Rules and Gameplay[]

This Limited Time Mode is the same as a normal game of Squads, except you cannot see a number of certain HUD buttons that allow you to perform certain actions in-game, and you have to survive without them. Below is a list of unavailable and available HUD buttons in this LTM.

  • Things you can see
    • Your health bar
    • Your squad's health bar
    • Number of spectators (if enabled in Game Settings)
    • Your hotbar/inventory
    • Your Materials
  • Things you cannot see
    • Minimap
    • Compass
    • Damage that you are dealing to opponents
    • Consumable/Reviving/Rebooting timer
    • Tile/Prop health
    • Storm timer and circle
    • Number of eliminations
    • Number of remaining players
    • Elimination feed
    • Number of bullets in your hotbar
    • Locations of other teammates

Strategy Guide[]

Calculated - Emote - Fortnite This section outlines a strategy.
Feel free to add tips, tricks and general advice about the topic.

In this Limited Time Mode, players will have to survive while not knowing the storm phases. A good way to bypass this disadvantage is by going to a high point of terrain, and viewing the circle around the island.


  • Despite the Minimap not showing the storm, players with the Season 9 Battle Pass who have gotten the Backtracker Back Bling have the ability to view the storm via it.