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Fortnite Wiki

The Black Metal Weapon Set is a Weapon Set in Fortnite: Save the World that was introduced in Update v11.20.
Certain Schematics from this set can be obtained from Fortnitemares Llamas, and the rest from the Event Store during the Hexsylvania Venture Season.

It contains 4 Melee Weapons and 6 Ranged Weapons.


Black Blade - Schematic - Save the World
Brood Slicer - Schematic - Save the World
Husk Grinder - Schematic - Save the World
Nightfall - Schematic - Save the World
Black Blade Icon Sword Brood Slicer Icon Scythe Husk Grinder Icon Axe Nightfall Icon Spear

Blackout - Schematic - Save the World
Black Drum - Schematic - Save the World
Dirge Song - Schematic - Save the World
Midnight Stalker - Schematic - Save the World
Blackout Icon Assault Black Drum Icon Shotgun Dirge Song Icon SMG Midnight Stalker Icon Sniper
Metal Marauder - Schematic - Save the World
Night Owl - Schematic - Save the World
Metal Marauder Icon Explosive Night Owl Icon Sniper
