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Fortnite Wiki

Call it a calling card.
— In-Game Description

Card Drop is an Uncommon Emote in Fortnite, that could have been obtained by spending Battle Star (Chapter 2) - Icon - Fortnite 15 Battle Stars on Bonus Rewards Page 2 in the Chapter 5: Season 1 Battle Pass. Card Drop is part of the Jones's Revenge Set.

Card Drop is one of 640 emotes that can be used within LEGO Fortnite.


  • The icon on the card depicts your current banner icon in your selected banner color.
  • The card dropped as part of the emote will actually stay for a few seconds before despawning. It will also despawn if the player using the emote uses it again after the card has completely dropped.
    • Additionally, the card is not affected by height as it will always land on where floor would normally be on flat ground, regardless of how far from said flat ground is from the player.