Fortnite Wiki

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Fortnite Wiki
Vader's Saber - Emoticon - Fortnite The media represented on this page has been created by a second/third party.
This content is not originally part of the game but has been introduced through a special collaboration.

A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away…

Original Trilogy is a Set in Fortnite, that consists of cosmetics based on the original trilogy of Star Wars. Original Trilogy was added in Chapter 2: Season 1.


Imperial Stormtrooper (v32.00) - Outfit - Fortnite
Luke Skywalker - Outfit - Fortnite
Leia Organa - Outfit - Fortnite
Imperial Stormtrooper Luke Skywalker Leia Organa
Han Solo - Outfit - Fortnite
AWR Trooper - Outfit - Fortnite
Dagobah Luke - Outfit - Fortnite
Han Solo AWR Trooper Dagobah Luke
Lando Calrissian - Outfit - Fortnite
Chewbacca - Outfit - Fortnite
Training Remote - Back Bling - Fortnite
Lando Calrissian Chewbacca Training Remote
R2-D2 - Back Bling - Fortnite
Millennium Falcon - Back Bling - Fortnite
AWR Pack - Back Bling - Fortnite
R2-D2 Millennium Falcon AWR Pack
Yoda - Back Bling - Fortnite
Cloud City Model - Back Bling - Fortnite
Disassembled C-3PO - Back Bling - Fortnite
Yoda Cloud City Model Disassembled C-3PO
Slugthrower Rifle - Pickaxe - Fortnite
Electrostaff - Pickaxe - Fortnite
Vibro-staff - Pickaxe - Fortnite
Slugthrower Rifle Electrostaff Vibro-staff
Yoda's Cane - Pickaxe - Fortnite
Vibro-Ax - Pickaxe - Fortnite
Wookiee Battle Staff - Pickaxe - Fortnite
Yoda's Cane Vibro-Ax Wookiee Battle Staff
X-34 Landspeeder - Glider - Fortnite
Lil' Speeder Bike - Emote - Fortnite
Lil' AT-AT - Emote - Fortnite
X-34 Landspeeder Lil' Speeder Bike Lil' AT-AT
Wookiee War Cry - Emote - Fortnite
Growling Chewbacca - Emoticon - Fortnite
AWR Armor - Wrap - Fortnite
Wookiee War Cry Growling Chewbacca AWR Armor
Chewie - Wrap - Fortnite
Galaxies Collide - Loading Screen - Fortnite
New Adventures - Loading Screen - Fortnite
Chewie Galaxies Collide New Adventures
Seven-string Hallikset - Guitar - Fortnite Festival
Endorian Drum Kit - Drums - Fortnite Festival
Nalargon Keytar - Keytar - Fortnite Festival
Seven-string Hallikset Endorian Drum Kit Nalargon Keytar


  • Original Trilogy was released for Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order, which came out on November 15th, 2019.
  • A Wrap for Imperial Stormtrooper was considered but ended up scrapped.


External Links[]

All items (40)
