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Chests are a type of Container in Fortnite: Battle Royale. They were introduced in the Pre-Season and expanded upon in further seasons.


Chests contain a Weapon, Ammunition for the weapon, 30 of one type of material, a Utility, Uncategorized or Ranged Consumable, or Healing Item, and Bars.

Chests have a small chance to be replaced by Rare Chests, providing an Epic or Legendary weapon.

A unique Chest could have been located at The Block. Only one spawned per match.

Sideways Chests and their Rare variant spawn in Anomalies and have a slightly altered loot pool.'

Chrome Chests provide an extra Uncommon EvoChrome Burst Rifle or EvoChrome Shotgun. They can be either Standard or Rare and the EvoChrome weapons are always the same rarity. They also drop slightly more materials.

They can be interacted with by the player to open them, granting some XP. They take a standard amount of time to open. Chests can be located by the distinctive ambient noise they make, with a Rare Chest making a different sound to the normal one.

Loot Table[]

Chests will drop five items, that being a Weapon, Materials, Ammo, an extra item and Bars. Chests will only drop Weapons of Uncommon to Legendary rarity, and will not drop Common weapons.

Rare Chests will only drop Epic or Legendary weapons, with all other loot being the same in number, whereas Block Chests only drop Legendary weapons.

Sideways Chests spawn the same items as regular chests, but will spawn Sideways Weaponry instead of regular weapons.

Unless an item has a specific spawn location, or spawns in a specific type of container, it will more than likely be obtainable from a Chest.

Container Uncommon and Rare weapons Epic Weapons Legendary Weapons Sideways Weaponry Materials Ammo Utility Consumables Uncategorized Bars EvoChrome Weapons
Standard Chest
Rare Chest
Block Chest
Sideways Chest
Rare Sideways Chest
Chrome Chest (Both)


Each season the loot table of Chests are adjusted. This has not been included.


  • Update v1.6: Introduced Chests, alongside the launch of the game.

Season 7[]

  • Update v7.00: Introduced Block Chests, these have a chance to replace a Standard Chest.
    • This only applies to Chest spawns at The Block.

Chapter 2: Season 1[]

  • Update v11.00: Introduced Rare Chests, these have a chance to replace a Standard Chest.
    • Removed Block Chests alongside The Block.
    • Updated the appearance of the Chest.

Chapter 2: Season 4[]

Chapter 2: Season 8[]

  • Update v18.00: Introduced the Sideways Chest and its Rare variant.

Chapter 3: Season 1[]

Chapter 3: Season 4[]

Chapter 4: Season 1[]

  • Update v23.00: Removed the Chrome Chest. Normal and Rare chests now have more glow.

Chapter 5: Season 1[]


  • As seen in the Impostors mode, Chests are produced in The Bridge.
  • Standard Chests take the appearance of a Level 1 Chest in Fortnite: Save the World.
    • Rare Chests take the appearance of a Level 3 Chest.
    • Block Chests take the appearance of a Level 6 Chest.
  • In the Destroyed Dish, there was a chest which takes on the appearance of a chest prior to Chapter 2. It took slightly longer to open.
  • Chests with robotic arms and legs were located at Brutus' Basin, Camp Cod and Fort Crumpet.
    • These were purely visual and did not have any other function.
  • Various locations have had chests which require the player to 'dig them up' with their Harvesting Tool before they can be opened.
  • Depending on the Game Mode, Chests may drop Common Weapons or Mythic Items.
  • Despite being named a Rare Chest, Rare Chests are Common when marked.
  • Rare Chests will replace 100% of the chests in the Solid Gold LTM, and its respective variants.
  • During Chapter 2: Season 8, Rare Chests were seemingly removed. However, the texture was bugged and all Rare Chest appeared as Standard ones. They could still be identified by their audio before the bug was patched out.
  • Rare Chests can replace Sideways Chests, including their rare variant and will not give Sideways weaponry.

