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A nauseating spell in Hexsylvania. A gunsmith haunted by a figure from her past. Help Homebase dispel the curse before it's too late!
— In-Game Description

Clip's Nightmare is an Event Questline in Fortnite: Save the World that was first added in Update v14.30. It is available during the Hexsylvania Venture Season, and rewards players with Gold - Currency - Fortnite 250 Gold, Candy - Resource - Fortnite 1,250 Candy, and a Legendary Cassie "Clip" Lipman.

It has a total of 3 Pages with 9 Quests total.


Exclamation - Emoticon - Fortnite This page/section contains information that may include a spoiler!

A mysterious spell has been cast on Homebase, causing everyone to blurt out whatever comes to mind, creating chaos. The ghost of Clip's friend, "Cartridge," is discovered trapped inside a Ghost Pistol. The Crew speculates that Cartridge may have returned to seek revenge for her death. Clip, who is somehow unaffected by the spell, reveals that Needle's Gang was responsible for it. The Commander helps destroy the tombstones of Needle and his gang, but this doesn’t resolve the situation. Cartridge then starts to remember the events leading to her death, and confronts Clip, who reveals that she had left Cartridge outside Homebase during a Monsters raid to save someone else. Clip admits her mistake and reconciles with Cartridge, who forgives her, and the Crew realizes that the cure to the spell is for everyone to reveal their secrets.


Light - Icon - Fortnite Cursed Materials
Clip is short on gun crafting materials. Search barrels of scrap for the parts she needs!
Search scrap barrels for gun parts
Candy - Resource - Fortnite
0 / 8
Exterminate - Icon - Fortnite Like A Sponge
The Husks have been absorbing this weird energy for ages. Eliminate them and collect data on the energy field.
Eliminate Husks and collect data
Gold - Currency - Fortnite
0 / 6
Pickaxe - Icon - Fortnite Intro to Dark Magic
A truth storm has hit Homebase. Find arcane reference books to discover the cause.
Collect arcane reference books
Candy - Resource - Fortnite
0 / 5
Light - Icon - Fortnite Good Morning, Spirit Realm
There's a lost soul haunting Clip's latest gun! Salvage old televisions in Hexsylvania to build a way to communicate with it.
Search televisions for parts
Gold - Currency - Fortnite
0 / 5
Light - Icon - Fortnite Old News
Ray believes that the haunting can be traced back to a single event. Search old newspapers for what could cause such a calamitous curse!
Search old newspapers for information
Candy - Resource - Fortnite
0 / 6
Pickaxe - Icon - Fortnite Needling the Competition
Carter might be here because she wants revenge on her old rivals. Find the tombstones of Needle and his gang and destroy them!
Destroy Tombstones of Needle's Gang
Gold - Currency - Fortnite
0 / 6
Light - Icon - Fortnite There's No Place Like Tomb
Guide Carter to the other side by lighting ceremonial fires according to the diagram Ray gave Lok.
Deploy Fires to Guide Carter
Candy - Resource - Fortnite
0 / 6
Exterminate - Icon - Fortnite Accidental Guests
...You might have accidentally summoned Mist Monsters while trying to help Carter. Hunt them down and eliminate them!
Eliminate Mist Monsters
Gold - Currency - Fortnite
0 / 5
Light - Icon - Fortnite Clearing the Air
Set up loudspeakers so everyone can unburden themselves of their nauseating secrets.
Deploy Loudspeakers
Cassie Clip Lipman - Hero - Fortnite
0 / 5


Update v14.30[]

  • October 13th 2020: Added Clip's Nightmare with Cassie "Clip" Lipman as the main reward.
  • October 14th 2020: Clip's Nightmare is now available.

Update v18.30[]

Update v26.00[]

  • September 6th, 2023: Clip's Nightmare has returned after two years.