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Fortnite Wiki
Fortnite Wiki
Disambig gray This article is about the Save the World version. For the Battle Royale version, see Coconut.

Eat it to heal up!
— In-Game Description

Coconuts are a Rare Consumable in Fortnite: Save the World that were introduced in Update v8.20.


Coconuts instantly heal the player for 33.3% of their Health, and apply an additional Heal over time effect. It can be consumed while moving, much like Sub Wafers.


  • Coconuts can be obtained by using Crossbones Barret in the Support Team or Commander slot.
    • Doing so will allow the player to obtain Coconuts by searching containers while in a match.
    • 20% chance in Support, and 30% chance when using as Commander.
  • Coconuts can be obtained by searching treasure chests spawned by eliminating Enemies while using the Blakebeard's Stash Team Perk.
  • Coconuts can also be obtained from Super Stashes in the Scurvy Shoals Venture Zone.


Update v8.20[]

Update v16.10[]

Update v19.40[]

  • Coconuts can now be thrown.

Update v20.10[]

  • Coconuts are now sorted in the consumable slot.

Update v28.30[]

