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Fortnite Wiki
Hero's Heart - Emoticon - Fortnite This article is about a location that has been removed from the map.

Command Cavern was a Named Location in Fortnite: Battle Royale that was added in Chapter 3: Season 1 but got a few upgrades and changed its name, as previously mentioned, later in Chapter 3: Season 2. It was located at the northeast of Camp Cuddle and inside Pinnacle Peak.


Command Cavern is the headquarters of the Imagined Order in Artemis, the inside of the cavern is guarded by Gunnar and six IO Guards: the place contains 2 main buildings, a cargo dock, 3 IO Outposts, and 7 entrances to the interior. Outside the cavern there is an IO Airship guarded by a couple of IO Guards.


Chapter 3: Season 2[]

Chapter 3: Season 3[]


Northern Entrance[]

Main Building[]

Cargo Dock[]


Blocked Pipes[]

Turbine 1[]

Turbine 2[]

Western Pipe[]

Northern Pipe[]

IO Airship[]

Blimp Station[]

Lower Blimp Station[]

North Barricade[]

South Barricade[]

West Barricade[]

East Barricade[]



Satellite Dish[]



  • Command Cavern's codename is "Athena.Location.POI.CrazyCave".
  • The Collider and Command Cavern are the only Named Locations to have been protected by two bosses simultaneously.
  • There are 5 secret rooms in the vents.
    • Skye's personal items from her Hideout can be found in all secret room. Burned security cameras can be found in nearby Campfire.
    • Midas' golden llama from his Challenges can be found in the secret bathroom.
    • Meowscles' personal items from Catty Corner can be found in the 2 secret room.
  • Loud metal sounds can be heard from the giant vault doors.