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Fortnite Wiki

Content Update v20.30 was released on May 10, 2022 during Chapter 3: Season 2 of Fortnite: Battle Royale.


The v20.30 May 10th hotfix drops in an attack item, brings back two trickshot items, and expands your options of defensive items. Get briefed on what this hotfix brings:

Friends in High Places - Air Strike Unvaulted[]

Air Strike Unvault - Promo - Fortnite

Call in some reinforcements! The Air Strike has been unvaulted — throw an Air Strike to send missiles raining to its landing area. Air Strikes can be found in Chests, in Supply Drops, and on the ground.

Trickshot Unvaults[]

Trickshot Unvaults - Promo - Fortnite

Style on ‘em with freshly unvaulted trickshot items. From now until May 17, 2022, at 8:59 AM ET, soar through the air with the Flint-Knock Pistol and take aim with the Hunting Rifle. These classic items can be found in Chests, in Supply Drops, and on the ground. Also during this time, the drop rates for utility items — like the high-flying Shockwave Grenade — are increased!

Bars, Bubbles, and Balloons[]

Inflate for safety. Funding Stations are gearing up to accept donations to produce either Shield Bubbles or Balloons!

Both options provide protection in some way. Throw down a Shield Bubble to create a temporary dome invulnerable to explosives and projectiles (including Air Strike missiles). On the other hand, attach Balloons to yourself to become more airborne and agile.

Bars, Bubbles, and Balloons - Promo - Fortnite

Before one of these protective items is unvaulted, you’ll have the opportunity to try out both in the wild. Find Shield Bubbles and Balloons scattered throughout the Island from Friday, May 13, at 9 AM ET to Monday, May 16, at 11:59 PM. Not too long after this trial period ends, you can vote for your favorite choice by contributing Bars at Funding Stations. The first item that reaches 100% Funded will swiftly enter the loot pool!

Competitive Notes[]

  • The Air Strike, Trickshot unvaults, and Trickshot drop rate changes are not included in competitive playlists.
  • The Shield Bubbles/Balloons trial period will not take place in competitive playlists.