The Damage Amplifier Powerup is a Device in Fortnite: Creative, added in Update v11.20.
Grants a damage increase to the player who picks it up or triggers it.
All Settings[]
All default values have been Bolded.
Option | Value | Description |
Damage Multiplier | 2.0, 0.0 - 4.0 | Determines by how much the damage output of a player is multiplied. |
Infinite Effect Duration | Yes, No | Determines if the amount of time the applied effect will stay active for is infinite. If set to No, an additional option to set a custom amount of time will appear. |
Effect Duration | 3.0, 0.0 - 300.0 | The amount of time the applied effect will stay active for. It applies any change evert second that it is applied. |
Respawn | Yes, No | After picking up, respawn this item after amount of time set on an additional option, or if set to No never spawn. |
Time To Respawn | 3.0, 0.0 - 300.0 | The amount of time after pick up for this item to respawn. |
Ambient Audio | Yes, No | Determines whether the object plays ambient audio when player are nearby. |
Disables Effects On Pickup | Yes, No | If this option is set to Yes then the effect of this powerup will be cancelled when collected. |
Pickup Radius | 0.25, 0.25 - 5.0 | The distance in meters the player needs to be from the powerup to collect it. |
Spawn On Minigame Start | Yes, No | When the minigame starts, is the powerup immediately spawned? If set to No, the powerup will spawn after its respawn time. |
Pick Up Audio | Yes, No | Play audio when picking up powerup. |
Selected Class | Any, Class 1 - Class 254 | Specifies which Class can interact with this powerup. |
Selected Team | Any, Team 1 - Team 100 | Specifics which Team can interact with this powerup. |
Apply To | Player, Player's team, Player's class, Same class in player's team, All players | The powerup effect will be applied to the selected receiver. |
Who Can See This Powerup | None, All, Only Players that can Pick Up | Only the selected players will be able to see this powerup. |
Persist on Elimination | Yes, No | When set, the powerup will continue to apply when the player has been eliminated, and will be still applied on their next spawn. |
Effects | None, Only Glow, All | Determine which effects are applied to the player. |
Functions and Events[]
Option | Description |
Spawn When Receiving From | Immediately spawn the powerup. |
Despawn When Receiving From | Immediately despawn the powerup. The powerup will not spawn again until spawned until spawned via the Spawn function. |
Pickup When Receiving From | Picks up the powerup, allowing application of the effect through other devices. |
Clear When Receiving From | Clear this powerup's effect if it is currently applied. |
Option | Description |
On Item Picked Up Send Event To | Enables the device. |
This device can be found in Content Browser in the following path: /All/Fortnite/Devices/Power Up
damage_amplifier_powerup_device class[]
using { / }
Inheriting | Description |
Base class for creative devices and props. |
Base class for creative_device .
Base class for various powerup devices offering common events like ItemPickedUpEvent .
Event Function | Type |
Function | Parameters | Description |
Spawns the powerup into the experience so users can interact with it. | |
Despawns this powerup from the experience. | |
Updates the Duration for this powerup, clamped to the Min and Max defined in the device. Will not apply to any currently applied effects.
GetDuration:float <transacts>
Returns the Duration that this powerup will be active for on any player it is applied to.
| |
GetRemainingTime:float <transacts>
If the Agent has the effect applied to them, this will return the remaining time the effect has. Returns -1.0 if the effect has an infinite duration. Returns 0.0 if the Agent does not have the effect applied.
HasEffect:void <transacts> <decides>
Returns the Agent has the powerup's effect (or another of the same type) applied to them.
IsSpawned:void <transacts> <decides>
Succeeds if the powerup is currently spawned. | |
Grants this powerup to Agent .
Grants this powerup without an agent reference. Requires Apply To set to All Players. | |
Sets the Magnitude for this powerup, clamped to the Min and Max defined in the device. Will not apply to any currently applied effects. For the Damage Amplifier Powerup, this is the damage multiplier.
GetMagnitude:float <transacts>
Returns the current Magnitude for the powerup. For the Damage Amplifier Powerup, this is the damage multiplier.
- This device is a powerup from Unreal Tournament.
Sound | Description |
Affected Ambient Loop | |
In-world Ambient Loop | |
Firing when Affected | |
Powerup Picked Up | |
Effect Expiring Warning | |
Effect Expired |