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Fortnite Wiki
Safe - Container - Fortnite This page is about an item that is currently vaulted in Battle Royale.
This item has been made unavailable to balance the loot pool, and may return in the future.

Request a supply drop at your location.
— In-Game Description

The Dial-A-Drop is a Utility Item in Fortnite: Battle Royale, that was added in Chapter 3: Season 4.


The Dial-A-Drop allows the player to request a special Supply Drop. Using the item will remove it from the player's inventory. 3 Types of Supply Drops can be called:

Health Drop - Item - Fortnite
Request Health and Shield Supplies.
Supply Drop - Container - Fortnite
Request Weapons and Resources.
Vehicle Drop - Item - Fortnite
Request a Modded Pickup Truck.

The item is single use, and will disappear upon selecting an option. The stock number refers to all players in the match and deployed items will spawn as normal, with a slowly descending parachute which can be destroyed.

The Vehicle Drop is not available in Competitive modes, as Cars are not in Competitive.

The menu for choosing an option is identical to picking a service from a Character or using a Tent.


Dial-A-Drop - Item - Fortnite Dial-A-Drop
Stack Size 1

Strategy Guide[]

Calculated - Emote - Fortnite This section outlines a strategy.
Feel free to add tips, tricks and general advice about the topic.
  • Choices deployed from the Dial-A-Drop are marked for all players on the map, like a normal Supply Drop. Also like a Supply Drop they take a long time to deploy, or you risk making a large amount of noise which is audible to enemies.
    • Both of these issues mean that the item may be a big risk to deploy, and should be deployed as early as possible to maintain the most space between you and other players, as well as secure powerful items early.
  • Players should opt for a Suppressed weapon in order to destroy the balloon early, without alerting players with noise and a blip on the compass.
  • Be careful when spawning a vehicle with the Dial-A-Drop, as it can be damaged whilst shooting the balloon if you are not careful.
  • Seeing a Supply Drop very early game can be a quick signifier of a nearby player, as Supply Drops will not spawn until later Storm Circles.
    • Furthermore, and more obvious, seeing the Healing or Vehicle Supply Drop is a guarantee a nearby player is present.

Weapon ID[]

The Dial-A-Drop is referred to as Supply Drop Radio in the files.

  • Epic: WID_SupplyDropRadio_Handheld


Chapter 3: Season 4[]

Update v22.30[]

  • November 8th 2022: Introduced.

Update v22.40[]

News Tab[]

Image Description Date
Dial-A-Drop - Promo - Fortnite Which Supply type do you think catches the Victory Royale in this situation?

-Supply Drop

-Health Drop

-Vehicle Drop
November 15th 2022

Image Description Date
Dial-A-Drop (News Tab) - Promo - Fortnite Dial-A-Drop
Order Up! Choose from a Health Drop, Supply Drop, or Vehicle Drop and call in a supply refresh for the entire Squad.
November 8th 2022


  • The concept of deploying a Supply Drop at the player's location has been toyed around with as early as the beginning of Chapter 1. It took several years before deploying a Supply Drop at your location became possible through legitimate means.
    • In Chapter 2: Season 6, players could pay Bars to a Character to spawn 5 Supply Drops at once in the current Storm circle. Although players could choose when they were deployed, it was not guaranteed, nor intended to spawn one at the player's location.
  • It is similar to the Supply Drop Gadget in Fortnite: Save the World, except it does not land instantly and the loot contained is very different.
  • Players throw a flare onto the ground which quickly becomes a Supply Drop marker.
  • Unlike regular Supply Drops, the Dial-A-Drop Supply Drops are in free fall when they are called in, and deploy a Balloon a few seconds later, coming down much faster than a normal Supply Drop.