Fortnite Wiki

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Fortnite Wiki

Represent your country in style!
— In-Game Description

Dynamic Dribbler is a Rare Outfit in Fortnite, that can be purchased in the Item Shop for V-Bucks - Icon - Fortnite 1,200 V-Bucks or with the Star Playmakers Bundle for V-Bucks - Icon - Fortnite 2,500 V-Bucks. Dynamic Dribbler was first released in Season 4 and is part of the Goalbound Set.

Selectable Styles[]

You can choose any number from 0 to 99
Representing Country
Fortnite Argentina Australia Belgium
Fortnite - Goalbound Set Variants - Fortnite
Argentina - Goalbound Set Variants - Fortnite
Australia - Goalbound Set Variants - Fortnite
Belgium - Goalbound Set Variants - Fortnite
Brazil Canada Colombia Denmark
Brazil - Goalbound Set Variants - Fortnite
Canada - Goalbound Set Variants - Fortnite
Colombia - Goalbound Set Variants - Fortnite
Denmark - Goalbound Set Variants - Fortnite
Egypt England France Germany
Egypt - Goalbound Set Variants - Fortnite
England - Goalbound Set Variants - Fortnite
France - Goalbound Set Variants - Fortnite
Germany - Goalbound Set Variants - Fortnite
Iceland Italy Ireland Japan
Iceland - Goalbound Set Variants - Fortnite
Italy - Goalbound Set Variants - Fortnite
Ireland - Goalbound Set Variants - Fortnite
Japan - Goalbound Set Variants - Fortnite
South Korea Mexico Netherlands New Zealand
South Korea - Goalbound Set Variants - Fortnite
Mexico - Goalbound Set Variants - Fortnite
Netherlands - Goalbound Set Variants - Fortnite
New Zealand - Goalbound Set Variants - Fortnite
Nigeria Norway Poland Portugal
Nigeria - Goalbound Set Variants - Fortnite
Norway - Goalbound Set Variants - Fortnite
Poland - Goalbound Set Variants - Fortnite
Portugal - Goalbound Set Variants - Fortnite
Russia Saudi Arabia Spain Sweden
Russia - Goalbound Set Variants - Fortnite
Saudi Arabia - Goalbound Set Variants - Fortnite
Spain - Goalbound Set Variants - Fortnite
Sweden - Goalbound Set Variants - Fortnite
Switzerland Turkey Uruguay United States
Switzerland - Goalbound Set Variants - Fortnite
Turkey - Goalbound Set Variants - Fortnite
Uruguay - Goalbound Set Variants - Fortnite
United States - Goalbound Set Variants - Fortnite

LEGO® Style LEGO® Style

Within LEGO Fortnite Odyssey and other LEGO experiences, Dynamic Dribbler's appearance is changed to that of a LEGO® minifigure.

Icon Featured
Dynamic Dribbler (v29.20) - Outfit - LEGO Fortnite
Dynamic Dribbler (v29.20 - Featured) - Outfit - LEGO Fortnite
Icon Featured
Dynamic Dribbler - Outfit - LEGO Fortnite
Dynamic Dribbler (Featured) - Outfit - LEGO Fortnite

Dynamic Dribbler received a higher-detailed style in Update v29.20, which replaced the original one. Since Update v28.20, players have had the option to choose between both.

Bean Style Bean Style

Within Fall Guys experiences, Dynamic Dribbler's appearance is changed to that of a matching Fall Guys Bean.

Dynamic Dribbler - Outfit - Fall Guys


Dynamic Dribbler Argentina Australia Belgium Brazil
Canada Columbia Denmark Egypt England
France Germany Iceland Italy Ireland
Japan South Korea Mexico Netherlands New Zealand
Nigeria Norway Poland Portugal Russia
Saudi Arabia Spain Sweden Switzerland Turkey
Uruguay USA LEGO LEGO - Base

Quest - Icon - Fortnite Please check the in-game Fortnite Shop for a complete representation and all cosmetic options.
There might be slight variations for how items may look in-game.

Item Shop Appearances[]

Dynamic Dribbler has appeared in 91 different Item Shops, on 82 different days.

Why are there shops labelled as 'parts'?
For varying reasons, Epic Games may decide to add or remove items from the Item Shop before the usual rotation occurs. The Fortnite Wiki treats each change to the Item Shop within a single day as a separate 'part' that makes up the day's Item Shop History.
Why are there two different numbers for Dynamic Dribbler's appearances?
Dynamic Dribbler has, on at least one occasion, appeared in more than one shop in a single day. This has resulted in its count for appearances in the Item Shop being higher than the amount of days it has appeared in it. Both counts are listed by the Fortnite Wiki in order to be as accurate as possible, unlike other sources.

News Tab[]

Image Description Date
Goalbound Set - Promo - Fortnite GOAAAAAL! Celebrate that Victory with the new Goalbound Outfits and Gear.
Customize yours now!
June 15th 2018
Goalbound Set - Promo - Fortnite ⚽Score that Victory and toot your own horn!🎺
The Goalbound Gear is sliding into the store.
June 27th 2018
Goalbound Outfits are temporarily disabled due to a partying issue. You may need to unequip this Outfit in your Locker. October 3rd 2018
Party-related issues have been resolved and the Goalbound Outfits have returned. ⚽
Sprint into battle and score a Victory for your team! 🏆
October 5th 2018
Goalbound Set - Promo - Fortnite Refuse to lose ⚽
The Goalbound Gear is back in the Item Shop!
February 16th 2019
Goalbound Set (Season 8) - Promo - Fortnite ⚽ Cross the pitch and island in the Goalbound Outfits available in the Item Shop! ⚽
As a reminder, the store will rotate with the v8.30 update.
April 10th 2019
Goalbound Set (Season 8) - Promo - Fortnite Go for gold 🏆
The Goalbound Set is back in the Item Shop now!
June 1st 2019
Goalbound Set (Season 8) - Promo - Fortnite Score Big 🏅
Grab the Goalbound Set in the Item Shop now!
July 10th 2019
Goalbound Set (Season 8) - Promo - Fortnite GOOOOOAAAAAAL 🏆
Grab the Goalbound Set in the Shop now!
February 24th 2021
Goalbound Set - Promo - Fortnite GOOOOOAAAAAAL 🏆
Grab the Goalbound Set back in the Shop now!
August 19th 2021
Goalbound Set (C3S1) - Promo - Fortnite IT’S BACK 🏆
Don’t miss the returning Goalbound Set in the Shop!
December 29th 2021

Image Description Date
Goalbound Set (News Tab) - Promo - Fortnite Represent In Style
The New Goalbound Outfits and Gear are available now!
June 15th 2018
Goalbound Set (News Tab) - Promo - Fortnite Outfit Goals
The Goalbound Gear is back in the shop now!
June 27th 2018
Venture Set (News Tab) - Promo - Fortnite Venture And Victory
Venture and Goalbound Gear sets are in the shop now!
July 12th 2018
Goalbound Set (Season 8 - News Tab) - Promo - Fortnite Soccer Takeover
Make your way across the pitch and slide into the Item Shop to get the Goalbound Set!
April 9th 2019
Goalbound Set (Season 8 - News Tab) - Promo - Fortnite Go For Gold
The Goalbound Sets are back in the Item Shop!
June 1st 2019
Goalbound Set (Season 8 - News Tab) - Promo - Fortnite Score Big
The Goalbound Set is available now!
July 10th 2019
Goalbound Set (C2 - News Tab) - Promo - Fortnite Goalbound Set
Represent your country in style. Check out the new Goalbound Set in the Item Shop now!
February 18th 2020
Goalbound Set (C2 - News Tab) - Promo - Fortnite Goalbound Set
Tearing up the field and destined for victory.
December 27th 2020
Goalbound Set (C2 - News Tab) - Promo - Fortnite Goalbound Set
Tearing up the field and destined for victory.
February 24th 2021
Goalbound Set (C3S1 - News Tab) - Promo - Fortnite Goalbound Set
Tearing up the field and destined for victory.
July 20th 2022

Character Reaction[]

Speech - Icon - Fortnite Character special dialogues for players wearing the Dynamic Dribbler Outfit.

Chapter 4: Season 1

FFC Neymar Jr: Nice footwork.



Former Icons[]

