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Fortnite Wiki

Elements are a mechanic in Fortnite: Save the World.

There are 5 elements:

T-Icon-Element-Physical Physical, represented by a broken grey wall.

Energy Energy, represented by a blue energy blob with orbiting spheres, resembling an atom.

Fire Ammo - Icon - Fortnite Fire, represented by a flame.

Water Water, represented by three wavy lines, resembling the sea.

Nature Nature, represented like a lightning bolt.

Element Matchups[]

Defending →
↓ Attacking
T-Icon-Element-Physical Fire Ammo - Icon - Fortnite Water Nature Wood - Material - Fortnite Stone - Material - Fortnite Metal - Material - Fortnite
T-Icon-Element-Physical 100% 50% 50% 50% 100% 100% 100%
Energy 100% 75% 75% 75% 100% 100% 100%
Fire Ammo - Icon - Fortnite 100% 67% 25% 100% 200% 100% 100%
Water 100% 100% 67% 25% 100% 200% 100%
Nature 100% 25% 100% 67% 100% 100% 200%
  • Husks and Mist Monsters cannot be of the Energy element.
  • On the left is the attacking element. Players cannot damage player-built structures with weapons.
  • On the top is the defending element. Elemental Husks and Mist Monsters deal increased damage to particular materials.

Elemental Perks[]

While most weapons can be perked for all 5 Elements, particular Weapons, Traps and sets have reduced options or are locked to one Element.

It costs RE-PERK! - Resource - Fortnite RE-PERK! and the corresponding PERK-UPs - Icon - Fortnite PERK-UP! (FIRE-UP! - Resource - Fortnite FIRE-UP!, FROST-UP! - Resource - Fortnite FROST-UP! and AMP-UP! - Resource - Fortnite AMP-UP!) to change a weapon's element in the Perk Recombobulator. Changing to Energy requires all three PERK-UP types. Elemental perks also have a built-in damage buff based on the rarity of the perk.

Elemental Enemies[]

Husks and Mist Monsters can be Elemental starting at Zone Power Level 28 (Late Plankerton). They can be Fire, Water or Nature instead of the usual Physical.

Above are Husky husks with Fire, Water and Nature respectively. Each element changes the enemies appearance and adds an effect to their attacks.

  • Fire enemies glow red and are surrounded by flames.
    • They apply Affliction when they deal damage, damaging Shields then Health.
  • Water enemies have darker 'clothing' and paler 'skin' and are surrounded by water vapour.
    • They enemies apply a Slow when they deal damage. This effect stacks with the Slow Field modifier.
  • Nature enemies glow yellow and are surrounded by electricity.
    • They apply Affliction to your Energy, causing it to drain for a brief period.

Mist Monsters (except Smashers), Beehives, Sploders, Nurses, Lobbers, and Wildlife are never Elemental.

Each wave of a defense may have an Elemental Storm, where all Elemental enemies are a particular element. Some Mission Alerts may have the same effect even outside of the main objective. Players will be warned of the element the Monsters will have. In missions with no specific Elemental Storm modifier, the element will be chosen at random, including Physical.

Completing an Elemental Storm modifier mission awards the corresponding Element-UPs, once per day. Nature Storms award AMP-UP, Fire Storms award FIRE-UP, and Water Storms award FROST-UP.

Common Elements[]

In certain times of the year, there are many missions that have a specified Elemental Storm modifier.

Dates Common Element Associated Venture Season
Late January - Late March None (Even distribution) Flannel Falls
Late March - Mid June Nature Nature Scurvy Shoals
Mid June - Early September Fire Ammo - Icon - Fortnite Fire Blasted Badlands
Early September - Late November None (Even distribution) Hexsylvania
Late November - Late January Water Water Frozen Fjords


Calculated - Emote - Fortnite This section outlines a strategy.
Feel free to add tips, tricks and general advice about the topic.
  • Energy is a good choice for a well-rounded weapon as it deals 75% damage to Elemental enemies, though using specific Elements will be more effective.
  • In higher-level missions, Physical is not good as more enemies will be Elemental and your weapons will deal half of their potential damage.
  • In Mission Alerts with an Elemental Storm modifier, build out of a material that does not receive 200% damage against the modifier Element.
    • In Fire Storms, build with Metal and don't build with Wood. In Metal Corrosion modifier missions, build with Stone.
    • In Nature Storms, build with Stone and don't build with Metal.
    • In Water Storms, build with Metal and don't build with Stone.
      • In Metal Corrosion modifier missions, it can throw many people off, however. Despite this, one must build with metal nevertheless, as only basic husks have the ability to trigger this rather than elemental husks, including water enemies.
        • The damage output for metal corrosions is not as much as the damage output for brick walls against water enemies.
  • Mini-Bosses may have an element, though this is shown by the Mini-Bosses health bar, not their appearance.
  • Nature enemies can hinder Ability-based and melee heavy attack-based loadouts as they drain the Energy used to activate these effects.
    • Heroes that have a perk to restore Energy can be used to help combat this.
  • Fire enemies' Affliction mean that their damage potential is much higher, so healing will be needed more often in Fire Storms.
  • Ranged enemies, especially Zappers, can apply elemental effects from a distance, making them considerably stronger.
  • Monsters spawned when fighting the Storm King will always be Physical.


  • Fire, Water and Nature form an effectiveness triangle: Fire is weak to Water, which is weak to Nature, which is weak to Fire.
  • Energy is the only element that enemies cannot be.
  • When Physical is perked Legendary, it provides a 44% damage boost, unlike the other elements' 20%.
    • This is to make up for the fact that is has no advantages against any element.
  • Water enemies are the only Elementals that do not apply Affliction.
  • Fire ammo used in Battle Royale for the Flare Gun uses the same symbol as the Fire element.

External links[]
