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Fortnite Wiki
Loons - Back Bling - Fortnite This article contains unreleased content that may be available in the future.

The Emote Controller is a unreleased Device in Fortnite: Creative.

While this device has a new Verse class within the files, this does NOT mean the release of it is confirmed. This device does have the Deprecated tag attached to it.


Adds or Removes the ability to use a specified emote on the island

All Settings[]

All default values have been Bolded.

All Options
Option Value Description
Enabled During Phase None, All, Pre-Game Only, Gameplay Only Determines the game phases during which the device will be enabled.
Block Dances Yes, No Blocks all dance emotes on the island. Only one Emote Controller device needs this to be on for dances to get blocked.
Block Emojis Yes, No Blocks all emoji emotes on the island. Only one Emote Controller device needs this to be on for emojis to get blocked.
Block Toys Yes, No Blocks all toy emotes on the island. Only one Emote Controller device needs this to be on for toys to get blocked.
Block Sprays Yes, No Blocks all spray emotes on the island. Only one Emote Controller device needs this to be on for sprays to get blocked.
Exclusive Category Yes, No If the emote is being added, this determines if the category the emote is being added to will be the only available category. If it is exclusive, players will only be able to use the emotes in this category when the device is enabled.
Add or Block Emote Add Emote, Block Emote Should the emote ID be given to the players, or blocked from the players so they cannot use it if they have it.
Category Name Island Emotes, {Category Title} The name of the category that the emote will appear in if added. Will not be used if blocking the emote.
Emote ID {Enter Emote ID} The ID name for the emote this device controls.
Player Effect Bubbles, Hearts, Sparkles Which music reactive player effect to attach to players.

Functions and Events[]

Option Description
Enable When Receiving From Enables the device.
Disable When Receiving From Disables the device.
Enable Player Effects When Receiving From Enables the player's emote effects.
Disable Player Effects When Receiving From Disables the player's emote effects.
Grant Emote Item When Receiving From Grants an emote item to the instigating player.
Grant Emote Item All When Receiving From Grants an emote item to the all players.
No settings to display.

emote_controller_device class[]

using {/}

Inheritance Hierarchy
Option Description
creative_object Base class for creative devices and props.
creative_device_base Base class for creative_device.
This class doesn't have any data members.
Option Parameters Description
Enable Enables this device.
Disable Disables this device.
EnableAgentEffects Enables agent emote effects.
DisableAgentEffects Disables agent emote effects
GrantEmoteItem Agent:agent Grants emote item to Agent.
GrantEmoteItemAll Grants emote item all agents.

  • This device was used in a ton of different Creative Events such as: The March Through Time, Fortnite Soundwave Series : Mohamed Hamaki, and more.
  • The First Map to ever use the Emote Controller was the Easy Life at the O2 Concert.
  • There have been glitches/bugs to receive this device early, However, these have been removed 3 days after the Easy Life at the O2 Event.
