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Fortnite Wiki

F.O.R.T. is an acronym for the four basic statistics in Fortnite: Save the World. Players can increase bonuses to these stats by creating Survivor Squads. Increasing survivor stats will increase the overall Homebase Power and assist the player's ability to complete Missions. You can upgrade your F.O.R.T stats with Research Points at the Command tab.

Fortitude - Increase health and regen rate.
Offense - Increase ranged and melee weapon damage.
Resistance - Increases shield and shield regen.
Tech - Increases trap damage, ability damage, gadget damage, and healing done.

Survivor Squads[]

  • Slotting Survivors into Survivor Squads grants F.O.R.T. stats based on the Squad:
  • Fortitude: EMT Squad, Training Team
  • Offense: Fire Team Alpha, Close Assault Squad
  • Resistance: Scouting Party, Gadgeteers
  • Tech: Corps of Engineering, The Think Tank

See also[]

Save the World Content (edit)
Heroes Soldier - Constructor - Ninja - Outlander - Abilities - Hero Perks - Squad Bonuses
Personnel Survivors - Defenders - Expedition Squads - F.O.R.T. Stats
Armory Weaponry - Traps - Perk Recombobulator - Weapon Perks - Collection Book
Enemies Husk Monsters - Mist Monsters - Mini-Bosses - Storm King
Map Regions - Biomes - Missions - Mutant Storms
Quests Stonewood Quests - Plankerton Quests - Canny Valley Quests - Twine Peaks Quests - Ventures
Locker Locker
Store Llama Shop