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Fortnite Wiki

Upgrade and manage survivors. Optimize squads to increase stats.
— In-Game Description

A Survivor is a character in Fortnite: Save the World that can be combined to create a survivor squad. Survivors have different personality attributes and jobs. A Squad is made up of 1 Lead Survivor and 7 additional supporting survivors. The ability to create different squads needs to be unlocked in the player's Skills. Combining Survivors with the same personality increases the effectiveness of that job. Assigning a Lead with the same attributes will add an additional bonus.


Survivors can be obtained through Llamas, Quests, Mission Alerts and the Event Store.


F.O.R.T Statistics[]

By leveling up your survivors and slotting them into a survivor squad, players will increase the following stats:

  • Icon Fortitude Fortitude (Increases health and health regen rate by +1% per point.)

The best survivor squads for this slot are EMT Squad - Icon - Fortnite EMT Squads and Training Team - Icon - Fortnite Training Teams.

  • Icon Offense Offense (Increases weapon damage by +1% per point.)

The best survivor squads for this slot are Fire Team Alpha - Icon - Fortnite Fire Team Alpha and Close Assault - Icon - Fortnite Close Assault Squad.

  • Icon Resistance Resistance (Increases shield and shield regen rate by +1% per point.)

The best survivor squads for this slot are Scouting Party - Icon - Fortnite Scouting Party and Gadgeteer - Icon - Fortnite Gadgeteers.

  • Icon Tech Tech (Increases trap damage, ability damage, gadget damage, and healing rate by +1% per point.)

The best survivor squads for this slot are Corps of Engineering - Icon - Fortnite Corps of Engineering and Think Tank - Icon - Fortnite The Think Tank.

Increasing these stats will not only increase the player's home base power level but also contribute to Heroes' performance in missions.

Survivor Personalities[]

  • Icon Adventurer Adventurous
  • Icon Analytical Analytical
  • Icon Competitive Competitive
  • Icon Cooperative Cooperative
  • Icon Curious Curious
  • Icon Dependable Dependable
  • Icon Dreamer Dreamer
  • Icon Pragmatic Pragmatic

Survivor Set Bonus[]

In addition to their personalities, each subordinate survivor is randomly assigned a Set Bonus. By assigning multiple survivors with the same set bonus to the same squad, the player can gain additional stat bonuses.

Currently, these bonuses are calculated additively with the player's F.O.R.T. stats. In other words, the +5% bonus from each set is equivalent to +5 of the corresponding F.O.R.T. Stat.[1]

Set Bonus Amount Matches
Personality Match ??? 7 ???
Health +5% 2 Fortitude
Shield +5% 2 Resistance
Shield Regen +5% 2 Resistance
Ranged Damage +5% 3 Offense
Melee Damage +5% 3 Offense
Ability Damage +5% 3 Tech
Trap Damage +5% 3 Tech
Trap Durability +8% 2 N/A

Lead Survivors[]

Mythic Lead Survivors[]

Marlin Kingsly - Lead Survivor - Fortnite

Icon CompetitiveEMT Squad - Icon - Fortnite Marlin Kingsly

Gregson Noctor Holmes - Lead Survivor - Fortnite

Icon AnalyticalEMT Squad - Icon - Fortnite Gregson "Noctor" Holmes

May Treky Jenson - Lead Survivor - Fortnite

Icon PragmaticEMT Squad - Icon - Fortnite May "Treky" Jenson

Lacy Princess Luw - Lead Survivor - Fortnite

Icon DependableFire Team Alpha - Icon - Fortnite Lacy "Princess" Luw

Malcolm - Lead Survivor - Fortnite

Icon CooperativeFire Team Alpha - Icon - Fortnite Malcolm

Joe Ramsie Bo - Lead Survivor - Fortnite

Icon AdventurerFire Team Alpha - Icon - Fortnite Joe "Ramsie" Bo

Lacey Countess Ads - Lead Survivor - Fortnite

Icon PragmaticCorps of Engineering - Icon - Fortnite Lacey "Countess" Ads

Jeev Sobs - Lead Survivor - Fortnite

Icon DreamerCorps of Engineering - Icon - Fortnite Jeev Sobs

Emma Maths Nolen - Lead Survivor - Fortnite

Icon AnalyticalCorps of Engineering - Icon - Fortnite Emma "Maths" Nolen

Ned Spacebound Legstrong - Lead Survivor - Fortnite

Icon DreamerScouting Party - Icon - Fortnite Ned "Spacebound" Legstrong

Amy Eagle Deerhart - Lead Survivor - Fortnite

Icon AdventurerScouting Party - Icon - Fortnite Amy "Eagle" Deerhart

Saka Birdie Gale - Lead Survivor - Fortnite

Icon CuriousScouting Party - Icon - Fortnite Saka "Birdie" Gale

Gadgeteer - Icon - Fortnite Gadgeteers
Hamlet Fixer McKinney - Lead Survivor - Fortnite

Icon Analytical Hamlet "Fixer" McKinney

Ellie Zapps Clerk - Lead Survivor - Fortnite

Icon Curious Ellie "Zaps" Clerk

Kelly Flak Solek - Lead Survivor - Fortnite

Icon Dependable Kelly "Flak" Solek

Training Team - Icon - Fortnite Personal Trainers
Cara Indiana Loft - Lead Survivor - Fortnite

Icon Curious Cara "Indiana" Loft

Michelle Yoglattes Jillard - Lead Survivor - Fortnite

Icon Competitive Michelle "Yoglattes" Jillard

Damon Sprawl Fitch - Lead Survivor - Fortnite

Icon Cooperative Damon "Sprawl" Fitch

Close Assault - Icon - Fortnite Martial Artists
Sie Dragon Lung - Lead Survivor - Fortnite

Icon Adventurer Sie "Dragon" Lung

Misha Tiger Yu - Lead Survivor - Fortnite

Icon Dependable Misha "Tiger" Yu

Mishiro Samurai Tofune - Lead Survivor - Fortnite

Icon Competitive Mishiro "Samarai" Tofune

Think Tank - Icon - Fortnite Inventors
Cary Rad Mary - Lead Survivor - Fortnite

Icon Cooperative Cary "Rad" Mary

Alfred Square Winestein - Lead Survivor - Fortnite

Icon Pragmatic Alfred "Square" Winestein

Nick Frequency Golub - Lead Survivor - Fortnite

Icon Dreamer Nick "Frequency" Golub

Legendary Lead Survivors[]

Lead Doctor Female - Survivor - Fortnite

EMT Squad - Icon - FortniteLead Female Doctor

Lead Doctor Male - Survivor - Fortnite

EMT Squad - Icon - FortniteLead Male Doctor

Lead Engineer Female - Survivor - Fortnite

Corps of Engineering - Icon - FortniteLead Female Engineer

Lead Engineer Male - Survivor - Fortnite

Corps of Engineering - Icon - FortniteLead Male Engineer

Lead Explorer Female - Survivor - Fortnite

Scouting Party - Icon - FortniteLead Female Explorer

Lead Explorer Male - Survivor - Fortnite

Scouting Party - Icon - FortniteLead Male Explorer

Lead Gadgeteer Female - Survivor - Fortnite

Gadgeteer - Icon - FortniteLead Female Gadgeteer

Lead Gadgeteer Male - Survivor - Fortnite

Gadgeteer - Icon - FortniteLead Male Gadgeteer

Lead Inventor Female - Survivor - Fortnite

Think Tank - Icon - FortniteLead Female Inventor

Lead Inventor Male - Survivor - Fortnite

Think Tank - Icon - FortniteLead Male Inventor

Lead Marksman Female - Survivor - Fortnite

Fire Team Alpha - Icon - FortniteLead Female Marksman

Lead Marksman Male - Survivor - Fortnite

Fire Team Alpha - Icon - FortniteLead Male Marksman

Lead Martial Artist Female - Survivor - Fortnite

Close Assault - Icon - FortniteLead Female Martial Artist

Lead Martial Artist Male - Survivor - Fortnite

Close Assault - Icon - FortniteLead Male Martial Artist

Lead Trainer Female - Survivor - Fortnite

Training Team - Icon - FortniteLead Female Trainer

Lead Trainer Male - Survivor - Fortnite

Training Team - Icon - FortniteLead Male Trainer


Mythic Subordinates[]

Joel - Survivor - Fortnite


Karolina - Survivor - Fortnite


Legendary Subordinates[]

Lobber - Survivor - Fortnite


Smasher - Survivor - Fortnite


Troll - Survivor - Fortnite


Epic Subordinates[]

Leprechaun - Survivor - Fortnite


Husky - Survivor - Fortnite


Lobber - Survivor - Fortnite


Troll - Survivor - Fortnite


Rare Subordinates[]

Husky - Survivor - Fortnite


Lobber - Survivor - Fortnite


Pitcher - Survivor - Fortnite


Uncommon Subordinates[]

Husk - Survivor - Fortnite


Husky - Survivor - Fortnite


Pitcher - Survivor - Fortnite


Common Subordinates[]

Husk - Survivor - Fortnite


Husky - Survivor - Fortnite


Pitcher - Survivor - Fortnite


Adventurous Icon Adventurer[]

Male 1 - Adventurous Survivor - Fortnite Male 2 - Adventurous Survivor - Fortnite Male 3 - Adventurous Survivor - Fortnite
Female 1 - Adventurous Survivor - Fortnite Female 2 - Adventurous Survivor - Fortnite Female 3 - Adventurous Survivor - Fortnite

Analytical Icon Analytical[]

Male 1 - Analytical Survivor - Fortnite Male 2 - Analytical Survivor - Fortnite Male 3 - Analytical Survivor - Fortnite
Female 1 - Analytical Survivor - Fortnite Female 2 - Analytical Survivor - Fortnite Female 3 - Analytical Survivor - Fortnite

Competitive Icon Competitive[]

Male 1 - Competitive Survivor - Fortnite Male 2 - Competitive Survivor - Fortnite Male 3 - Competitive Survivor - Fortnite
Female 1 - Competitive Survivor - Fortnite Female 2 - Competitive Survivor - Fortnite Female 3 - Competitive Survivor - Fortnite

Cooperative Icon Cooperative[]

Male 1 - Cooperative Survivor - Fortnite Male 2 - Cooperative Survivor - Fortnite Male 3 - Cooperative Survivor - Fortnite
Female 1 - Cooperative Survivor - Fortnite Female 2 - Cooperative Survivor - Fortnite Female 3 - Cooperative Survivor - Fortnite

Curious Icon Curious[]

Male 1- Curious Survivor - Fortnite Male 2 - Curious Survivor - Fortnite Male 3 - Curious Survivor - Fortnite
Female 1 - Curious Survivor - Fortnite Female 2- Curious Survivor - Fortnite Female 3 - Curious Survivor - Fortnite

Dependable Icon Dependable[]

Male 1 - Dependable Survivor - Fortnite Male 2 - Dependable Survivor - Fortnite Male 3 - Dependable Survivor - Fortnite
Female 1 - Dependable Survivor - Fortnite Female 2 - Dependable Survivor - Fortnite Female 3 - Dependable Survivor - Fortnite

Dreamer Icon Dreamer[]

Male 1 - Dreamer Survivor - Fortnite Male 2 - Dreamer Survivor - Fortnite Male 3 - Dreamer Survivor - Fortnite
Female 1 - Dreamer Survivor - Fortnite Female 2 - Dreamer Survivor - Fortnite Female 3 - Dreamer Survivor - Fortnite

Pragmatic Icon Pragmatic[]

Male 1 - Pragmatic Survivor - Fortnite Male 2 - Pragmatic Survivor - Fortnite Male 3 - Pragmatic Survivor - Fortnite
Female 1 - Pragmatic Survivor - Fortnite Female 2 - Pragmatic Survivor - Fortnite Female 3 - Pragmatic Survivor - Fortnite


ALWAYS spend V-Bucks/Tickets/Gold to acquire as many mythic and legendary survivors as possible, ASAP

  • The maximum Power Level 145 requires the following:
    • All Mythic lead survivors
    • All legendary survivors in slots 1-7 (except Joel and Karolina)
    • Personality and job matched survivors to a squad
    • All survivors fully supercharged to Level 60
    • All F.O.R.T. stats upgraded to level 120 (+600% to each stat)
  • Non-upgraded Legendary survivors will always be stronger and improve your power level more dramatically than fully upgraded Epic survivors.
  • Even when matching personalities, the Power Level of survivor slots that are Epic are insignificant compared to Legendary survivors that are not matching.

Save the World Content (edit)
Heroes Soldier - Constructor - Ninja - Outlander - Abilities - Hero Perks - Squad Bonuses
Personnel Survivors - Defenders - Expedition Squads - F.O.R.T. Stats
Armory Weaponry - Traps - Perk Recombobulator - Weapon Perks - Collection Book
Enemies Husk Monsters - Mist Monsters - Mini-Bosses - Storm King
Map Regions - Biomes - Missions - Mutant Storms
Quests Stonewood Quests - Plankerton Quests - Canny Valley Quests - Twine Peaks Quests - Ventures
Locker Locker
Store Llama Shop