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Fortnite Wiki
Assassin Unknown - Emoticon - Fortnite This page may contain speculation and/or fan interpretations.
Due to lack of official information some information on this page may therefore be partially incorrect.

At last the work of generations is complete. The great error is corrected. The day of victory is at hand. The day of revenge. The day of the Sith!
Darth Sidious

The First Order, simply known as the Order is the fascist military junta that replaced the Galactic Empire within the Star Wars Universe. They have made one appearance within Fortnite: Battle Royale so far.


The First Order is a fascist military organization, led by Kylo Ren and orchestrated by Darth Sidious and his clone Snoke. They train many ranks and forms of First Order Stormtroopers to protect their territory and fight against the Resistance. After the disappearance of Supreme Leader Kylo Ren who renounced the dark side of the force, the highest ranking Officer of the First Order, the Allegiant General Enric Pryde became the de-facto leader and once again swore loyalty to Darth Sidious. In return, the Emperor gave him control of the Final Order Fleet, signing the merger between the First Order and Final Order fleet.

Locations, Member and Technology[]

Name Image Description
TIE Fighter Crash Sites
Steamy Stacks (TIE Fighter Crash Site) - Location - Fortnite
First Orer TIE Fighters crashed by the Millennium Falcon.

Member Name & Icon Information
Darth Sidious
Unknown - Outfit - Fortnite
The leader of the Sith Eternal and Dark Lord of the Sith. He took control of the First Order after Kylo Ren renounced the dark side of the force and the highest ranking Officer: Allegiant General Enric Pryde, once again swore loyalty to the Emperor signing the alliance between the First Order and the Final Order fleet.
First Order Stormtrooper - AI - Fortnite
The low-ranking troopers of the First Order.
Sith Troopers
Sith Trooper - Outfit - Fortnite
The low-ranking elite troopers of the Final Order and Sith Eternal.

Member Name & Icon Information
Finn - Outfit - Fortnite
A defective First Order Storm Trooper who joined the Resistance.
Unknown - Outfit - Fortnite
The former supreme leader of the First Order. Killed and usurped by Kylo Ren.
Kylo Ren
Kylo Ren - Outfit - Fortnite
The former supreme leader of First Order, he usurped Snoke after killing him.

Member Name & Icon Information
First Order Blaster Rifle
First Order Blaster Rifle - Weapon - Fortnite
The standard Blasters used by the First Order Stormtroopers.
Riot Control Baton
Riot Control Baton - Pickaxe - Fortnite
Batons used by the First Order Stormtroopers to control situations.
Sith Trooper Blaster
Sith Trooper Blaster - Back Bling - Fortnite
The standard Blasters used by the Sith Troopers.
First Order TIE Fighter
First Order TIE Fighter - Glider - Fortnite
The standard TIE Fighters of the First Order.
TIE Whisper
TIE Whisper - Glider - Fortnite
Modified TIE Interceptors.


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