Fortnite Wiki

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Fortnite Wiki

Express yourself on the battlefield.
— In-Game Description

Floss is a Rare Emote in Fortnite, that could have been unlocked by reaching Tier 49 of the Season 2 Battle Pass.

Floss is one of 719 emotes that can be used within LEGO Fortnite.


  • Floss has a Lobby Music Pack called Squeaky Clean.
  • Floss is a dance claimed to be created by Russel Horning, who calls himself 'The Backpack Kid'. He posted a video on August 18th 2016, and went viral.
  • Floss has 2 similar versions called: No Sweat (During The Final Showdown, when the Mecha Team Leader did the Floss with only arm after it defeated the Monster, thus leading to a new emote) and Windmill Floss (It is similar to the Floss, but resembles a windmill and has different music).