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FORTNITE X MARVEL: ZERO WAR #2 will continue the hunt for the Zero Shard. Spider-Man and his allies are led to the outskirts of Wakanda – but no one said getting in would be easy! Meanwhile, Iron Man and The Foundation launch a daring mission into the unknown and stumble upon a game-changing revelation.
— Description[1]

Fortnite X Marvel: Zero War #2 is a Comic introduced in Chapter 3: Season 3 of Fortnite: Battle Royale, as part of the Fortnite X Marvel: Zero War.


On the island, The Seven and the Avengers team up to fight the Imagined Order forces. The Foundation and Iron Man begin arguing about their armor and titles. One escape later... The Foundation, Iron Man, The Scientist, Thor and Storm go to The Ice Moon.

In Reality: 616, at the Wakandan border. Spider-Man is in a panicked state because his group angered the Wakanda border patrollers. Shuri walks in and stops the fight. Spider-Man begins explaining the situation and she agrees to help him. The group arrives at Mena Ngai only to find that the vibranium radiates a similar energy to The Zero Point, Wolverine realizes that the smell of The Zero Shard is fading away. likely being taken away from the location. Shuri says that the only known creatures that Wakanda's sensors can't detect are reptilians. The group goes to Serpent Valley to find the reptilians but are ambushed by a group of reptilian ninja Hybirds riding dinosaurs. Wolverine smells the mix of human, dinosaur and the Zero Shard fading away. Spider-Man theorizes that Stegron the Dinosaur Man is the thief, and that he is taking the Zero Shard to the Savage Land.

Back to Reality Zero on the Ice Moon, Thor and Storm use their power to milden the harsh climate of the moon. Iron Man spots the broken Mecha Team Leader lying on the ice. The Foundation finds The Paradigm barely alive inside the mech.

Bonus Reward[]

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Stark Seven

