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Starting from the beginning of the event, only four quests were unlocked. However, for every day that passed, another two quests would unlock to be completed.
Complete 5 #Fortnitemares Quests to unlock this Glider!
October 19th 2022
Exoskeletal representation 🦴
Complete 13 #Fortnitemares Quests to unlock this Back Bling!
October 23rd 2022
The scariest thing to happen this month is announcing that #Fortnitemares ends soon.
Complete your quests, earn rewards, and play through ghastly gameplay before October wraps up!
October 30th 2022
Fortnitemares Leaving Soon There's still time to complete Quests to earn rewards including the Unmaker Pickaxe, and emjoy ghastlye gameplay before Fortnitemares ends on November 1.
October 31st 2022
Fortnitemares Quests There's nothing grim about it. Complete 5 Fortnitemares Quests to unlock the Everything's End Glider!
October 20th 2022
The Fortnitemares quests "Hit an opponent while Wolfscent is active" & "Dance on an Alteration Altar to get the Howler Claws" have been disabled and replaced with the "Land at Grim Gables" & "Deal 250 damage to opponents with an SMG" challenges.
This is because the Alteration Altars were disabled by a bug that caused the player to become invincible when using the Howler Claws.