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Fortnite Wiki

Gadgets are items in Save the World that can be used to assist you in battle. Up to 2 Gadgets can be selected in a Hero Loadout.

List of Gadgets[]

Icon Gadget Adrenaline Rush
Icon Gadget Airstrike
Icon Gadget Banner
Adrenaline Rush Air Strike Banner
Icon Gadget Turret Bot
Icon Gadget Proximity Mine
Icon Gadget Slowfield
Hover Turret Proximity Mine Slow Field
Icon Gadget Supply Drop
Icon Gadget Teleporter
Supply Drop Teleporter

Hero Perks[]

Hero Perks interacting with Gadgets:

Hero Perk
Undercover Buzz - Hero - Save the World Undercover Buzz Gadgeteer Gadgeteer Decreases Gadget cooldowns by 20%.
Decreases Gadget cooldowns by 50%.
Robo-Kevin - Outfit - Fortnite Robo-Kevin


Concept Art[]
