Fortnite Wiki

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Fortnite Wiki
Championship 2020 - Emoticon - Fortnite This item was available for a Limited Time and will most likely NEVER come back.
Pot Of Gold - Emoticon - Fortnite This cosmetic has not been seen in the Item Shop for more than 500 days.
This cosmetic last seen on October 13th 2019, 1951 days ago.

Leave us alone!
— In-Game Description

Go Home! is an Uncommon Emote in Fortnite, that can be purchased in the Item Shop for V-Bucks - Icon - Fortnite 100 V-Bucks. Go Home! was first released in Season X.

Go Home! is one of 718 emotes that can be used within LEGO Fortnite.

Item Shop Appearances[]

Go Home! has appeared in 3 different Item Shops.

News Tab[]

Image Description Date
Leave us alone.
Get the new Go Home! Emote in the Item Shop now.
October 11th 2019
The Paradigm - Promo - Fortnite Unknown allegiance.
Grab The Paradigm Outfit, Welcome! Emote and Go home! Emote in the Item Shop now. These exclusive items are only available for a limited time.
October 12th 2019
