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Fortnite Wiki

The Constructor equips a hammer which deals **damage** physical damage per hit and a shield that grants 675 armor and taunts nearby enemies while it is raised. Gain 75 base armor. Lasts 16 seconds. At the end of the ability, explode knocking back enemies.
— In-Game Description

Goin' Constructor is a   Constructor Ability in Fortnite: Save the World.


Goin' Constructor works similarly to Goin' Commando!!! where the player is granted a powerful hammer and shield but with lower mobility for a short amount of time.

Holding the attack key initiates a four-swing combo with low distance but high damage. While holding the aiming key will pull up a shield that attracts Husks attention and negates damage from the front while also providing a small mobility increase. When the shield is up the player will not be able to attack unless the shield is brought down.

Perks Interacting With Goin' Constructor[]

Heroes With Goin' Constructor[]



