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Fortnite Wiki

The Guard Spawn is a Device in Fortnite: Creative, added in Update v19.40.

You can give a custom weapon for the Guard to use by simply dropping a Guard Weapon on the device.


Spawns different types of Guards with customizable options.

All Settings[]

All default values have been Bolded.

Device Settings
Option Value Description
Guard Type Shadow, Ghost, Grotto, Shark, Rig, Kit, IO, Trespasser, Random The type of Guard that will be spawned by this device.
Number of Guards 4, 1 - 20 Sets the number of guards this device can have active at any time. When the spawner activates, it will produce one Guard at a time. Islands can have a maximum of 30 Guard spawned at a time across all devices.
Total Spawn Limit Infinite, 1 - 100 Sets the maximum number of Guards this spawner can produce during its lifetime.
Team Team Wildlife & Creatures, 1 - 60, Team Neutral Determines in which Team the Guard will be assigned to.
Spawn Timer None, Instant, 3 seconds, 1 Second - 300 Seconds Sets the minimum time between spawning Guards. "None" will not set a timer, so Guard will only be spawned by receiving a signal on a channel. "Instant" will spawn the quickest possible but is capped by performance limit.
Spawn Through Walls On, Off Determines whether this A.I. must spawn within line of sight of the Spawner or if hey can spawn behind obstructing walls.
Spawn Radius 10M, 2.5M - 50M The maximum distance from the device that a Guard can spawn.
Enabled at Game Start Enabled, Disabled Determines whether the spawner is already enabled when the game starts.
Starting Health 100, 10 - 10000, Invulnerable Sets the Guard's starting health value.
Max Health 100, 10 - 10000, Invulnerable Sets the Guard's maximum health value.
Starting Shield No Shield, 10, 50, 100, 200, 500, 1000 Sets the Guard's starting shield value.
Max Shield No Shield, 10, 50, 100, 200, 500, 1000 Sets the Guard's maximum shield value.
Health Bar Yes, No Display the health bar above Guards.
Patrol Option Enable Patrol, Disable Patrol Whether the Guard patrols around or stays in place.
Max. Patrol Distance 2.5M, 5M, 10M, 25M, 50M, 100M, 200M Sets the Guard's maximum patrol distance from the spawner.
Visibility Range 40M, 0M - 250M Sets the Guard's maximum sight perception distance when unaware. Hearing is not affected.
Team Awareness Propagation Yes, No If a Team is set, Guards will propagate awareness to their teammates.
Drop Inventory On Elimination Yes, No Whether the Guard drops his inventory on elimination.
Accuracy Low, Moderate, High, Very High Define how accurate Guards are at shooting.
Despawn Guards when Disabled Yes, No When the device is disabled, this determines whether already spawned guards remain or are despawn
Can Be Hired Yes, No Whether this Guard can be hired or not?
Allow Hire Conversation1 Yes, No Whether to allow hiring conversation or not. Set to No will only allow guards to be hired or dismissed through signals.
Hired Guard Name1 {Custom Name} (16 Character Max) Optional name the Guard can have in the 'Hire a Guard' conversation
Maximum Hired Guards1 Default, 1, 2, 3 Determines the limit of Guards from this device that a player can hire in game. Default means applying the same option set in the island settings. The hire limit on device won't be larger than the island setting limit.
Auto Hire When Spawned1 No, Last Hiring Player, Triggering Player Determine if the newly spawned Guard will be automatically Hired to the last hiring player, triggering player who triggers the spawn signal or not.
Restore Health & Shield when Hired1 Yes, No Determines if Guard's health and shield will restore to the default value if they have been damaged before being hired.
Despawn when Dismissed1 Yes, No Determine if the hired Guard should be automatically despawned when dismissed or not.

1 - Option only visible when Can Be Hired is set to Yes.

Device Channel Settings
Option Value Description
Enable When Receiving From No Channel, 1 - 500 Enables the device on receiving a signal from the selected channel.
Disable When Receiving From No Channel, 1 - 500 Disables the device on receiving a signal from the selected channel.
Spawn When Receiving From No Channel, 1 - 500 Spawns Guard from this device on receiving a signal from the selected channel.
Despawn When Receiving From No Channel, 1 - 500 Despawns any existing Guard belonging to this device on receiving a signal from the selected channel.
Reset Total Spawn Count When Receiving From No Channel, 1 - 500 Resets the count for the Total Spawn Limit on receiving a signal from the selected channel.
Hire When Receiving From No Channel, 1 - 500 Player instigator will hire the guards from this device on receiving a signal from the selected channel.
Dismiss All Hired Guards When Receiving From No Channel, 1 - 500 Will dismiss all hired guards from this device on receiving a signal from the selected channel.
Dismiss Instigator's Hired Guards When Receiving From No Channel, 1 - 500 Will dismiss ant hired guards from this device that belong to the instigating player on receiving a signal from the selected channel.
Set Guard Hireable When Receiving From No Channel, 1 - 500 Set all Guards spawned from this device hireable from the selected channel.
Set Guard Not Hireable When Receiving From No Channel, 1 - 500 Set all Guards spawned from this device not hireable from the selected channel.
When Spawned Transmit On No Channel, 1 - 500 Transmits a signal on the selected channel when this device spawns a Guard.
When Alerted to Player Transmit On No Channel, 1 - 500 Transmits a signal on the selected channel when a Guard from this device becomes alerted to a player.
When Eliminated Transmit On No Channel, 1 - 500 Transmits a signal on the selected channel when a Guard from this device is eliminated.
When Eliminating Player Transmit On No Channel, 1 - 500 Transmits a signal on the selected channel when a Guard from this device eliminates a player.
When Eliminating AI Transmit On No Channel, 1 - 500 Transmits a signal on the selected channel when a Guard from this device eliminates an AI.
When Hired Transmit On No Channel, 1 - 500 Transmits a signal on the selected channel when a Guard from this device is hired by player.
When Dismissed Transmit On No Channel, 1 - 500 Transmits a signal on the selected channel when a Guard from this device is dismissed.


Icon - WeaponType - Guard - Fortnite
