The Guard Spawn is a Device in Fortnite: Creative, added in Update v19.40.
You can give a custom weapon for the Guard to use by simply dropping a Guard Weapon on the device.
Spawns different types of Guards with customizable options.
All Settings[]
All default values have been Bolded.
Option | Value | Description |
Guard Type | Shadow, Ghost, Grotto, Shark, Rig, Kit, IO, Trespasser, Random | The type of Guard that will be spawned by this device. |
Number of Guards | 4, 1 - 20 | Sets the number of guards this device can have active at any time. When the spawner activates, it will produce one Guard at a time. Islands can have a maximum of 30 Guard spawned at a time across all devices. |
Total Spawn Limit | Infinite, 1 - 100 | Sets the maximum number of Guards this spawner can produce during its lifetime. |
Team | Team Wildlife & Creatures, 1 - 60, Team Neutral | Determines in which Team the Guard will be assigned to. |
Spawn Timer | None, Instant, 3 seconds, 1 Second - 300 Seconds | Sets the minimum time between spawning Guards. "None" will not set a timer, so Guard will only be spawned by receiving a signal on a channel. "Instant" will spawn the quickest possible but is capped by performance limit. |
Spawn Through Walls | On, Off | Determines whether this A.I. must spawn within line of sight of the Spawner or if hey can spawn behind obstructing walls. |
Spawn Radius | 10M, 2.5M - 50M | The maximum distance from the device that a Guard can spawn. |
Enabled at Game Start | Enabled, Disabled | Determines whether the spawner is already enabled when the game starts. |
Starting Health | 100, 10 - 10000, Invulnerable | Sets the Guard's starting health value. |
Max Health | 100, 10 - 10000, Invulnerable | Sets the Guard's maximum health value. |
Starting Shield | No Shield, 10, 50, 100, 200, 500, 1000 | Sets the Guard's starting shield value. |
Max Shield | No Shield, 10, 50, 100, 200, 500, 1000 | Sets the Guard's maximum shield value. |
Health Bar | Yes, No | Display the health bar above Guards. |
Patrol Option | Enable Patrol, Disable Patrol | Whether the Guard patrols around or stays in place. |
Max. Patrol Distance | 2.5M, 5M, 10M, 25M, 50M, 100M, 200M | Sets the Guard's maximum patrol distance from the spawner. |
Visibility Range | 40M, 0M - 250M | Sets the Guard's maximum sight perception distance when unaware. Hearing is not affected. |
Team Awareness Propagation | Yes, No | If a Team is set, Guards will propagate awareness to their teammates. |
Drop Inventory On Elimination | Yes, No | Whether the Guard drops his inventory on elimination. |
Accuracy | Low, Moderate, High, Very High | Define how accurate Guards are at shooting. |
Despawn Guards when Disabled | Yes, No | When the device is disabled, this determines whether already spawned guards remain or are despawn |
Can Be Hired | Yes, No | Whether this Guard can be hired or not? |
Allow Hire Conversation1 | Yes, No | Whether to allow hiring conversation or not. Set to No will only allow guards to be hired or dismissed through signals. |
Hired Guard Name1 | {Custom Name} (16 Character Max) | Optional name the Guard can have in the 'Hire a Guard' conversation |
Maximum Hired Guards1 | Default, 1, 2, 3 | Determines the limit of Guards from this device that a player can hire in game. Default means applying the same option set in the island settings. The hire limit on device won't be larger than the island setting limit. |
Auto Hire When Spawned1 | No, Last Hiring Player, Triggering Player | Determine if the newly spawned Guard will be automatically Hired to the last hiring player, triggering player who triggers the spawn signal or not. |
Restore Health & Shield when Hired1 | Yes, No | Determines if Guard's health and shield will restore to the default value if they have been damaged before being hired. |
Despawn when Dismissed1 | Yes, No | Determine if the hired Guard should be automatically despawned when dismissed or not. |
1 - Option only visible when Can Be Hired is set to Yes.
Option | Value | Description |
Enable When Receiving From | No Channel, 1 - 500 | Enables the device on receiving a signal from the selected channel. |
Disable When Receiving From | No Channel, 1 - 500 | Disables the device on receiving a signal from the selected channel. |
Spawn When Receiving From | No Channel, 1 - 500 | Spawns Guard from this device on receiving a signal from the selected channel. |
Despawn When Receiving From | No Channel, 1 - 500 | Despawns any existing Guard belonging to this device on receiving a signal from the selected channel. |
Reset Total Spawn Count When Receiving From | No Channel, 1 - 500 | Resets the count for the Total Spawn Limit on receiving a signal from the selected channel. |
Hire When Receiving From | No Channel, 1 - 500 | Player instigator will hire the guards from this device on receiving a signal from the selected channel. |
Dismiss All Hired Guards When Receiving From | No Channel, 1 - 500 | Will dismiss all hired guards from this device on receiving a signal from the selected channel. |
Dismiss Instigator's Hired Guards When Receiving From | No Channel, 1 - 500 | Will dismiss ant hired guards from this device that belong to the instigating player on receiving a signal from the selected channel. |
Set Guard Hireable When Receiving From | No Channel, 1 - 500 | Set all Guards spawned from this device hireable from the selected channel. |
Set Guard Not Hireable When Receiving From | No Channel, 1 - 500 | Set all Guards spawned from this device not hireable from the selected channel. |
When Spawned Transmit On | No Channel, 1 - 500 | Transmits a signal on the selected channel when this device spawns a Guard. |
When Alerted to Player Transmit On | No Channel, 1 - 500 | Transmits a signal on the selected channel when a Guard from this device becomes alerted to a player. |
When Eliminated Transmit On | No Channel, 1 - 500 | Transmits a signal on the selected channel when a Guard from this device is eliminated. |
When Eliminating Player Transmit On | No Channel, 1 - 500 | Transmits a signal on the selected channel when a Guard from this device eliminates a player. |
When Eliminating AI Transmit On | No Channel, 1 - 500 | Transmits a signal on the selected channel when a Guard from this device eliminates an AI. |
When Hired Transmit On | No Channel, 1 - 500 | Transmits a signal on the selected channel when a Guard from this device is hired by player. |
When Dismissed Transmit On | No Channel, 1 - 500 | Transmits a signal on the selected channel when a Guard from this device is dismissed. |