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Fortnite Wiki
Guitar (v29.10) - Icon - Fortnite Currently there are 49 Guitars

Guitars are Cosmetic Items introduced in Chapter 5: Season 1. They can be used in Battle Royale, Creative and Fortnite Festival.

Page Navigation[]

Solo - Icon - Fortnite
Battle Pass - Icon - Fortnite
Item Shop Mannequin - Device - Fortnite
Icon Mission Journal - Fortnite
Icon Mission Journal - Fortnite
Lobby Music (v28.30) - Icon - Fortnite
Default Battle Pass Item Shop Challenges Event Pass Festival
Default Pickaxe - Subtype - Fortnite
??? - Mystery Reward - Fortnite
Placeholder - Guitar - Fortnite Festival
Pickaxes Unreleased TBD

DefaultSolo - Icon - Fortnite[]

Opening Act - Guitar - Fortnite Festival
Opening Act

Battle Pass Battle Pass - Icon - Fortnite[]

The Grand Olympus - Guitar - Fortnite Festival
The Grand Olympus
Free Pass - Icon - Fortnite Battle PassC5S2
Guffy 6-String - Guitar - Fortnite Festival
Guffy 6-String
Battle Pass - Icon - Fortnite Battle PassC2R

Item ShopItem Shop Mannequin - Device - Fortnite[]

XO 6-String - Guitar - Fortnite Festival
XO 6-String
V-Bucks - Icon - Fortnite 800 V-Bucks
Spacefleet Kontrol - Guitar - Fortnite Festival
Spacefleet Kontrol
V-Bucks - Icon - Fortnite 1,000 V-Bucks
Leo's Shredder - Guitar - Fortnite Festival
Leo's Shredder
V-Bucks - Icon - Fortnite 1,000 V-Bucks
Ageless Guitar - Guitar - Fortnite Festival
Ageless Guitar
V-Bucks - Icon - Fortnite 800 V-Bucks
Glacier Electric - Guitar - Fortnite Festival
Glacier Electric
V-Bucks - Icon - Fortnite 500 V-Bucks
Filigree - Guitar - Fortnite Festival
V-Bucks - Icon - Fortnite 800 V-Bucks
Beastly - Guitar - Fortnite Festival
V-Bucks - Icon - Fortnite 800 V-Bucks
Fender Stratocaster - Guitar - Fortnite Festival
Fender Stratocaster
V-Bucks - Icon - Fortnite 500 V-Bucks
Pincer - Guitar - Fortnite Festival
V-Bucks - Icon - Fortnite 1,000 V-Bucks
Axecutioner - Guitar - Fortnite Festival
V-Bucks - Icon - Fortnite 500 V-Bucks
Mirage Glimmer - Guitar - Fortnite Festival
Mirage Glimmer
V-Bucks - Icon - Fortnite 1,000 V-Bucks
Astral Eye - Guitar - Fortnite Festival
Astral Eye
V-Bucks - Icon - Fortnite 800 V-Bucks
Red Guitar - Guitar - Fortnite Festival
Red Guitar
V-Bucks - Icon - Fortnite 800 V-Bucks
Guppy Sonic - Guitar - Fortnite Festival
Guppy Sonic
V-Bucks - Icon - Fortnite 500 V-Bucks
Wolverine's Axe - Guitar - Fortnite Festival
Wolverine's Axe
V-Bucks - Icon - Fortnite 1,000 V-Bucks
PCB Six-String - Guitar - Fortnite Festival
PCB Six-String
V-Bucks - Icon - Fortnite 800 V-Bucks
Hex Phase - Guitar - Fortnite Festival
Hex Phase
V-Bucks - Icon - Fortnite 800 V-Bucks
Iron Spider - Guitar - Fortnite Festival
Iron Spider
V-Bucks - Icon - Fortnite 1,000 V-Bucks
The Black Cat - Guitar - Fortnite Festival
The Black Cat
V-Bucks - Icon - Fortnite 800 V-Bucks
Strummy Mummy - Guitar - Fortnite Festival
Strummy Mummy
V-Bucks - Icon - Fortnite 800 V-Bucks
Edward Axe-Hands - Guitar - Fortnite Festival
Edward Axe-Hands
V-Bucks - Icon - Fortnite 1,000 V-Bucks
Chromatica Guitar - Guitar - Fortnite Festival
Chromatica Guitar
V-Bucks - Icon - Fortnite 2,000 V-Bucks
Hobie's Wicked Electric Guitar - Guitar - Fortnite Festival
Hobie's Wicked Electric Guitar
V-Bucks - Icon - Fortnite 1,800 V-Bucks
Seven-string Hallikset - Guitar - Fortnite Festival
Seven-string Hallikset
V-Bucks - Icon - Fortnite 800 V-Bucks
Johnny Silverhand's Guitar - Guitar - Fortnite Festival
Johnny Silverhand's Guitar
V-Bucks - Icon - Fortnite 800 V-Bucks
MadKat Smirk Axe - Guitar - Fortnite Festival
MadKat Smirk Axe
V-Bucks - Icon - Fortnite 1,000 V-Bucks

Challenges Icon Mission Journal - Fortnite[]

The Super Shredder - Guitar - Fortnite Festival
The Super Shredder
Shred It! Quests
Seven-string Hallikset - Guitar - Fortnite Festival
Seven-string Hallikset
Star Wars
James's ESP Snakebyte - Guitar - Fortnite Festival
James's ESP Snakebyte

Event Passes Icon Mission Journal - Fortnite[]

Dramyin - Guitar - Fortnite Festival
Icon Mission Journal - Fortnite Elements

Festival Music - Icon - Fortnite[]

Nanner Jammer - Guitar - Fortnite Festival
Nanner Jammer
Festival Pass (Free) - Icon - Fortnite Festival Music PassS1
Chromatica Guitar - Guitar - Fortnite Festival
Chromatica Guitar
Festival Pass - Icon - Fortnite Festival Music PassS2
Slurp Blaster - Guitar - Fortnite Festival
Slurp Blaster
Festival Pass (Free) - Icon - Fortnite Festival Music PassS4
Kirk's Gibson "Greeny" Les Paul - Guitar - Fortnite Festival
Kirk's Gibson "Greeny" Les Paul
Festival Pass (Free) - Icon - Fortnite Festival Music PassS4
Dusk Light - Guitar - Fortnite Festival
Dusk Light
Festival Pass (Free) - Icon - Fortnite Festival Music PassS5
Bichota 6-String - Guitar - Fortnite Festival
Bichota 6-String
Festival Pass - Icon - Fortnite Festival Music PassS5
Flux Silvera - Guitar - Fortnite Festival
Flux Silvera
Festival Pass (Free) - Icon - Fortnite Festival Music PassS6
G-Funk '93 - Guitar - Fortnite Festival
G-Funk '93
Festival Pass - Icon - Fortnite Festival Music PassS6
Neko Miku Guitar - Guitar - Fortnite Festival
Neko Miku Guitar
Festival Pass - Icon - Fortnite Festival Music PassS7
Shatter Sonic - Guitar - Fortnite
Shatter Sonic
Festival Pass (Free) - Icon - Fortnite Festival Music PassS7

Pickaxes Default Pickaxe - Subtype - Fortnite[]

Stringles - Pickaxe - Fortnite
The Fret Basher - Pickaxe - Fortnite
The Fret Basher
Six String Striker - Pickaxe - Fortnite
Six String Striker
Wicked Axe - Pickaxe - Fortnite
Wicked Axe
Shamisen - Pickaxe - Fortnite
Festival Shredder - Pickaxe - Fortnite
Festival Shredder
Web Shredder - Pickaxe - Fortnite
Web Shredder

Unreleased??? - Mystery Reward - Fortnite[]

Main Article: Unreleased Cosmetics#Guitars

TBD Placeholder - Guitar - Fortnite Festival[]

Main Article: TBD Cosmetics#Guitars