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Fortnite Wiki

Brave the haunted Hexsylvanian wilds in the spookiest Venture yet
— In-Game Description

Hexsylvania is a Venture Zone available during Autumn in Fortnite: Save the World. It was first added in Update v1.8, on October 25th 2017 and became a Venture Zone in Update v14.10, on September 10th 2020. It takes place throughout Autumn, ending after Halloween and right before Winter.

The name "Hexsylvania" is a combination of 'Hex', referring to cursed magic, and 'Transylvania', a region in central Romania commonly associated with Vampires. The lore of the Hexsylvanian region is explored to some extent in various Fortnitemares questlines; much of its history was influenced by the tyrannical politician, Vlad the Vicious the Second.

There are 2 missions exclusive to this zone: Survive the Night and Trap the Storm.

Hexsylvania is a haunted area set in a forest with gothic style castles. Buildings often contain underground catacombs. The common type of materials found are Wood and Stone.

Seasonal Zones[]


Hexsylvania Seasons[]

Hexsylvania Seasons
# Season Start Date End Date
1 Season 2 September 10, 2020 November 20, 2020
2 Season 7 September 4, 2021 November 20, 2021
3 Season 12 September 6, 2022 November 20, 2022
4 Season 17 September 6, 2023 November 20, 2023
5 Season 22 September 4, 2024 November 20, 2024


Main Reward Track

These rewards are earnable from Level 2 - 50 during each Hexsylvania season.

Gold - Currency - Fortnite
Level 2
Candy - Resource - Fortnite
Level 3
Gold - Currency - Fortnite
Level 4
Troll Stash Llama - Llama - Fortnite
Level 5
Gold - Currency - Fortnite
Level 6
Pure Drop of Rain - Icon - Fortnite
Level 7
Gold - Currency - Fortnite
Level 8
Pure Drop of Rain - Icon - Fortnite
Level 9
Troll Stash Llama - Llama - Fortnite
Level 10
RE-PERK! - Resource - Fortnite
Level 11
Gold - Currency - Fortnite
Level 12
Weapon Research Voucher - Resource - Fortnite
Level 13
Pure Drop of Rain - Icon - Fortnite
Level 14
Lightning in a Bottle - Icon - Fortnite
Level 15
Gold - Currency - Fortnite
Level 16
Core RE-PERK! - Resource - Fortnite
Level 17
Epic PERK-UP! - Resource - Fortnite
Level 18
RE-PERK! - Resource - Fortnite
Level 19
Hero Recruitment Voucher - Voucher - Fortnite
Level 20
Gold - Currency - Fortnite
Level 21
Legendary Flux - Resource - Fortnite
Level 22
Epic PERK-UP! - Resource - Fortnite
Level 23
RE-PERK! - Resource - Fortnite
Level 24
Survivor Supercharger - Resource - Fortnite
Level 25
RE-PERK! - Resource - Fortnite
Level 26
Pure Drop of Rain - Icon - Fortnite
Level 27
Trap Supercharger - Resource - Fortnite
Level 28
Lightning in a Bottle - Icon - Fortnite
Level 29
Gold - Currency - Fortnite
Level 30
Survivor Supercharger - Resource - Fortnite
Level 31
Eye of the Storm - Icon - Fortnite
Level 32
Legendary PERK-UP! - Resource - Fortnite
Level 33
Hero Supercharger - Resource - Fortnite
Level 34
Gold - Currency - Fortnite
Level 35
Pure Drop of Rain - Icon - Fortnite
Level 36
Survivor Supercharger - Resource - Fortnite
Level 37
RE-PERK! - Resource - Fortnite
Level 38
Lightning in a Bottle - Icon - Fortnite
Level 39
Weapon Supercharger - Resource - Fortnite
Level 40
Eye of the Storm - Icon - Fortnite
Level 41
Survivor Supercharger - Resource - Fortnite
Level 42
Storm Shard - Icon - Fortnite
Level 43
Hero Supercharger - Resource - Fortnite
Level 44
RE-PERK! - Resource - Fortnite
Level 45
Survivor Supercharger - Resource - Fortnite
Level 46
Legendary PERK-UP! - Resource - Fortnite
Level 47
Trap Supercharger - Resource - Fortnite
Level 48
Hero Supercharger - Resource - Fortnite
Level 49
Weapon Supercharger - Resource - Fortnite
Level 50

Repeatable Rewards

These rewards are earnable from Level 60 onwards, on a repeating cycle.

RE-PERK! - Resource - Fortnite
Level 51
Pure Drop of Rain - Icon - Fortnite
Level 52
Gold - Currency - Fortnite
Level 53
Lightning in a Bottle - Icon - Fortnite
Level 54
Epic PERK-UP! - Resource - Fortnite
Level 55
Eye of the Storm - Icon - Fortnite
Level 56
RE-PERK! - Resource - Fortnite
Level 57
Storm Shard - Icon - Fortnite
Level 58
Gold - Currency - Fortnite
Level 59
Legendary PERK-UP! - Resource - Fortnite
Level 60

Venture Quests[]

Directive Quests

Quests - Icon - Fortnite Directive: Welcome to Ventures!
This is a Director's Directive Venture Quest. Complete it to earn Venture experience and the next Director's Directive Quest!
Complete a mission in a Hexsylvania Venture zone.
Venture XP - XP - Fortnite
0 / 1

Quests - Icon - Fortnite Directive: War on the Storm 1
This is a Director's Directive Venture Quest. Complete it to earn Venture experience and the next Director's Directive Quest!
Complete a Fight the Storm mission in a Hexsylvania Venture zone.
Venture XP - XP - Fortnite
0 / 1

Quests - Icon - Fortnite Directive: The Best Defense is a Great Defense
This is a Director's Directive Venture Quest. Complete it to earn Venture experience and the next Director's Directive Quest!
Complete a Retrieve the Data mission in a 15+ Hexsylvania Venture zone.
Complete a Ride The Lightning mission in a 15+ Hexsylvania Venture zone.
Venture XP - XP - Fortnite
0 / 1

Quests - Icon - Fortnite Directive: Storm Battles
This is a Director's Directive Venture Quest. Complete it to earn Venture experience and the next Director's Directive Quest!
Complete an Eliminate and Collect mission in a 23+ Hexsylvania Venture zone.
Complete a Destroy the Encampments mission in a 23+ Hexsylvania Venture zone.
Venture XP - XP - Fortnite
0 / 1

Quests - Icon - Fortnite Directive: Supply Run
This is a Director's Directive Venture Quest. Complete it to earn Venture experience and the next Director's Directive Quest!
Complete a Build the Radar mission in a 46+ Hexsylvania Venture zone.
Complete a Resupply mission in a 46+ Hexsylvania Venture zone.
Venture XP - XP - Fortnite
0 / 1

Quests - Icon - Fortnite Directive: Mission Alert!
This is a Director's Directive Venture Quest. Complete it to earn Venture experience and the next Director's Directive Quest!
Complete Mission Alerts at any level in a Hexsylvania Venture zone.
Venture XP - XP - Fortnite
0 / 2

Quests - Icon - Fortnite Directive: War on the Storm 2
This is a Director's Directive Venture Quest. Complete it to earn Venture experience and the next Director's Directive Quest!
Complete a Fight the Storm Category 2 mission in a 58+ Hexsylvania Venture zone.
Venture XP - XP - Fortnite
0 / 1

Quests - Icon - Fortnite Directive: Search and Rescue
This is a Director's Directive Venture Quest. Complete it to earn Venture experience and the next Director's Directive Quest!
Complete an Evacuate the Shelter mission in a 70+ Hexsylvania Venture zone.
Complete a Rescue the Survivors mission in a 70+ Hexsylvania Venture zone.
Venture XP - XP - Fortnite
0 / 1

Quests - Icon - Fortnite Directive: Surival Skills
This is a Director's Directive Venture Quest. Complete it to earn Venture experience and the next Director's Directive Quest!
Complete a Survive the Night mission in a 82+ Hexsylvania Venture zone.
Venture XP - XP - Fortnite
0 / 1

Quests - Icon - Fortnite Directive: War on the Storm 3
This is a Director's Directive Venture Quest. Complete it to earn Venture experience and the next Director's Directive Quest!
Complete a Fight the Storm Category 3 mission in a 94+ Hexsylvania Venture zone.
Venture XP - XP - Fortnite
0 / 1

Quests - Icon - Fortnite Directive: Team-Building Exercise
This is a Director's Directive Venture Quest. Complete it to earn Venture experience and the next Director's Directive Quest!
Complete a group mission in a 108+ Hexsylvania Venture zone.
Venture XP - XP - Fortnite
14,850 Survivor Supercharger - Resource - Fortnite
0 / 1

Quests - Icon - Fortnite Directive: War on the Storm 4
This is a Director's Directive Venture Quest. Complete it to earn Venture experience and the next Director's Directive Quest!
Complete a Fight the Storm Category 4 mission in a 124+ Hexsylvania Venture zone.
Venture XP - XP - Fortnite
18,000 Hero Supercharger - Resource - Fortnite
0 / 1

Eliminate Quests

Exterminate - Icon - Fortnite Eliminate: Husk Hunt
This is a Major's Eliminate Monsters Venture Quest. Complete it to earn Venture experience and the next Major's Eliminate Monsters quest!
Eliminate Basic Husks in a Hexsylvania Venture zone.
Eliminate Husky Husks in a Hexsylvania Venture zone.
Venture XP - XP - Fortnite
0 / 300
0 / 25
Exterminate - Icon - Fortnite Eliminate: Small Problems
This is a Major's Eliminate Monsters Venture Quest. Complete it to earn Venture experience and the next Major's Eliminate Monsters quest!
Eliminate Husklings in a 15+ Hexsylvania Venture zone.
Eliminate Beehive Husks in a 15+ Hexsylvania Venture zone.
Venture XP - XP - Fortnite
0 / 15
0 / 100
Exterminate - Icon - Fortnite Eliminate: Shield Breakers
This is a Major's Eliminate Monsters Venture Quest. Complete it to earn Venture experience and the next Major's Eliminate Monsters quest!
Eliminate Shielders in a 23+ Hexsylvania Venture zone.
Venture XP - XP - Fortnite
0 / 50

Exterminate - Icon - Fortnite Eliminate: Down with a Boom
This is a Major's Eliminate Monsters Venture Quest. Complete it to earn Venture experience and the next Major's Eliminate Monsters quest!
Eliminate Sploder Husky Husks in a 34+ Hexsylvania Venture zone.
Eliminate Lobber Husks in a 34+ Hexsylvania Venture zone.
Venture XP - XP - Fortnite
0 / 15
0 / 100
Exterminate - Icon - Fortnite Eliminate: They Came from the Mist
This is a Major's Eliminate Monsters Venture Quest. Complete it to earn Venture experience and the next Major's Eliminate Monsters quest!
Eliminate Smashers in a 46+ Hexsylvania Venture zone.
Eliminate Takers in a 46+ Hexsylvania Venture zone.
Venture XP - XP - Fortnite
0 / 10
0 / 10
Exterminate - Icon - Fortnite Eliminate: Gunfighters
This is a Major's Eliminate Monsters Venture Quest. Complete it to earn Venture experience and the next Major's Eliminate Monsters quest!
Eliminate Torch Throwers in a 58+ Hexsylvania Venture zone.
Eliminate Zappers in a 58+ Hexsylvania Venture zone.
Venture XP - XP - Fortnite
0 / 60
0 / 40
Exterminate - Icon - Fortnite Eliminate: Huskies
This is a Major's Eliminate Monsters Venture Quest. Complete it to earn Venture experience and the next Major's Eliminate Monsters quest!
Eliminate Husky Husks in a 70+ Hexsylvania Venture zone.
Eliminate Riot Husky Husks in a 70+ Hexsylvania Venture zone.
Eliminate Sploder Husky Husks in a 70+ Hexsylvania Venture zone.
Venture XP - XP - Fortnite
0 / 100
0 / 10
0 / 10
Exterminate - Icon - Fortnite Eliminate: Blast Away
This is a Major's Eliminate Monsters Venture Quest. Complete it to earn Venture experience and the next Major's Eliminate Monsters quest!
Eliminate Blasters in a 82+ Hexsylvania Venture zone.
Venture XP - XP - Fortnite
0 / 10

Exterminate - Icon - Fortnite Eliminate: Cut the Support
This is a Major's Eliminate Monsters Venture Quest. Complete it to earn Venture experience and the next Major's Eliminate Monsters quest!
Eliminate Nurse Husks in a 94+ Hexsylvania Venture zone.
Eliminate Flingers in a 94+ Hexsylvania Venture zone.
Venture XP - XP - Fortnite
0 / 15
0 / 10
Exterminate - Icon - Fortnite Eliminate: Elementary
This is a Major's Eliminate Monsters Venture Quest. Complete it to earn Venture experience and the next Major's Eliminate Monsters quest!
Eliminate Fire Husks in a 108+ Hexsylvania Venture zone.
Eliminate Water Husks in a 108+ Hexsylvania Venture zone.
Eliminate Nature Husks in a 108+ Hexsylvania Venture zone.
Venture XP - XP - Fortnite
12,275 Core RE-PERK! - Resource - Fortnite
0 / 100
0 / 100
0 / 100
Exterminate - Icon - Fortnite Eliminate: Mist Madness
This is a Major's Eliminate Monsters Venture Quest. Complete it to earn Venture experience and the next Major's Eliminate Monsters quest!
Eliminate Takers in a 124+ Hexsylvania Venture zone.
Eliminate Blasters in a 124+ Hexsylvania Venture zone.
Eliminate Smashers in a 124+ Hexsylvania Venture zone.
Venture XP - XP - Fortnite
14,850 Hero Supercharger - Resource - Fortnite
0 / 20
0 / 15
0 / 10
Exterminate - Icon - Fortnite Eliminate: Mini-Boss
This is a Major's Eliminate Monsters Venture Quest. Complete it to earn Venture experience and the next Major's Eliminate Monsters quest!
Eliminate a Mini-Boss in a 140+ Hexsylvania Venture zone.
Venture XP - XP - Fortnite
18,000 Trap Supercharger - Resource - Fortnite
0 / 1

Destroy Quests

Pickaxe - Icon - Fortnite Destroy: Table Flipping
This is a Dennis' Destroy Venture Quest. Complete it to earn Venture experience and the next Dennis' Destroy Quest!
Destroy Tables in a Hexsylvania Venture zone.
Venture XP - XP - Fortnite
0 / 25

Pickaxe - Icon - Fortnite Destroy: Statue Smasher
This is a Dennis' Destroy Venture Quest. Complete it to earn Venture experience and the next Dennis' Destroy Quest!
Destroy Statues in a 15+ Hexsylvania Venture zone.
Venture XP - XP - Fortnite
0 / 25

Pickaxe - Icon - Fortnite Destroy: It's too Hot
This is a Dennis' Destroy Venture Quest. Complete it to earn Venture experience and the next Dennis' Destroy Quest!
Destroy Fireplaces in a 23+ Hexsylvania Venture zone.
Venture XP - XP - Fortnite
0 / 10

Pickaxe - Icon - Fortnite Destroy: Stumped
This is a Dennis' Destroy Venture Quest. Complete it to earn Venture experience and the next Dennis' Destroy Quest!
Destroy Tree Stumps in a 34+ Hexsylvania Venture zone.
Venture XP - XP - Fortnite
0 / 15

Pickaxe - Icon - Fortnite Destroy: Smoke and Mirrors
This is a Dennis' Destroy Venture Quest. Complete it to earn Venture experience and the next Dennis' Destroy Quest!
Destroy Candles or Mirrors in a 58+ Hexsylvania Venture zone.
Venture XP - XP - Fortnite
0 / 30

Pickaxe - Icon - Fortnite Destroy: Art Critic
This is a Dennis' Destroy Venture Quest. Complete it to earn Venture experience and the next Dennis' Destroy Quest!
Destroy Paintings in a 58+ Hexsylvania Venture zone.
Venture XP - XP - Fortnite
0 / 15

Pickaxe - Icon - Fortnite Destroy: Rise and Shine
This is a Dennis' Destroy Venture Quest. Complete it to earn Venture experience and the next Dennis' Destroy Quest!
Destroy Coffins in a 70+ Hexsylvania Venture zone.
Venture XP - XP - Fortnite
0 / 15

Pickaxe - Icon - Fortnite Destroy: Come to My Pad
This is a Dennis' Destroy Venture Quest. Complete it to earn Venture experience and the next Dennis' Destroy Quest!
Destroy Lily Pads in a 82+ Hexsylvania Venture zone.
Venture XP - XP - Fortnite
0 / 15

Pickaxe - Icon - Fortnite Destroy: - Handle With Care
This is a Dennis' Destroy Venture Quest. Complete it to earn Venture experience and the next Dennis' Destroy Quest!
Destroy Vases in a 94+ Hexsylvania Venture zone.
Venture XP - XP - Fortnite
0 / 30

Pickaxe - Icon - Fortnite Destroy: Wasting Time
This is a Dennis' Destroy Venture Quest. Complete it to earn Venture experience and the next Dennis' Destroy Quest!
Destroy Clocks in a 108+ Hexsylvania Venture zone.
Venture XP - XP - Fortnite
0 / 15

Pickaxe - Icon - Fortnite Destroy: Moving Goods
This is a Dennis' Destroy Venture Quest. Complete it to earn Venture experience and the next Dennis' Destroy Quest!
Destroy Carts in a 124+ Hexsylvania Venture zone.
Venture XP - XP - Fortnite
14,850 Core RE-PERK! - Resource - Fortnite
0 / 15

Pickaxe - Icon - Fortnite Destroy: Defending the Realm
This is a Dennis' Destroy Venture Quest. Complete it to earn Venture experience and the next Dennis' Destroy Quest!
Destroy Suits of Armor in a 140+ Hexsylvania Venture zone.
Venture XP - XP - Fortnite
18,000 Trap Supercharger - Resource - Fortnite
0 / 10

Weapon Quests

Eliminate And Collect - Icon - Fortnite Weapons: Goin' Medieval
This is a Clip's Weapons Venture Quest. Complete it to earn Venture experience and the next Clip's Weapons Quest!
Eliminate Husks with Melee weapons in a Hexsylvania Venture zone.
Venture XP - XP - Fortnite
0 / 200

Eliminate And Collect - Icon - Fortnite Weapons: Goin' Modern
This is a Clip's Weapons Venture Quest. Complete it to earn Venture experience and the next Clip's Weapons Quest!
Eliminate Husks with ranged weapons in a 15+ Hexsylvania Venture zone.
Venture XP - XP - Fortnite
0 / 250

Eliminate And Collect - Icon - Fortnite Weapons: Armed and Dangerous
This is a Clip's Weapons Venture Quest. Complete it to earn Venture experience and the next Clip's Weapons Quest!
Eliminate Husks with pistol or SMGs in a 23+ Hexsylvania Venture zone.
Venture XP - XP - Fortnite
0 / 150

Eliminate And Collect - Icon - Fortnite Weapons: Trappin'
This is a Clip's Weapons Venture Quest. Complete it to earn Venture experience and the next Clip's Weapons Quest!
Eliminate Husks with traps in a 34+ Hexsylvania Venture zone.
Venture XP - XP - Fortnite
0 / 100

Eliminate And Collect - Icon - Fortnite Weapons: Near
This is a Clip's Weapons Venture Quest. Complete it to earn Venture experience and the next Clip's Weapons Quest!
Eliminate Husk with a shotgun in a 46+ Hexsylvania Venture zone.
Venture XP - XP - Fortnite
0 / 150

Eliminate And Collect - Icon - Fortnite Weapons: Far
This is a Clip's Weapons Venture Quest. Complete it to earn Venture experience and the next Clip's Weapons Quest!
Eliminate Husks with a sniper rifle in a 58+ Hexsylvania Venture zone.
Venture XP - XP - Fortnite
0 / 75

Eliminate And Collect - Icon - Fortnite Weapons: Use Their Head
This is a Clip's Weapons Venture Quest. Complete it to earn Venture experience and the next Clip's Weapons Quest!
Eliminate Husks with headshots in a 70+ Hexsylvania Venture zone.
Venture XP - XP - Fortnite
0 / 50

Eliminate And Collect - Icon - Fortnite Weapons: Fireworks Display
This is a Clip's Weapons Venture Quest. Complete it to earn Venture experience and the next Clip's Weapons Quest!
Eliminate Husks with explosive ammo in a 82+ Hexsylvania Venture zone.
Venture XP - XP - Fortnite
0 / 50

Eliminate And Collect - Icon - Fortnite Weapons: Gun Show
This is a Clip's Weapons Venture Quest. Complete it to earn Venture experience and the next Clip's Weapons Quest!
Eliminate Husks with a shotgun in a 94+ Hexsylvania Venture zone.
Eliminate enemies with a pistol or SMG in a 94+ Hexsylvania Venture zone.
Eliminate enemies with assault weapons in a 94+ Hexsylvania Venture zone.
Venture XP - XP - Fortnite
0 / 100
0 / 150
0 / 200
Eliminate And Collect - Icon - Fortnite Weapons: Goin' More Medieval
This is a Clip's Weapons Venture Quest. Complete it to earn Venture experience and the next Clip's Weapons Quest!
Eliminate Husks with a sword, axe or scythe in a 108+ Hexsylvania Venture zone.
Eliminate Husks with a
club, hardware or spear in a 108+ Hexsylvania Venture zone.
Venture XP - XP - Fortnite
12,275 Core RE-PERK! - Resource - Fortnite
0 / 150
0 / 150
Eliminate And Collect - Icon - Fortnite Weapons: Super Powers
This is a Clip's Weapons Venture Quest. Complete it to earn Venture experience and the next Clip's Weapons Quest!
Eliminate Husks with Hero Abilities in a 124+ Hexsylvania Venture zone.
Venture XP - XP - Fortnite
14,850 Hero Supercharger - Resource - Fortnite
0 / 250

Eliminate And Collect - Icon - Fortnite Weapons: Take Your Pick
This is a Clip's Weapons Venture Quest. Complete it to earn Venture experience and the next Clip's Weapons Quest!
Eliminate Husks with a Pickaxe in a 140+ Hexsylvania Venture zone.
Venture XP - XP - Fortnite
18,000 Trap Supercharger - Resource - Fortnite
0 / 50

Locating Quests

Magnifying Glass - Icon - Fortnite Locating: Robber 1
This is a Lars' Locating Venture Quest. Complete it to earn Venture experience and the next Lars' Locating quest!
Loot Safes or Treasure Chests in a Hexsylvania Venture zone.
Venture XP - XP - Fortnite
0 / 6

Magnifying Glass - Icon - Fortnite Locating: Survivor 1
This is a Lars' Locating Venture Quest. Complete it to earn Venture experience and the next Lars' Locating quest!
Rescue Survivors in a 15+ Hexsylvania Venture zone.
Venture XP - XP - Fortnite
0 / 10

Magnifying Glass - Icon - Fortnite Locating: Blu Hunter 1
This is a Lars' Locating Venture Quest. Complete it to earn Venture experience and the next Lars' Locating quest!
Collect BluGlo in a 23+ Hexsylvania Venture zone.
Venture XP - XP - Fortnite
0 / 20

Magnifying Glass - Icon - Fortnite Locating: I Hate Gardens 1
This is a Lars' Locating Venture Quest. Complete it to earn Venture experience and the next Lars' Locating quest!
Destroy Garden Gnomes in a 34+ Hexsylvania Venture zone.
Venture XP - XP - Fortnite
0 / 20

Magnifying Glass - Icon - Fortnite Locating: Radar 1
This is a Lars' Locating Venture Quest. Complete it to earn Venture experience and the next Lars' Locating quest!
Build a Radar Tower in a 46+ Hexsylvania Venture zone.
Venture XP - XP - Fortnite
0 / 1

Magnifying Glass - Icon - Fortnite Locating: Robber 2
This is a Lars' Locating Venture Quest. Complete it to earn Venture experience and the next Lars' Locating quest!
Loot Safes or Treasure Chests in a 58+ Hexsylvania Venture zone.
Venture XP - XP - Fortnite
0 / 9

Magnifying Glass - Icon - Fortnite Locating: Blu Hunter 2
This is a Lars' Locating Venture Quest. Complete it to earn Venture experience and the next Lars' Locating quest!
Collect BluGlo in a 70+ Hexsylvania Venture zone.
Venture XP - XP - Fortnite
0 / 40

Magnifying Glass - Icon - Fortnite Locating: Survivor Savior 2
This is a Lars' Locating Venture Quest. Complete it to earn Venture experience and the next Lars' Locating quest!
Rescue Survivors in a 82+ Hexsylvania Venture zone.
Venture XP - XP - Fortnite
0 / 25

Magnifying Glass - Icon - Fortnite Locating: I Hate Gardens 2
This is a Lars' Locating Venture Quest. Complete it to earn Venture experience and the next Lars' Locating quest!
Destroy Garden Gnomes in a 94+ Hexsylvania Venture zone.
Venture XP - XP - Fortnite
0 / 20

Magnifying Glass - Icon - Fortnite Locating: Dungeoneering
This is a Lars' Locating Venture Quest. Complete it to earn Venture experience and the next Lars' Locating quest!
Discover Catacombs in a 108+ Hexsylvania Venture zone.
Venture XP - XP - Fortnite
0 / 5

Magnifying Glass - Icon - Fortnite Locating: Blu Hunter 3
This is a Lars' Locating Venture Quest. Complete it to earn Venture experience and the next Lars' Locating quest!
Collect BluGlo in a 124+ Hexsylvania Venture zone.
Venture XP - XP - Fortnite
14,850 Core RE-PERK! - Resource - Fortnite
0 / 60

Magnifying Glass - Icon - Fortnite Locating: Robber 3
This is a Lars' Locating Venture Quest. Complete it to earn Venture experience and the next Lars' Locating quest!
Loot Safes or Treasure Chests in a 140+ Hexsylvania Venture zone.
Venture XP - XP - Fortnite
18,000 Survivor Supercharger - Resource - Fortnite
0 / 12


Event Store[]

Ragnarok - Hero - Save the World
Plague (New)- Outfit - Fortnite
Black Blade - Schematic - Save the World
Husk Grinder - Schematic - Save the World
Dirge Song - Schematic - Save the World
Gold - Currency - Fortnite 3,200
Plague Doctor Igor
Gold - Currency - Fortnite 2,800
Black Blade
Gold - Currency - Fortnite 1,680
Husk Grinder
Gold - Currency - Fortnite 1,680
Dirge Song
Gold - Currency - Fortnite 1,680
JONESEE-BOT - Hero - Fortnite
Grave Digger - Schematic - Save the World
Ghost Pistol - Schematic - Save the World
Dusk (v31.20) - Outfit - Fortnite
"Arrlene" Izza - Hero - Save the World
Gold - Currency - Fortnite 2,800
Grave Digger
Gold - Currency - Fortnite 1,680
Ghost Pistol
Gold - Currency - Fortnite 2,800
Sanguine Dusk
Gold - Currency - Fortnite 2,800
Arrlene Izza
Gold - Currency - Fortnite 2,800
Plasma Cannon - Weapon - Fortnite
Bloodfinder A.C. - Hero - Save the World
Candy Corn LMG - Schematic - Save the World
Spectral Blade - Schematic - Save the World
Metal Marauder - Schematic - Save the World
Plasmatic Discharger
Gold - Currency - Fortnite 1,680
Bloodfinder A.C.
Gold - Currency - Fortnite 1,680
Candy Corn LMG
Gold - Currency - Fortnite 1,680
Spectral Blade
Gold - Currency - Fortnite 1,680
Metal Marauder
Gold - Currency - Fortnite 1,680
Survivor - Icon - Fortnite
Safe - Container - Fortnite
Hero Loadout - Icon - Fortnite
Schematic - Icon - Save the World
Schematic - Icon - Save the World
Gold - Currency - Fortnite 700
Armory Slot
Gold - Currency - Fortnite 700
(Limit 100)
Hero Loadout
Gold - Currency - Fortnite 10,000
Gold - Currency - Fortnite 1,000
Gold - Currency - Fortnite 400


Dire - Hero - Fortnite
Raven (New) - Outfit - Fortnite
Willow - Outfit - Fortnite
Cassie Clip Lipman - Hero - Fortnite
(Wolfy Business)
(Bladey Acres)
(The Door To Darkness)
Cassie "Clip" Lipman
(Clip's Nightmare)
Brainstorm - Outfit - Fortnite
Burst Pulse Rifle - Weapon - Fortnite
Kymera Ray Gun - Weapon - Fortnite
Snowstrike (v31.30) - Outfit - Fortnite
(Eye of the Brainstorm)
Pulse Pounder
(Eye of the Brainstorm)
Shooting Star
(Eye of the Brainstorm)
(Hunt the Titan)
Primal Flame Bow - Weapon - Fortnite
Primal Flame Bow
(Hunt the Titan)



Chaos Agent (v32.00) - Outfit - Fortnite
Swamp Knight - Outfit - Fortnite
Mermonster Ken - Hero - Save the World
Chaos Agent Swamp Knight Mermonster Ken
The Crypts - Banner Icon - Fortnite
The Inferno - Banner Icon - Fortnite
The Grotto - Banner Icon - Fortnite
The Crypts The Inferno The Grotto
The Labyrinth - Banner Icon - Fortnite
Dungeons Quests - Banner Icon - Fortnite
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Hexsylvania (News Tab) - Promo - Save the World Hexsylvania Ventures Season

The Hexsylivania Venture Season is back! Complete bone chilling questlines to earn your share of Candy, Gold, and Heroes.

September 7th 2024

Save the World Content (edit)
Heroes Soldier - Constructor - Ninja - Outlander - Abilities - Hero Perks - Squad Bonuses
Personnel Survivors - Defenders - Expedition Squads - F.O.R.T. Stats
Armory Weaponry - Traps - Perk Recombobulator - Weapon Perks - Collection Book
Enemies Husk Monsters - Mist Monsters - Mini-Bosses - Storm King
Map Regions - Biomes - Missions - Mutant Storms
Quests Stonewood Quests - Plankerton Quests - Canny Valley Quests - Twine Peaks Quests - Ventures
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