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Fortnite Wiki

Hot Spots are a Gameplay Mechanic introduced in Season 9. Each match, one to three Named Locations are highlighted in a Golden text color, and contain special Loot Carriers which allows players to gain Uncommon to Legendary loot.


Hot Spots are took the place of Named Locations, indicated by the Golden color text. At these locations, Loot Carriers would spawn, which would give Uncommon to Legendary rarity weapons when destroyed. Hot Spots did not contain any other special features, as all other loot in the area was of standard rarity.

Loot Carriers[]

Loot Carriers were seen flying around Hot Spots. They were solid objects, and could have been stood on top of by players. When destroyed, either by attacking them with a Harvesting Tool or shooting them with a weapon, they would fall to the ground and drop Uncommon to Legendary Weapons along with two stacks of ammo. Hot Spots had between 12 and 16 Loot Carriers depending on the size of the location.


Season 9[]

  • Update v9.10: Introduced Hot Spots and Loot Carriers. They drop Rare to Epic rarity loot.
  • Content Update v9.10: Team Rumble now spawns with 4 Hot Spots per match.
  • Update v9.20: Changes to the Loot Carrier:
    • Reduced Sniper package availability from 12.5% to 8.45%
    • Reduced Explosive package availability from 12.5% to 7.04%

Season X[]

Chapter 4: Season 1[]

  • Update v23.00: Reintroduced Hot Spots:
    • The Loot Carrier has a new icon and model.

Chapter 4: Season OG[]

Chapter 5: Season 1[]



  • Like Rebooting and Marking, Hot Spots were yet another mechanic taken from Apex Legends, another Battle Royale game which gave Fortnite competition upon its release. Apex Legends has locations in which loot will be much higher rarity, and these are marked with a golden text color on the map.
  • Players can stand atop Loot Carriers, with them acting as solid ground. Players will move with the carrier.
  • Loot Carriers cannot be marked. Attempting to mark one will simply mark the point in the air.

See Also[]
