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Fortnite Wiki

Imperial Chests are a type of Container in Fortnite: Battle Royale. They were first introduced in Chapter 3: Season 3.


Imperial Chests contain an E-11 Blaster Rifle, 2 Chug Splash and 2 Shockwave Grenades.

Imperial Chests spawn at a 100% chance and are only found at Imperial Docking Bays with each location spawning 1-2 Chests.

Imperial Chests can be interacted with by the player to open them, granting some XP. Imperial Chests take a standard amount of time to open and make a distinctive ambient noise.

Loot Table[]

Name Image Rarity Number in Stack
E-11 Blaster Rifle
E-11 Blaster Rifle - Weapon - Fortnite
Mythic 1
Wookiee Bowcaster
Wookie Bowcaster - Weapon - Fortnite
Mythic 1
Chug Splash
Chug Splash - Item - Fortnite
Rare 2
Shockwave Grenades
Shockwave Grenade - Item - Fortnite
Epic 2


Chapter 3: Season 3[]

  • Update v21.10: Introduced Imperial Chests. They spawn at Imperial Docking Bays.

Chapter 5: Season 2[]

See Also[]

  • Lightsaber Cube - A similar type of container also themed around Star Wars.
  • Republic Chest - A nearly identical container based on the predecessor to the Galactic Empire.