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The Klombo Spawner is a Device in Fortnite: Creative.


Spawns Klombo with customizable options.

All Settings[]

All default values have been Bolded.

Device Settings
Option Value Description
Angry Mode Duration Default, 10 Seconds, 20 Seconds. 30 Seconds, 60 Seconds, 120 Seconds, 150 Seconds, 200 Seconds, 250 Seconds, 300 Seconds Determines how much time the Klombo need to calm down from the angry mode.
Enable Angry Mode Enabled, Disabled Determine if Klombo will have angry mode enabled or not.
Damage Threshold to Become Angry Timorous, Moderate, Fearless Determines how much damage the Klombo receives will turn it into angry mode.
Damage To Player Default, None, 1 - 500 Sets the amount of damage that Klombo from this spawner will inflict on Players.
Enabled At Game Start Enabled, Disabled Determines whether the spawner is already enabled when the game starts.
Spawn Timer None, Instant, 3 Seconds, 1 Second - 300 Seconds Sets the minimum time between spawning Klombo. "None" will not set a timer, so Klombo will only be spawned by receiving a signal on a channel. "Instant" will spawn the quickest possible but is capped by performance limit.
Klombo Variant A, B, C, D Determines the visual of Klombo the spawner will produce.