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Fortnite Wiki

Vault into the air and hurl a barrage of Kunai at your enemies. Each Kunai deals 184 damage.
— In-Game Description

Kunai Storm is a Ninja - Icon - Fortnite Ninja Ability in Fortnite: Save the World.


Kunai Storm causes players to hover into the air for a brief moment while Kunais come down crashing, each dealing damage to enemies.

Hero Perks[]

Hero Perks interacting with Kunai Storm:

Hero Perk
Razor (v32.00) - Outfit - Fortnite
Razor Crystal Daggers - Perk - Fortnite Crystal Daggers Kunai Storm unleashes 12 Crystal Daggers, which seek targets and deal 32 base damage.
Kunai Storm unleashes 12 Crystal Daggers, which seek targets and deal 96 base damage.
Bunny Brawler (New) - Outfit - Fortnite
Bunny Brawler Luna Eggs-plosive Entrance - Perk - Fortnite Eggs-plosive Entrance Shockwave drops 3 egg bombs, which each deal 54 base damage to nearby enemies.
Shockwave drops 3 egg bombs, which each deal 162 base damage to nearby enemies.
Lynx Kassandra - Hero - Fortnite
Lynx Kassandra Hang Time - Perk - Fortnite Hang Time Using Kunai Storm grants hover for 4 seconds. Increases Damage by 40% during hover.
Using Kunai Storm grants hover for 4 seconds. Increases Damage by 140% during hover.
Overtaker (v33.00) - Outfit - Fortnite
Overtaker Hiro Kunai Collection - Perk - Save the World Kunai Collection Kunai Storm eliminations decrease Kunai Storm Cooldown by 2 second(s).
Kunai Storm eliminations decrease Kunai Storm Cooldown by 4.5 second(s).
Enforcer (v33.00) - Outfit - Fortnite
Bladestorm Enforcer Kuniahilation - Perk - Fortnite Kuniahilation Daggers from Kunai Storm explode shortly after impact, dealing 4 base energy damage in 0.25 tile radius.
Daggers from Kunai Storm explode shortly after impact, dealing 8 base energy damage in 0.5 tile radius.
Monks (v32.00) - Outfit - Fortnite
Monks Monkeying Around - Perk - Fortnite Monkeying Around Kunai Storm throws 6 Banana Peels that last for 8 seconds and knock down and stun enemies for 2.3 seconds.
Kunai Storm throws 6 Banana Peels that last for 8 seconds and knock down and stun enemies for 2.3 seconds, dealing 12 base damage.

Team Perks[]

Team Perks interacting with Kunai Storm:

Happy Holidays - Team Perk - Fortnite

Happy Holidays

Requires: 3 T-Icon-Hero-CARD Heroes with 2 or more stars
Reduces your Ability cooldowns by 40%. Stacks independently from other cooldown reduction perks.


Jilly Teacup, Monks, Sgt. Tank Gatling, or Ted

Save the World Content (edit)
Heroes Soldier - Constructor - Ninja - Outlander - Abilities - Hero Perks - Squad Bonuses
Personnel Survivors - Defenders - Expedition Squads - F.O.R.T. Stats
Armory Weaponry - Traps - Perk Recombobulator - Weapon Perks - Collection Book
Enemies Husk Monsters - Mist Monsters - Mini-Bosses - Storm King
Map Regions - Biomes - Missions - Mutant Storms
Quests Stonewood Quests - Plankerton Quests - Canny Valley Quests - Twine Peaks Quests - Ventures
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