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Fortnite Wiki

LEGO® Fortnite Brick Life is a social roleplay game within Fortnite that released on December 12th 2024.


Schematic - Icon - Save the World This page is under construction.
Please refrain from editing the page if another user is actively doing so as to avoid edit conflicts.




Warning: Jobs will not award money if you're at the money limit, which is currently 200,000.

Academy Professor Academy Professor - Icon - LEGO Fortnite
Raven - Outfit - LEGO Fortnite
Your presence is requested in the Headmaster's office, immediately.
— Raven

To become an Academy Professor, you need to get hired by Raven at the Mourndale Academy. He can be found on the top floor, in the Headmaster's office.


Raven - Outfit - LEGO Fortnite
Turns out "students these days" actually DO know a thing or two!
Mark a student's Homework
+500 Cash
0 / 1

Raven - Outfit - LEGO Fortnite
This is your moment, all eyes on you. Time to share your wisdom!
Teach a lesson at a Podium or Blackboard
+500 Cash
0 / 1

Raven - Outfit - LEGO Fortnite
Strict or lenient, that's up to you, but the students should know the rules.
Give a Hall Pass or a Detention Slip
+500 Cash
0 / 1

Academy Student Academy Student - Icon - LEGO Fortnite
Isabelle - Outfit - LEGO Fortnite
Hey! I could use your help with some classwork, if you're around.

To become an Academy Student, you need to get hired by Isabelle at the Mourndale Academy. She can be found on the bottom floor, in the classroom.


Isabelle - Outfit - LEGO Fortnite
The best way to learn, is by teaching other students!
Give a presentation at a podium or blackboard
+500 Cash
0 / 1

Isabelle - Outfit - LEGO Fortnite
There are so many books at the Academy! Soak up some ancient knowledge!
Read 3 Books
+500 Cash
0 / 3

Isabelle - Outfit - LEGO Fortnite
As a student with a full schedule, it's important to show your teachers that you're on top of the work.
Hand in any paper to a Homework Bin
+500 Cash
0 / 1

Banker Banker - Icon - LEGO Fortnite
Marigold - Outfit - LEGO Fortnite
You're needed at the bank. Unless I should ask someone else, hm?

To become a Banker, you need to get hired by Marigold at Vaulted Value Propositions. She can be found on the bottom floor.


Marigold - Outfit - LEGO Fortnite
The boss needs Cash.
Give a Sack o' Cash to Marigold or Midas
+500 Cash
0 / 1

Marigold - Outfit - LEGO Fortnite
Hack the system.
Use a computer
+500 Cash
0 / 1

Marigold - Outfit - LEGO Fortnite
Cash out.
Collect a Sack o' Cash from an ATM
+500 Cash
0 / 1

Marigold - Outfit - LEGO Fortnite
NOT a crash register. That's totally different.
Tend a Cash Register
+500 Cash
0 / 1

Bobom Milk Tea Bobarista Bobom Milk Tea Bobarista - Icon - LEGO Fortnite
Helsie (v30
HEYA! ^_^ Come by Bobom if you've got a minute! We've got --TAAAAASKS-- available!

To become a Bobom Milk Tea Bobarista, you need to get hired by Helsie at Bobom Milk Tea.


Helsie (v30.20) - Outfit - LEGO Fortnite
When someone's dream is Bubble Tea, it's time to make that dream come true.
Make Bubble Tea
+500 Cash
0 / 1

Helsie (v30.20) - Outfit - LEGO Fortnite
We have other stuff beside tea you know...
Serve Bobom Milk Tea food or place it on a counter
+500 Cash
0 / 1

Helsie (v30.20) - Outfit - LEGO Fortnite
Free samples really bring in new business.
Give 3 Ice Cream to people outside of Bobom Milk Tea
+500 Cash
0 / 3

Cat Cafe Barista Cat Cafe Barista - Icon - LEGO Fortnite
Summer Skye (v30
Hiya! We've got tasks available at Cozy Paws, if you're around.
Summer Skye

To become a Cat Cafe Barista, you need to get hired by Summer Skye at Cozy Paws Cafe.


Summer Skye (v30.30) - Outfit - LEGO Fortnite
Only YOU can help control hairballs.
Pet or brush 3 Cats
+500 Cash
0 / 3

Summer Skye (v30.30) - Outfit - LEGO Fortnite
Help customers keep the energy up... so they can pet more cats.
Serve Coffee or Tea
+500 Cash
0 / 1

Summer Skye (v30.30) - Outfit - LEGO Fortnite
As every cat lover knows: bare bowls equal TOTAL DISASTER.
Refill 3 Cat Food Bowls
+500 Cash
0 / 3

Cinema Usher Cinema Usher - Icon - LEGO Fortnite
Kernel Poppy (v29
Lights, camera, ACTION! Swing by the theater and lend a hand!
Kernel Poppy

To become a Cinema Usher, you need to get hired by Kernel Poppy at Watch-o-Plex.


Kernel Poppy (v29.20) - Outfit - LEGO Fortnite
Why is everything sticky?
Clean 5 Garbage from the Theater
+500 Cash
0 / 5

Kernel Poppy (v29.20) - Outfit - LEGO Fortnite
Some people are just here for the snacks!
Serve 3 Theater concessions or place them on counters
+500 Cash
0 / 3

Kernel Poppy (v29.20) - Outfit - LEGO Fortnite
The movies aren't gonna watch themselves! We need to pack this place!
Hand out 3 Movie Tickets
+500 Cash
0 / 3

Kernel Poppy (v29.20) - Outfit - LEGO Fortnite
Serve 3 popcorns to customers!
Serve Popcorn
+500 Cash
0 / 3

Rooftop DJ Club - Icon - LEGO Fortnite
Funk Ops (v29
Swing by the club if you're ready to jam!
Funk Ops

To become a Rooftop DJ, you need to get hired by Funk Ops at Funk Op's Party Perch.


Funk Ops (v29.40) - Outfit - LEGO Fortnite
Let those feelings out!
+500 Cash
0 / 1

Funk Ops (v29.40) - Outfit - LEGO Fortnite
Those beats won't drop themselves.
Perform at the DJ booth
+500 Cash
0 / 1

Funk Ops (v29.40) - Outfit - LEGO Fortnite
Get lost, regular sticks.
Hand out a Glow Stick
+500 Cash
0 / 1

Courier Courier - Icon - LEGO Fortnite
Sizzle Sgt. (v29
Hello, courier. This is Sizzle Sgt., your operator from the Dispatch Center. Ready to deliver?
Sizzle Sgt.

To become a Courier, you need to get hired Sizzle Sgt. at the Dispatch Center north of the Pier.


Sizzle Sgt. (v29.10) - Outfit - LEGO Fortnite
She needs something to help her study!
Deliver something to Isabelle
+500 Cash
0 / 1

Sizzle Sgt. (v29.10) - Outfit - LEGO Fortnite
What does the headmaster need?
Deliver something to Raven
+500 Cash
0 / 1

Sizzle Sgt. (v29.10) - Outfit - LEGO Fortnite
Don't worry about tresspassing, he asked us to bring him something!
Deliver something to Trespasser Defector
+500 Cash
0 / 1

Sizzle Sgt. (v29.10) - Outfit - LEGO Fortnite
There's something shady about all this...
Deliver something to Marigold
+500 Cash
0 / 1

Sizzle Sgt. (v29.10) - Outfit - LEGO Fortnite
Helsie's almost as bubbly as her tea!
Deliver something to Helsie
+500 Cash
0 / 1

Sizzle Sgt. (v29.10) - Outfit - LEGO Fortnite
The sky's the limit!
Deliver something to Summer Skye
+500 Cash
0 / 1

Sizzle Sgt. (v29.10) - Outfit - LEGO Fortnite
Just pop in real quick.
Deliver something to Kernel Poppy
+500 Cash
0 / 1

Sizzle Sgt. (v29.10) - Outfit - LEGO Fortnite
He needs something on the sly...
Deliver something to Fennix
+500 Cash
0 / 1

Sizzle Sgt. (v29.10) - Outfit - LEGO Fortnite
When the Boss calls, we answer!
Deliver something to Beef Boss
+500 Cash
0 / 1

Sizzle Sgt. (v29.10) - Outfit - LEGO Fortnite
She already knows what you're going to bring...
Deliver something to Phaedra
+500 Cash
0 / 1

Sizzle Sgt. (v29.10) - Outfit - LEGO Fortnite
Heart of stone, endless appetite.
Deliver something to Lady Stoneheart
+500 Cash
0 / 1

Sizzle Sgt. (v29.10) - Outfit - LEGO Fortnite
Brighten her day!
Deliver something to Sunflower
+500 Cash
0 / 1

Sizzle Sgt. (v29.10) - Outfit - LEGO Fortnite
Meow and deliver.
Deliver something to Meowscles
+500 Cash
0 / 1

Sizzle Sgt. (v29.10) - Outfit - LEGO Fortnite
Give the goods.
Deliver something to a Parcel Locker
+500 Cash
0 / 1

Sizzle Sgt. (v29.10) - Outfit - LEGO Fortnite
A livery delivery.
Deliver something to Roan
+500 Cash
0 / 1

Sizzle Sgt. (v29.10) - Outfit - LEGO Fortnite
Help keep the party going!
Deliver something to Funk Ops
+500 Cash
0 / 1

Sizzle Sgt. (v29.10) - Outfit - LEGO Fortnite
A secure delivery.
Deliver something to Flatfoot
+500 Cash
0 / 1

Sizzle Sgt. (v29.10) - Outfit - LEGO Fortnite
Freshly caught courier.
Deliver something to Kit or Katt
+500 Cash
0 / 1

Sizzle Sgt. (v29.10) - Outfit - LEGO Fortnite
This one's for the bird.
Deliver something to Budge
+500 Cash
0 / 1

Sizzle Sgt. (v29.10) - Outfit - LEGO Fortnite
A no-nonsense delivery.
Deliver something to Envoy
+500 Cash
(disabled) 0 / 1

Sizzle Sgt. (v29.10) - Outfit - LEGO Fortnite
Make someone's day!
Deliver something to someone
+500 Cash
(disabled) 0 / 1

Dim Sum Chef Dim Sum Chef - Icon - LEGO Fortnite
Bao Bros (v31
Get ready to BAO down, because the customer is always right! Let's cook!
— Bao Bros

To become an Dim Sum Chef, you need to get hired by Bao Bros at The Golden Cart.


Bao Bros (v31.20) - Outfit - LEGO Fortnite
You're on a roll.
Make Sushi at a Sushi Station
+500 Cash
0 / 1

Bao Bros (v31.20) - Outfit - LEGO Fortnite
Convey your love... for customer service!
Place 3 foods on the Conveyor Belt
+500 Cash
0 / 3

Bao Bros (v31.20) - Outfit - LEGO Fortnite
Tea time for table two!
Take a Tea Pot from behind the Conveyor Belt
+500 Cash
0 / 1

Durrr Burger Line Cook Durrr Burger Line Cook - Icon - LEGO Fortnite
Beef Boss - Outfit - LEGO Fortnite
Sizzlin' sandwiches! It's gettin' real spicy here at Durrr Burger, and we could use a hand!
Beef Boss

To become a Durrr Burger Line Cook, you need to get hired by Beef Boss at Durrr Burger.


Beef Boss - Outfit - LEGO Fortnite
Cleanliness is next to Durrrliness.
Empty a Trash Bin
+500 Cash
0 / 1

Beef Boss - Outfit - LEGO Fortnite
NOW you're cooking!
Make food with the Grill or Deep Fryer
+500 Cash
0 / 1

Beef Boss - Outfit - LEGO Fortnite
Order up!
Serve Durrr Burger food or place it on a counter
+500 Cash
0 / 1

Beef Boss - Outfit - LEGO Fortnite
Beef Boss left the latest marketing plan in the copier.
Give Beef Boss a Marketing Plan
+500 Cash
0 / 1

Fortune Teller Fortune Teller - Icon - LEGO Fortnite
Phaedra (v28
I just read your fortune. It says you need to come to Phaedra's Fortunes and help me out.

To become a Fortune Teller, you need to get hired by Phaedra at Phaedra's Fortunes.


Phaedra (v28.30) - Outfit - LEGO Fortnite
The mystical energies are gathering...
Tell a fortune with the Tarot Cards or the Crystal Ball
+500 Cash
0 / 1

Phaedra (v28.30) - Outfit - LEGO Fortnite
Clears the mind's eye.
Drink or serve Tea
+500 Cash
0 / 1

Phaedra (v28.30) - Outfit - LEGO Fortnite
Curate the vibe.
Switch colors on Lights or toggle a Diffuser
+500 Cash
0 / 1

Personal Trainer Personal Trainer - Icon - LEGO Fortnite
Meowscles - Outfit - LEGO Fortnite
I need your help at the gym, mrow! These muscles can only do so much!

To become a Personal Trainer, you need to get hired by Meowscles at MeowSwole's Gym.


Meowscles - Outfit - LEGO Fortnite
Cats ARE known for their cleanliness.
Clean Gym equipment with Cleaning Supplies
+500 Cash
0 / 1

Meowscles - Outfit - LEGO Fortnite
Give Bottled Water or a Protein Shake
+500 Cash
0 / 1

Meowscles - Outfit - LEGO Fortnite
Always use proper technique.
Use any Gym equipment
+500 Cash
0 / 1

Meowscles - Outfit - LEGO Fortnite
Use the back of the weight back to Spot someone while they lift weights.
Spot Someone on the Weight Bench
+500 Cash
0 / 1

Scoundrel Scoundrel - Icon - LEGO Fortnite
Fennix (v29
There's "work" available for an enterprising scoundrel, if you're looking.

To become a Scoundrel, you need to get hired by Fennix in the underground Parking Garage.


Fennix (v29.30) - Outfit - LEGO Fortnite
If it's not bolted to the floor, it's fair game.
Take something then leave a location
+500 Cash
0 / 1

Fennix (v29.30) - Outfit - LEGO Fortnite
Cause some chaos!
Place a Banana Prank
+500 Cash
0 / 1

Fennix (v29.30) - Outfit - LEGO Fortnite
Not so secure now, is it?
Hack a Security System
+500 Cash
0 / 1

Fennix (v29.30) - Outfit - LEGO Fortnite
You want me to WHAT?!
Hide in a Dumpster, Phonebooth, or Flusher
+500 Cash
0 / 1

Security Officer Security Office - Icon - LEGO Fortnite
Flatfoot (v29
HELP KEEP YOUR CITY SAFE! There are security tasks available.

To become a Security Officer, you need to get hired by Flatfoot at Vaulted Value Propositions. She can be found in the basement.


Flatfoot (v29.40) - Outfit - LEGO Fortnite
Make yourself known!
Use a Megaphone or present your Badge
+500 Cash
0 / 1

Flatfoot (v29.40) - Outfit - LEGO Fortnite
Enact your master plan.
Disable a Prank or reset a Security System
+500 Cash
0 / 1

Flatfoot (v29.40) - Outfit - LEGO Fortnite
Tickets please!
Give a Citation Ticket
+500 Cash
0 / 1

Stable Hand Stable Hand - Icon - LEGO Fortnite
Roan - Character - LEGO Fortnite
I could use some help at the Trot Lot! So trot on by, if you're free.

To become a Stable Hand, you need to get hired by Roan at the Trot Lot.


Roan - Character - LEGO Fortnite
Clean up on aisle Horse!
Use a Shovel or Rake to clean a stable
+500 Cash
0 / 1

Roan - Character - LEGO Fortnite
Don't hold your horses... pet, brush and feed them!
Pet, brush, or feed 3 Ponies
+500 Cash
0 / 3

Roan - Character - LEGO Fortnite
You can't lead a pony to water, but you can make sure the water's there!
Refill a Feed or Water Trough
+500 Cash
0 / 1

Sushi Chef Sushi Chef - Icon - LEGO Fortnite
Kit (v30
THE ROBOTS ARE REVOLTING! Just kidding, but there are tasks available at RoboRoll Sushi.

To become a Sushi Chef, you need to get hired by Kit or Katt at RoboRoll Sushi.


Kit (v30.00) - Outfit - LEGO Fortnite
You're on a roll.
Make Sushi at a Sushi Station
+500 Cash
0 / 1

Kit (v30.00) - Outfit - LEGO Fortnite
Convey your love... for customer service!
Place 3 foods on the Conveyor Belt
+500 Cash
0 / 3

Kit (v30.00) - Outfit - LEGO Fortnite
Tea time for table two!
Take a Tea Pot from behind the Conveyor Belt
+500 Cash
0 / 2

Tour Guide Tour Guide - Icon - LEGO Fortnite
Budge - Outfit - LEGO Fortnite
Lots of tourists pouring in! Fly through and lend me a wing!

To become a Tour Guide, you need to get hired by Budge at the Main Square.


Budge - Outfit - LEGO Fortnite
Say hello! (Or anything else!)
Talk with 3 people
+500 Cash
0 / 3

Budge - Outfit - LEGO Fortnite
What's in there?!
Enter 3 different buildings
+500 Cash
0 / 3

Budge - Outfit - LEGO Fortnite
Zoom around town.
Travel 100m around Brick Bay
+500 Cash
0 / 100


Job Recruiters[]

Trespasser Defector (v28.30) - Outfit - LEGO Fortnite
Meowscles - Outfit - LEGO Fortnite
Summer Skye (v30.30) - Outfit - LEGO Fortnite
Kernel Poppy (v29.20) - Outfit - LEGO Fortnite
Midas - Outfit - LEGO Fortnite
Trespasser Defector Meowscles Summer Skye Kernel Poppy Midas
Marigold - Outfit - LEGO Fortnite
Funk Ops (v29.40) - Outfit - LEGO Fortnite
Beef Boss - Outfit - LEGO Fortnite
Sizzle Sgt. (v29.10) - Outfit - LEGO Fortnite
Phaedra (v28.30) - Outfit - LEGO Fortnite
Marigold Funk Ops Beef Boss Sizzle Sgt. Phaedra
Budge - Outfit - LEGO Fortnite
Fennix (v29.30) - Outfit - LEGO Fortnite
Kit (v30.00) - Outfit - LEGO Fortnite
Raven - Outfit - LEGO Fortnite
Isabelle - Outfit - LEGO Fortnite
Budge Fennix Kit Raven Isabelle
Helsie (v30.20) - Outfit - LEGO Fortnite
Katt - Outfit - LEGO Fortnite
Roan - Character - LEGO Fortnite
Bao Bros (v31.20) - Outfit - LEGO Fortnite
Sunflower - Outfit - LEGO Fortnite
Helsie Katt Roan Bao Bros Sunflower

Fortnite Original Citizens[]

Envoy - Outfit - LEGO Fortnite
Agent Peely (v29.00) - Outfit - LEGO Fortnite
Flatfoot (v29.40) - Outfit - LEGO Fortnite
Oscar - Outfit - LEGO Fortnite
Penny (v29.10) - Outfit - LEGO Fortnite
Envoy Agent Peely Flatfoot Oscar Penny
Fish Thicc (v29.20) - Outfit - LEGO Fortnite
Boxy (v28.30) - Outfit - LEGO Fortnite
Nix Scarlet - Outfit - LEGO Fortnite
Opal (v29.00) - Outfit - LEGO Fortnite
Vivica Saint - Outfit - LEGO Fortnite
Fish Thicc Boxy Nix Scarlet Opal Vivica Saint
Wrangler (v29.30) - Outfit - LEGO Fortnite
Calamity - Outfit - LEGO Fortnite
Stoneheart (v28.10) - Outfit - LEGO Fortnite
Rex - Outfit - LEGO Fortnite
Kor (v30.00) - Outfit - LEGO Fortnite
Wrangler Calamity Stoneheart Rex Kor
Katalina - Outfit - LEGO Fortnite
Hayseed - Outfit - LEGO Fortnite
Rufus - Outfit - LEGO Fortnite
DJ Yonder - Outfit - LEGO Fortnite
Vi (v29.00) - Outfit - LEGO Fortnite
Katalina Hayseed Rufus DJ Yonder Vi
Belle Berry (v30.00) - Outfit - LEGO Fortnite
Syd (v29.00) - Outfit - LEGO Fortnite
Toni (v30.10) - Outfit - LEGO Fortnite
Birdie - Outfit - LEGO Fortnite
Par Patroller - Outfit - LEGO Fortnite
Belle Berry Syd Toni Birdie Par Patroller
Kyra - Outfit - LEGO Fortnite
Lizzik - Outfit - LEGO Fortnite
Veronika (v29.40) - Outfit - LEGO Fortnite
GHOST Enforcer (v28.30) - Outfit - LEGO Fortnite
SHADOW Enforcer - Outfit - LEGO Fortnite
Kyra Lizzik Veronika GHOST Enforcer SHADOW Enforcer
Brutus (v29.00) - Outfit - LEGO Fortnite
Siren - Outfit - LEGO Fortnite
Mae (v29.00) - Outfit - LEGO Fortnite
Starfish (v30.20) - Outfit - LEGO Fortnite
Tegan (v30.30) - Outfit - LEGO Fortnite
Brutus Siren Mae Starfish Tegan
Court Queen Erisa (v29.20) - Outfit - LEGO Fortnite
Beach Jules (v29.40) - Outfit - LEGO Fortnite
Sidewinder (v29.40) - Outfit - LEGO Fortnite
The Brat - Outfit - LEGO Fortnite
Mad Mochi (v29.40) - Outfit - LEGO Fortnite
Court Queen Erisa Beach Jules Sidewinder The Brat Mad Mochi
Camille (v28.30) - Outfit - LEGO Fortnite
Alli (v30.20) - Outfit - LEGO Fortnite
Mazy - Outfit - LEGO Fortnite
Tricera Ops (v28.30) - Outfit - LEGO Fortnite
Peely - Outfit - LEGO Fortnite
Camille Alli Mazy Tricera Ops Peely
Culture Club Commander (v30.00) - Outfit - LEGO Fortnite
Victory Valedictorian (v30.00) - Outfit - LEGO Fortnite
Rebel Rival (v30.00) - Outfit - LEGO Fortnite
Ace Academic (v30.00) - Outfit - LEGO Fortnite
Studious Scout (v30.00) - Outfit - LEGO Fortnite
Culture Club Commander Victory Valedictorian Rebel Rival Ace Academic Studious Scout
Varsity Vanguard (v30.00) - Outfit - LEGO Fortnite
Midterm Maverick (v30.00) - Outfit - LEGO Fortnite
Sporty Skirmisher (v30.00) - Outfit - LEGO Fortnite
Striker Senpai (v30.00) - Outfit - LEGO Fortnite
Prefect Patroller (v30.00) - Outfit - LEGO Fortnite
Varsity Vanguard Midterm Maverick Sporty Skirmisher Striker Senpai Prefect Patroller
Skye - Outfit - LEGO Fortnite
Agent Jones - Outfit - LEGO Fortnite
Haze - Outfit - LEGO Fortnite
Surf Witch - Outfit - LEGO Fortnite
Drift - Outfit - LEGO Fortnite
Skye Agent Jones Haze Surf Witch Drift
Catalyst - Outfit - LEGO Fortnite
Fade - Outfit - LEGO Fortnite
Glumbunny (v29.40) - Outfit - LEGO Fortnite
Lavendra - Outfit - LEGO Fortnite
Drop Dee (v30.10) - Outfit - LEGO Fortnite
Catalyst Fade Glumbunny Lavendra Drop Dee
Celeste (v29.00) - Outfit - LEGO Fortnite
Clip (v30.00) - Outfit - LEGO Fortnite
Doublecross (v29.00) - Outfit - LEGO Fortnite
Grisabelle (v30.00) - Outfit - LEGO Fortnite
Brite Bomber - Outfit - LEGO Fortnite
Celeste Clip Doublecross Grisabelle Brite Bomber
Chomp Sr. (v29.00) - Outfit - LEGO Fortnite
Cozy Chomps (v28.30) - Outfit - LEGO Fortnite
Comfy Chomps (v29.00) - Outfit - LEGO Fortnite
Joni the Red (v30.00) - Outfit - LEGO Fortnite
Lucien West (v30.30) - Outfit - LEGO Fortnite
Chomp Sr. Cozy Chomps Comfy Chomps Joni the Red Lucien West
Wolf (v29.00) - Outfit - LEGO Fortnite
Cuddle King (v28.20) - Outfit - LEGO Fortnite
Festival Lace (v29.20) - Outfit - LEGO Fortnite
Riptide Raz (v29.20) - Outfit - LEGO Fortnite
Joy - Outfit - LEGO Fortnite
Wolf Cuddle King Festival Lace Riptide Raz Joy
Fishstick - Outfit - LEGO Fortnite
Ava (v29.00) - Outfit - LEGO Fortnite
PJ - Outfit - LEGO Fortnite
Bushranger - Outfit - LEGO Fortnite
Killian - Outfit - LEGO Fortnite
Fishstick Ava PJ Bushranger Killian

LEGO Original Citizens[]

Cadence - Character - LEGO Fortnite
Bea - Character - LEGO Fortnite
Junipurr - Character - LEGO Fortnite
Marlee - Character - LEGO Fortnite
GiGi - Character - LEGO Fortnite
Cadence Bea Junipurr Marlee GiGi
Titania - Character - LEGO Fortnite
Kitty-Louise - Character - LEGO Fortnite
Faye - Character - LEGO Fortnite
Raleigh - Character - LEGO Fortnite
Fudgie Jackson - Character - LEGO Fortnite
Titania Kitty-Louise Faye Raleigh Fudgie Jackson
Jem - Character - LEGO Fortnite
Paige - Character - LEGO Fortnite
Esther - Character - LEGO Fortnite
Cody - Character - LEGO Fortnite
Gnash Thrasher - Character - LEGO Fortnite
Jem Paige Esther Cody Gnash Thrasher
Big Chum - Character - LEGO Fortnite
Casper - Character - LEGO Fortnite
Mysterious Agent - Character - LEGO Fortnite
Beatriz - Character - LEGO Fortnite
Finley - Character - LEGO Fortnite
Big Chum Casper Mysterious Agent Beatriz Finley
Rooney - Character - LEGO Fortnite
Cruze - Character - LEGO Fortnite
Tabby - Character - LEGO Fortnite
Gus - Character - LEGO Fortnite
Barb the Unicorn - Character - LEGO Fortnite
Rooney Cruze Tabby Gus Barb the Unicorn
Drakk - Character - LEGO Fortnite
Posh - Character - LEGO Fortnite
Lupo - Character - LEGO Fortnite
Pepper Roni - Character - LEGO Fortnite
Yeti - Character - LEGO Fortnite
Drakk Posh Lupo Pepper Roni Yeti
Grarbrielle - Character - LEGO Fortnite


Update v33.10

  • December 12th 2024: Brick Life was released.

Update v33.11

  • Funk Ops' Party Perch is now open.
  • Winterfest Event has started.
    • The map is covered in snow.
    • A small area with decorations was added.

Update v33.20

  • Winterfest Event has ended.
    • Small area with decorations was removed but the snow remains.
  • Year of the Snake Event has started.
    • Each NPC now gives a Red Envelope after finishing a quest.
    • Red Envelope gives a player a random amount of Cash ranging from 50 to 200 and Lunar New Year-themed furniture.
    • Available Lunar New Year-themed furniture:
      • Red Envelope Display
      • Just Being Koi Scroll
      • Luckier Envelope Tree
      • Lunar New Year Oblong Table
      • 2025 Banner
      • Lunar New Year Square Table
      • Year of the Snake Statue
  • The Golden Cart was added.
  • Wheels 'n Deals is now named on the map.

Update v33.30

  • Year of the Snake Event has ended.
  • The map is no longer covered in snow.
  • 2 new minigames were added:
    • Vampire Experiment
    • Litter Boxing
  • Valentine's Day Event has started.
    • Sunflower's Garden Stand was added nearby the lake.
    • Sunflower gives Cupid's Surprise after finishing a quest.
    • Cupid's Surprise gives a player Box of Chocolates Deco or a Rose item.


  • The codename for this game mode is "Sprout".


Promotional Images[]
