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Fortnite Wiki
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Fearless Captain Bravara has led the Rebel Alliance through countless skirmishes with the Empire. Now, she's gathering her rebel forces and leading them on a new mission: establishing a Village that is also a functioning rebel outpost.
— In-Game Description

Captain Bravara is one of the Characters in LEGO Fortnite. She is one of the characters living in the Rebel Outpost.


Shortsword - Weapon - LEGO Fortnite
Pickaxe (Common) - Tool - LEGO Fortnite
Torch - Tool - LEGO Fortnite
Shortsword Pickaxe Torch


Unique Dialogue[]

First Encounter

Shared Dialogue[]

First Encounter
Making new friends is an adventure all by itself.
It's nice to meet a fellow adventurer out here in the wild.
You look like you're out on a grand adventure!
I see you're really going places -- good for you! A born adventurer!
Great to see you! No doubt you're on an exciting adventure.
Greeting (Angry)
Is everyone going on an adventure except for me?
Greeting (Happy)
Great day for an adventure, isn't it? I'm petting Cows and fighting Skeletons all over the place!
I just battled a big Brute! I FEEL SO ALIVE!
Hello there! If you're wondering why I look so happy, it's because I just sent a bunch of Skeletons back to their graves!
Quip Recruited
It's great to have a place to call home, but don't be afraid to get out there and see the world!
Every day is a chance for a new adventure, so go for it!
You know what I like to do after a long day of adventuring? Go on another adventure!
As long as you stay curious about the world, you'll always be on an adventure.
Quip Following
Whatever's out there, we can handle it!
Can you hear that? That's the sound of victory!
When we go together, we can take on anything!
Every step is like its own little quest, isn't it?
Quip Traveler
Ah, you caught me out here questin'! That's what I call "going on a quest."
I may be lost, but that just means I'm improvising my adventure.
I like to think of it as really, really, really long-form improv!
You never know what you might find until you decide to get out and see the world!
I've been turning over tons of rocks looking for cool stuff. And you know what I've found?
Action Default
What can I take on for you?
I'm here to help. What can I do?
Action Angry
You're slowing me down! What is it?
Great, now I've lost all my momentum...
*Sigh.* What do you need?
One day I'm battling Brutes and the next day I'm fighting Spiders.
No matter how big or how small, some things just always want to fight.
I've traveled far and wide, but lately I'm always traveling near and narrow.
Does that count as a "mini-quest?"
Every now and then I like to take what I call a "trip around the world."
I'll sit under a tree in the Grasslands, then get a suntan in the Dry Valley.
After that, I run down the snowy slopes of the Frostlands before going for a swim at the Shore.
But the best part is coming back to see my friends in the Village. They already mean the world to me.
Sure, I'm known for my many adventures, but there's no better adventure than making a new friend.
I mean, isn't every journey better when you share it with someone else?


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