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Fortnite Wiki
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The Grain Mill is a Station in LEGO Fortnite used to produce various seeds.


Once placed, the Grain Mill can be accessed by pressing the "Interact" keybind.

Thanks to the Grain Mill, the player can choose between different recipes. To produce this grain, the player can insert plants either by pressing the "Up Arrow" button, which inserts one element at a time, or the "Quick Deposit" button, which instantly inserts as many elements as are needed to make one element. Production takes about 10 seconds.

Icon Item Rarity Recipe
Corn Common 3 Corn Kernel - Item - LEGO Fortnite
Pumpkin Common 3 Pumpkin Seed - Item - LEGO Fortnite
Raspberry Common 2 Raspberry Seed - Item - LEGO Fortnite
Wheat Common 3 Wheat Grain - Item - LEGO Fortnite
Slap Berry Uncommon 2 Slapberry Seed - Item - LEGO Fortnite
Spicy Pepper  Rare 2 Pepper Seed - Item - LEGO Fortnite
Snowberry Epic 2 Snowberry Seed - Item - LEGO Fortnite


Crafting Stations
Utility - Icon - LEGO Fortnite
Crafting Bench - Utility - LEGO Fortnite Crafting BenchBarn - Utility - LEGO Fortnite BarnCompost Bin - Utility - LEGO Fortnite Compost BinLumber Mill - Utility - LEGO Fortnite Lumber MillGrill - Utility - LEGO Fortnite GrillSpinning Wheel - Utility - LEGO Fortnite Spinning WheelFood Processor - Utility - LEGO Fortnite Food ProcessorStone Breaker - Utility - LEGO Fortnite Stone BreakerGrain Mill - Utility - LEGO Fortnite Grain MillJuicer - Utility - LEGO Fortnite JuicerGem Cutter - Utility - LEGO Fortnite Gem CutterLoom - Utility - LEGO Fortnite LoomRune Forge - Utility - LEGO Fortnite Rune ForgeMetal Smelter - Utility - LEGO Fortnite Metal SmelterOven - Utility - LEGO Fortnite OvenRebel Workbench - Utility - LEGO Fortnite Rebel WorkbenchBus Station - Utility - LEGO Fortnite Bus Station