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Fortnite Wiki

Grand Palace is a Build in LEGO Fortnite, that can be obtained by upgrading the Village Square to Level 10 in the Frostlands - Icon - LEGO Fortnite Frostlands. Grand Palace was added in Update v28.01 and is part of the Shogun Palace Set.


Utility - Icon - LEGO Fortnite
Crafting Bench - Utility - LEGO Fortnite Crafting BenchLumber Mill - Utility - LEGO Fortnite Lumber MillGrill - Utility - LEGO Fortnite GrillSpinning Wheel - Utility - LEGO Fortnite Spinning WheelFood Processor - Utility - LEGO Fortnite Food ProcessorStone Breaker - Utility - LEGO Fortnite Stone BreakerGrain Mill - Utility - LEGO Fortnite Grain MillJuicer - Utility - LEGO Fortnite JuicerGem Cutter - Utility - LEGO Fortnite Gem CutterLoom - Utility - LEGO Fortnite Loom • [[File:|x20px]] Essence TableMetal Smelter - Utility - LEGO Fortnite Metal SmelterOven - Utility - LEGO Fortnite OvenCampfire - Utility - LEGO Fortnite CampfireMap Marker - Utility - LEGO Fortnite Map MarkerVillage Square - Utility - LEGO Fortnite Village SquareGarden Plot - Utility - LEGO Fortnite Garden Plot
Toys - Icon - LEGO Fortnite
Activation Switch - Toy - LEGO Fortnite Activation SwitchBoom Barrel - Toy - LEGO Fortnite Boom BarrelSmall Thruster - Toy - LEGO Fortnite Small ThrusterLarge Thruster - Toy - LEGO Fortnite Large Thruster • [[File:|x20px]] Wooden Crate • [[File:|x20px]] Dynamic Foundation • [[File:|x20px]] Small Wheel • [[File:|x20px]] Large WheelSmall Balloon - Toy - LEGO Fortnite Small BalloonLarge Balloon - Toy - LEGO Fortnite Large BalloonLarge Balloon - Toy - LEGO Fortnite Large BalloonLaunch Pad - Toy - LEGO Fortnite Launch Pad
Builds - Icon - LEGO Fortnite
Log Lookout - Build - LEGO Fortnite Log LookoutSimple Shack - Build - LEGO Fortnite Simple ShackDouble Shack - Build - LEGO Fortnite Double ShackRoomy Shack - Build - LEGO Fortnite Roomy ShackPorch Shack - Build - LEGO Fortnite Porch ShackLog Shed - Build - LEGO Fortnite Log ShedPalisade Gate - Build - LEGO Fortnite Palisade GateLog Cabin - Build - LEGO Fortnite Log CabinLog Watch Tower - Build - LEGO Fortnite Log Watch TowerLog Home - Build - LEGO Fortnite Log HomeJumbo Lodge - Build - LEGO Fortnite Jumbo LodgeLonely Lodge - Build - LEGO Fortnite Lonely LodgeBungalow - Build - LEGO Fortnite BungalowPleasant Pavilion - Build - LEGO Fortnite Pleasant PavilionDetached Garage - Build - LEGO Fortnite Detached GarageRoomy Home - Build - LEGO Fortnite Roomy HomeSpacious House - Build - LEGO Fortnite Spacious HouseHumble Manor - Build - LEGO Fortnite Humble ManorBungalow - Build - LEGO Fortnite Manor GatesManor Stables - Build - LEGO Fortnite Manor StablesTower Manor - Build - LEGO Fortnite Tower ManorNoble Manor - Build - LEGO Fortnite Noble ManorGrand Manor - Build - LEGO Fortnite Grand ManorStarter Palace - Build - LEGO Fortnite Starter PalacePalace Pavilion - Build - LEGO Fortnite Palace PavilionPalace Gates - Build - LEGO Fortnite Palace GatesTiered Palace - Build - LEGO Fortnite Tiered PalacePalace Tower - Build - LEGO Fortnite Palace TowerGrand Palace - Build - LEGO Fortnite Grand PalaceDouble Dock House - Build - LEGO Fortnite Simple DockDock House - Build - LEGO Fortnite Dock House • [[File:|x20px]] Double Dock HouseDeluxe Dock House - Build - LEGO Fortnite Deluxe Dock HouseTakeout Counter - Build - LEGO Fortnite Takeout CounterFlagship Restaurant - Build - LEGO Fortnite Flagship RestaurantFranchise - Build - LEGO Fortnite FranchiseShore Shack - Build - LEGO Fortnite Shore ShackThe Hideaway - Build - LEGO Fortnite The HideawayLifeguard Tower - Build - LEGO Fortnite Lifeguard TowerBeach Pavilion - Build - LEGO Fortnite Beach PavilionSwimmin' Shop - Build - LEGO Fortnite Swimmin' ShopLil' Beach House - Build - LEGO Fortnite Lil' Beach HouseBeach House - Build - LEGO Fortnite Beach HouseKnightly Large Keep - Build - LEGO Fortnite Knightly Large KeepKnightly Wall Corner - Build - LEGO Fortnite Knightly Wall CornerKnightly Gate House - Build - LEGO Fortnite Knightly Gate HouseKnightly Tower - Build - LEGO Fortnite Knightly TowerKnightly Tower Stairs - Build - LEGO Fortnite Knightly Tower StairsKnightly Wall - Build - LEGO Fortnite Knightly WallKnightly Wall Stairs - Build - LEGO Fortnite Knightly Wall StairsKnightly Small Keep - Build - LEGO Fortnite Knightly Small KeepKnightly Workshop - Build - LEGO Fortnite Knightly WorkshopKnightly Royal Mage's Tower - Build - LEGO Fortnite Knightly Royal Mage's Tower