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Fortnite Wiki

Hearty Totem is a Rare Tool in LEGO Fortnite, that was added in Update v28.01.



Hearty Totem can be crafted through the Rare Crafting Bench.

Hearty Totem - Item - LEGO Fortnite
Crafting Bench (Tier 3) - Utility - LEGO Fortnite
Hearty Totem
Left Decoration - Asset - LEGO Fortnite   Ingredients   Right Decoration - Asset - LEGO Fortnite
  • Heavy Wool Thread - Item - LEGO Fortnite
    Heavy Wool Thread
  • Arctic Claw - Item - LEGO Fortnite
    Arctic Claw
  • Malachite Slab - Item - LEGO Fortnite
    Malachite Slab
  • Brute Scale - Item - LEGO Fortnite
    Brute Scale


Sound Type Sound
Pickup File:TBD
Drop File:TBD


All Items
Weapons & Tools - Icon - LEGO Fortnite
Weapons & Tools
Hunting Dagger (Common) - Weapon - LEGO FortniteHunting DaggerHunting Dagger (Uncommon) - Weapon - LEGO FortniteHunting DaggerHunting Dagger (Rare) - Weapon - LEGO FortniteHunting DaggerHunting Dagger (Epic) - Weapon - LEGO FortniteHunting DaggerShortsword - Weapon - LEGO Fortnite ShortswordLongsword (Uncommon) - Weapon - LEGO FortniteLongswordLongsword (Rare) - Weapon - LEGO FortniteLongswordLongsword (Epic) - Weapon - LEGO FortniteLongswordRecurve Crossbow (Common) - Weapon - LEGO FortniteRecurve CrossbowRecurve Crossbow (Uncommon) - Weapon - LEGO FortniteRecurve CrossbowRecurve Crossbow (Rare) - Weapon - LEGO FortniteRecurve CrossbowRecurve Crossbow (Epic) - Weapon - LEGO FortniteRecurve CrossbowArrow - Ammo - LEGO Fortnite ArrowDynamite - Tool - LEGO Fortnite DynamiteBait Bucket - Tool - LEGO FortniteBait BucketBait Bucket (Uncommon) - Tool - LEGO FortniteBait BucketBait Bucket (Rare) - Tool - LEGO FortniteBait BucketBait Bucket (Epic) - Tool - LEGO FortniteBait BucketForest Axe (Common) - Tool - LEGO FortniteForest AxeForest Axe (Uncommon) - Tool - LEGO FortniteForest AxeForest Axe (Rare) - Tool - LEGO FortniteForest AxeForest Axe (Epic) - Tool - LEGO FortniteForest AxePickaxe (Common) - Tool - LEGO FortnitePickaxePickaxe (Uncommon) - Tool - LEGO FortnitePickaxePickaxe (Rare) - Tool - LEGO FortnitePickaxePickaxe (Epic) - Tool - LEGO FortnitePickaxeShovel (Common) - Tool - LEGO FortniteShovelShovel (Uncommon) - Tool - LEGO FortniteShovelShovel (Rare) - Tool - LEGO FortniteShovelShovel (Epic) - Tool - LEGO FortniteShovelFishing Rod - Tool - LEGO FortniteFishing RodFishing Rod (Uncommon) - Tool - LEGO FortniteFishing RodFishing Rod (Rare) - Tool - LEGO FortniteFishing RodFishing Rod (Epic) - Tool - LEGO FortniteFishing RodBowcaster - Weapon - LEGO Fortnite BowcasterDL-44 - Weapon - LEGO Fortnite DL-44E-11 - Weapon - LEGO Fortnite E-11Thermal Detonator - Tool - LEGO Fortnite Thermal DetonatorBlue Lightsaber - Weapon - LEGO Fortnite Blue LightsaberGreen Lightsaber - Weapon - LEGO Fortnite Green LightsaberRed Lightsaber - Weapon - LEGO Fortnite Red Lightsaber
Equipment - Icon - LEGO Fortnite
Basic Compass - Tool - LEGO Fortnite Basic CompassSpyglass - Tool - LEGO Fortnite SpyglassWrench - Tool - LEGO Fortnite WrenchIlluminator - Item - LEGO Fortnite IlluminatorBoulder Spawner - Tool - LEGO Fortnite BoulderGlider - Tool - LEGO Fortnite GliderGrappler - Tool - LEGO Fortnite GrapplerMacrobinoculars - Tool - LEGO Fortnite MacrobinocularsBoulder Spawner - Tool - LEGO Fortnite Small BoulderSurvival Compass - Tool - LEGO Fortnite Survival CompassTorch - Tool - LEGO Fortnite TorchKnight Shield (Common) - Weapon - LEGO FortniteKnight ShieldKnight Shield (Uncommon) - Weapon - LEGO FortniteKnight ShieldKnight Shield (Rare) - Weapon - LEGO FortniteKnight ShieldKnight Shield (Epic) - Weapon - LEGO FortniteKnight ShieldHealth Charm - Item - LEGO FortniteHealth CharmCool-Headed Charm - Item - LEGO FortniteCool-Headed CharmHealth Charm - Item - LEGO FortniteHealth CharmHearty Totem - Item - LEGO FortniteHearty TotemWavebreak Charm - Item - LEGO FortniteWavebreak CharmCharm of Resilience - Item - LEGO FortniteCharm of ResilienceCool-Headed Charm - Item - LEGO FortniteCool-Headed CharmGood Luck Charm - Item - LEGO Fortnite Good Luck CharmHealth Charm - Item - LEGO FortniteHealth CharmHearty Totem - Item - LEGO FortniteHearty TotemInner Fire Charm - Item - LEGO FortniteInner Fire CharmReflection Charm - Item - LEGO FortniteReflection CharmRegeneration Charm - Item - LEGO FortniteRegeneration CharmTotem of the Immortal - Item - LEGO Fortnite Totem of the ImmortalWavebreak Charm - Item - LEGO FortniteWavebreak CharmCharm of Resilience - Item - LEGO FortniteCharm of ResilienceHealth Charm - Item - LEGO FortniteHealth CharmInner Fire Charm - Item - LEGO FortniteInner Fire CharmReflection Charm - Item - LEGO FortniteReflection CharmRegeneration Charm - Item - LEGO FortniteRegeneration Charm
Resources - Icon - LEGO Fortnite
Granite - Item - LEGO Fortnite GraniteSand - Item - LEGO Fortnite SandSlurp Mushroom - Item - LEGO Fortnite Slurp MushroomSoil - Item - LEGO Fortnite SoilVines - Item - LEGO Fortnite VinesWheat - Item - LEGO Fortnite WheatWood - Item - LEGO Fortnite WoodKnotroot - Item - LEGO Fortnite KnotrootMarble - Item - LEGO Fortnite MarblePlastoid - Item - LEGO Fortnite PlastoidRough Amber - Item - LEGO Fortnite Rough AmberBrightcore - Item - LEGO Fortnite BrightcoreCopper - Item - LEGO Fortnite CopperFlexwood (v28.10) - Item - LEGO Fortnite FlexwoodObsidian - Item - LEGO Fortnite ObsidianRough Ruby - Item - LEGO Fortnite Rough RubyScrap Durasteel - Item - LEGO Fortnite Scrap DurasteelSnow - Item - LEGO Fortnite SnowFrostpine - Item - LEGO Fortnite FrostpineIron - Item - LEGO Fortnite IronMalachite - Item - LEGO Fortnite MalachiteRough Sapphire - Item - LEGO Fortnite Rough SapphireCord (29.10) - Item - LEGO Fortnite CordDrawstring - Item - LEGO Fortnite DrawstringGlass - Item - LEGO Fortnite GlassGranite Slab - Item - LEGO Fortnite Granite SlabPlank - Item - LEGO Fortnite PlankSilk Fabric - Item - LEGO Fortnite Silk FabricSilk Thread - Item - LEGO Fortnite Silk ThreadWooden Rod (29.10) - Item - LEGO Fortnite Wooden RodWool Fabric - Item - LEGO Fortnite Wool FabricWool Thread - Item - LEGO Fortnite Wool ThreadBiomass - Item - LEGO Fortnite BiomassCut Amber - Item - LEGO Fortnite Cut AmberFlour - Item - LEGO Fortnite FlourKnotroot Rod - Item - LEGO Fortnite Knotroot RodMarble Slab - Item - LEGO Fortnite Marble SlabPower Cell - Item - LEGO Fortnite Power CellSandstone - Item - LEGO Fortnite SandstoneCopper Bar - Item - LEGO Fortnite Copper BarCut Ruby - Item - LEGO Fortnite Cut RubyDurasteel - Item - LEGO Fortnite DurasteelFlexwood Rod (v28.10) - Item - LEGO Fortnite Flexwood RodObsidian Slab - Item - LEGO Fortnite Obsidian SlabCut Sapphire - Item - LEGO Fortnite Cut SapphireFrostpine Rod - Item - LEGO Fortnite Frostpine RodHeavy Wool Thread - Item - LEGO Fortnite Heavy Wool ThreadIron Bar - Item - LEGO Fortnite Iron BarMalachite Slab - Item - LEGO Fortnite Malachite SlabFeather - Item - LEGO Fortnite FeatherFertilizer - Item - LEGO Fortnite FertilizerSilk - Item - LEGO Fortnite SilkWolf Claw - Item - LEGO Fortnite Wolf ClawWool - Item - LEGO Fortnite WoolBlast Powder - Item - LEGO Fortnite Blast PowderBone - Item - LEGO Fortnite BoneBrute Scale - Item - LEGO Fortnite Brute ScaleShell - Item - LEGO Fortnite ShellBlast Core - Item - LEGO Fortnite Blast CoreSand Brute Scale - Item - LEGO Fortnite Sand Brute ScaleSand Claw - Item - LEGO Fortnite Sand ClawSand Shell - Item - LEGO Fortnite Sand ShellArctic Claw - Item - LEGO Fortnite Arctic ClawCursed Bone - Item - LEGO Fortnite Cursed BoneFrost Brute Scale - Item - LEGO Fortnite Frost Brute ScaleFrost Shell - Item - LEGO Fortnite Frost ShellHeavy Wool - Item - LEGO Fortnite Heavy Wool
Food & Beverage - Icon - LEGO Fortnite
Food & Beverage
Corn - Item - LEGO Fortnite CornEgg - Item - LEGO Fortnite EggMeat - Item - LEGO Fortnite MeatMilk - Item - LEGO Fortnite MilkPumpkin - Item - LEGO Fortnite PumpkinRaspberry - Item - LEGO Fortnite RaspberrySlapberry - Item - LEGO Fortnite SlapberrySpicy Pepper - Item - LEGO Fortnite Spicy PepperCheese - Item - LEGO Fortnite CheeseChillberry - Item - LEGO Fortnite ChillberryBlack and Blue Sushi - Item - LEGO Fortnite Black and Blue SushiCorn on the Cob - Item - LEGO Fortnite Corn on the CobFish Fillet - Item - LEGO Fortnite Fish FilletFried Egg - Item - LEGO Fortnite Fried EggGrilled Meat - Item - LEGO Fortnite Grilled MeatSimple Sushi - Item - LEGO Fortnite Simple SushiSmoked Fry Fish - Item - LEGO Fortnite Smoked Fry FishSpicy Fish Sandwich - Item - LEGO Fortnite Spicy Fish SandwichAnimal Treat - Item - LEGO Fortnite Animal TreatIce Cream - Item - LEGO Fortnite Ice CreamSlap Juice - Item - LEGO Fortnite Slap JuiceSlurp Juice - Item - LEGO Fortnite Slurp JuiceBread - Item - LEGO Fortnite BreadMeat Pie - Item - LEGO Fortnite Meat PiePumpkin Pie - Item - LEGO Fortnite Pumpkin PieSpicy Burger - Item - LEGO Fortnite Spicy BurgerSpicy Ice Cream - Item - LEGO Fortnite Spicy Ice CreamFruit Pie - Item - LEGO Fortnite Fruit PiePizza - Item - LEGO Fortnite PizzaChillberry Ice Cream - Item - LEGO Fortnite Chillberry Ice CreamChillberry Shake - Item - LEGO Fortnite Chillberry ShakeCorn Kernel - Item - LEGO Fortnite Corn KernelPumpkin Seed - Item - LEGO Fortnite Pumpkin SeedRaspberry Seed - Item - LEGO Fortnite Raspberry SeedWheat Grain - Item - LEGO Fortnite Wheat GrainSlapberry Seed - Item - LEGO Fortnite Slapberry SeedPepper Seed - Item - LEGO Fortnite Pepper SeedChillberry Seed - Item - LEGO Fortnite Chillberry Seed
Creatures - Icon - LEGO Fortnite
Chicken - Creature - LEGO Fortnite ChickenCow - Creature - LEGO Fortnite CowPig - Creature - LEGO Fortnite PigSheep - Creature - LEGO Fortnite SheepMountain Cow - Creature - LEGO Fortnite Mountain CowRam - Creature - LEGO Fortnite RamBear - Creature - LEGO Fortnite BearScorpion - Creature - LEGO Fortnite ScorpionSpider - Creature - LEGO Fortnite SpiderStone Roller - Creature - LEGO Fortnite Stone RollerWild Wolf - Creature - LEGO Fortnite Wild WolfHermit Crab - Creature - LEGO Fortnite Hermit CrabSand Roller - Creature - LEGO Fortnite Sand RollerSand Scorpion - Creature - LEGO Fortnite Sand ScorpionSand Spider - Creature - LEGO Fortnite Sand SpiderSand Wolf - Creature - LEGO Fortnite Sand WolfBlaster - Creature - LEGO Fortnite BlasterBrute - Creature - LEGO Fortnite BruteFrost Bear - Creature - LEGO Fortnite Frost BearFrost Roller - Creature - LEGO Fortnite Frost RollerFrost Scorpion - Creature - LEGO Fortnite Frost ScorpionFrost Spider - Creature - LEGO Fortnite Frost SpiderFrost Wolf - Creature - LEGO Fortnite Frost WolfBone Wolf - Creature - LEGO Fortnite Bone WolfFrost Brute - Creature - LEGO Fortnite Frost BruteSand Brute - Creature - LEGO Fortnite Sand BruteMine Skeleton Brawler - Creature - LEGO Fortnite Mine Skeleton BrawlerMine Skeleton Striker - Creature - LEGO Fortnite Mine Skeleton StrikerSkeleton Archer - Creature - LEGO Fortnite Skeleton ArcherSkeleton Blaster - Creature - LEGO Fortnite Skeleton BlasterSkeleton Brawler - Creature - LEGO Fortnite Skeleton BrawlerSkeleton Chopper - Creature - LEGO Fortnite Skeleton ChopperSkeleton Sentinel - Creature - LEGO Fortnite Skeleton SentinelSkeleton Slicer - Creature - LEGO Fortnite Skeleton SlicerSkeleton Striker - Creature - LEGO Fortnite Skeleton StrikerCrossbones Archer - Creature - LEGO Fortnite Crossbones ArcherCrossbones Blaster - Creature - LEGO Fortnite Crossbones BlasterCrossbones Brawler - Creature - LEGO Fortnite Crossbones BrawlerCrossbones Slicer - Creature - LEGO Fortnite Crossbones SlicerSkeleton Outlaw Archer - Creature - LEGO Fortnite Skeleton Outlaw ArcherSkeleton Outlaw Blaster - Creature - LEGO Fortnite Skeleton Outlaw BlasterSkeleton Outlaw Brawler - Creature - LEGO Fortnite Skeleton Outlaw BrawlerSkeleton Outlaw Slicer - Creature - LEGO Fortnite Skeleton Outlaw SlicerMine Skeleton Blaster (Hard Hat) - Creature - LEGO Fortnite Mine Skeleton Blaster (Hard Hat)Mine Skeleton Brawler (Hard Hat) - Creature - LEGO Fortnite Mine Skeleton Brawler (Hard Hat)Mine Skeleton Chopper (Hard Hat) - Creature - LEGO Fortnite Mine Skeleton Chopper (Hard Hat)Mine Skeleton Striker (Hard Hat) - Creature - LEGO Fortnite Mine Skeleton Striker (Hard Hat)Skeleton Knight Archer - Creature - LEGO Fortnite Skeleton Knight ArcherSkeleton Knight Sentinel - Creature - LEGO Fortnite Skeleton Knight SentinelSkeleton Knight Slicer - Creature - LEGO Fortnite Skeleton Knight SlicerDummy Brawler - Creature - LEGO Fortnite Dummy BrawlerDummy Lobber - Creature - LEGO Fortnite Dummy LobberRogue Archer - Creature - LEGO Fortnite Rogue ArcherRogue Brawler - Creature - LEGO Fortnite Rogue BrawlerRogue Slicer - Creature - LEGO Fortnite Rogue SlicerOutlaw Archer - Creature - LEGO Fortnite Outlaw ArcherOutlaw Blaster - Creature - LEGO Fortnite Outlaw BlasterOutlaw Brawler - Creature - LEGO Fortnite Outlaw BrawlerOutlaw Slicer - Creature - LEGO Fortnite Outlaw SlicerPirate Archer - Creature - LEGO Fortnite Pirate ArcherPirate Blaster - Creature - LEGO Fortnite Pirate BlasterPirate Brawler - Creature - LEGO Fortnite Pirate BrawlerPirate Slicer - Creature - LEGO Fortnite Pirate SlicerFalcon Knight Archer - Creature - LEGO Fortnite Falcon Knight ArcherFalcon Knight Sentinel - Creature - LEGO Fortnite Falcon Knight SentinelFalcon Knight Slicer - Creature - LEGO Fortnite Falcon Knight SlicerFalcon Knight Warrior - Creature - LEGO Fortnite Falcon Knight WarriorWolf Pack Archer - Creature - LEGO Fortnite Wolf Pack ArcherWolf Pack Chopper - Creature - LEGO Fortnite Wolf Pack ChopperWolf Pack Protector - Creature - LEGO Fortnite Wolf Pack ProtectorWolf Pack Slicer - Creature - LEGO Fortnite Wolf Pack SlicerSandtrooper Chopper - Creature - LEGO Fortnite Sandtrooper ChopperSandtrooper E-11 - Creature - LEGO Fortnite Sandtrooper E-11Sandtrooper Slicer - Creature - LEGO Fortnite Sandtrooper SlicerSandtrooper Striker - Creature - LEGO Fortnite Sandtrooper StrikerScout Trooper Archer - Creature - LEGO Fortnite Scout Trooper ArcherScout Trooper Chopper - Creature - LEGO Fortnite Scout Trooper ChopperScout Trooper E-11 - Creature - LEGO Fortnite Scout Trooper E-11Snowtrooper Bowcaster - Creature - LEGO Fortnite Snowtrooper BowcasterSnowtrooper Chopper - Creature - LEGO Fortnite Snowtrooper ChopperSnowtrooper E-11 - Creature - LEGO Fortnite Snowtrooper E-11Snowtrooper Slicer - Creature - LEGO Fortnite Snowtrooper SlicerStormtrooper Archer - Creature - LEGO Fortnite Stormtrooper ArcherStormtrooper E-11 - Creature - LEGO Fortnite Stormtrooper E-11Stormtrooper Striker - Creature - LEGO Fortnite Stormtrooper StrikerAWR Trooper - Creature - LEGO Fortnite AWR TrooperImperial Officer - Creature - LEGO Fortnite Imperial Officer