Fortnite Wiki

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Fortnite Wiki
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Explore vast, open worlds where the magic of LEGO® building and Fortnite collide. Find the ultimate survival crafting LEGO adventure in Fortnite!
— In-Game Description

LEGO® Fortnite Odyssey is a survival crafting game within Fortnite that released on December 7th 2023.


Odyssey is a survival sandbox in which your objective is to explore a vast procedurally generated landscape, collect resources, craft items, battle enemies and recruit villagers to ultimately make your own village filled with Fortnite and LEGO characters. Players have the option of doing this by themselves or with up to seven friends.

Creating a World
World Creation - User Interface - LEGO Fortnite

Prior to playing, players must first create a new world or join a world which another player has made them a key holder of. Players may create up to eight worlds and have the ability to change various settings to customize their world to their liking.

Most importantly, players must choose which mode their world should be:

  • Cozy: Relax and enjoy your adventure with easier combat.
  • Survival: Build, gather, craft and face off against mighty foes while exploring the world!
  • Sandbox: Spawn the items you need and build without resource requirements!
  • Expert: Survival difficulty increases, players won't respawn after elimination, and Storm-Wild creatures roam the land. Following villagers will respawn at their village when eliminated. Party up to increase your chance of survival!

The mode cannot be changed after world creation.

There are a number of advanced settings also available.

Until Update v30.40, these settings could not be changed after a world had been created. Every setting can be changed, with the exception of Player Elimination and the locked settings in Expert mode.

  • Rename World
    • World names will be visible to anyone you invite to your world. Do not include any personal information like your real name, address, or phone number.
    • Names need to be 32 characters or less.
    • Cannot use special characters ( / : ? <> @ etc.)
    • All names must follow the Epic Games Community Rules.
  • Cover Image
    • The selected cover image is used to represent a player's world. If a player shares the world with other players, the image will be what they see.
    • Options: [Show/Hide]
  • Override World Seed
    • A seed is a unique identifier assigned to a world that allows a world to be generated using specific criteria. A world that is identical to another world's starting point can be generated by inputting its seed number here.
    • Can only contain numbers between 1 - 2147483647.
  • Enemies (On or Off)
    • This determines whether hostile creatures will appear in the world.
    • Turning this off may block some elements of progression within the game.
    • Default settings:
      • On - Cozy, Survival, Expert
      • Off - Sandbox
    • If this is switched off after world creation, existing enemies will remain until you defeat them or leave the area.
  • Enemy Difficulty (Easy, Normal or Hard)
    • Easy: Combat will be less challenging.
    • Normal: A balanced experience of risk and reward.
    • Hard: Combat will be more challenging.
    • Default settings:
      • Easy - Cozy
      • Normal - Survival, Sandbox
      • Hard - Expert
  • Storm-Wild Enemies (On or Off)
    • This determines whether extra hard Storm-Wild creatures will roam in the world, or only regular creatures will appear.
    • Default settings:
      • Off - Cozy, Survival, Sandbox
      • On - Expert
    • If this is switched off after world creation, existing Storm-Wild enemies will remain until you defeat them or leave the area.
  • Hunger (On or Off)
    • This determines whether the player character will get hungry.
    • Default settings:
      • Off - Cozy, Sandbox
      • On - Survival, Expert
  • Temperature (On or Off)
    • This determines whether the player character will feel the effects of temperature.
    • Default settings:
      • Off - Cozy, Sandbox
      • On - Survival, Expert
  • Stamina (On or Off)
    • This determines whether the player character will use stamina when sprinting / swimming / pushing objects etc.
    • Default settings:
      • Off - Cozy, Sandbox
      • On - Survival, Expert
  • Player Elimination (Respawn, Off or Permanent)
    • This determines whether the player character can be eliminated.
    • Default settings:
      • Respawn - Cozy, Survival, Sandbox
      • Permanent - Expert
  • Drop Inventory Upon Elimination (On or Off)
    • This determines whether the player drops or keeps their inventory on elimination.
    • If set to On, the player's inventory will be stored in a backpack for retrieval.
    • Default settings:
      • Off - Cozy, Sandbox
      • On - Survival, Expert
  • Friendly Creatures (On or Off)
    • This determines whether friendly creatures will appear in the world.
    • Turning this off may block some elements of progression within the game.
    • By default, this is always On.
    • If this is switched off after world creation, existing friendly creatures will remain until you leave the area.
  • Villagers (On or Off)
    • This determines whether villagers will appear in the game.
    • If set to Off, new villagers will not appear and previously spawned villagers will remain until dismissed by the player.
    • By default, this is always On.
    • If this is switched off after world creation, existing villagers will remain until you leave the area.
  • Power System (On or Off)
    • This determines whether powered toys must require a power source in order to operate.
    • Default settings:
      • Off - Cozy, Sandbox
      • On - Survival, Expert
  • Village Animals Removed on Elimination (On or Off)
    • This determines whether village animals will be respawned upon elimination.
    • Default settings:
      • Off - Cozy, Sandbox
      • On - Survival, Expert

Changing one of these settings to something other than the default for the chosen mode will mark a player's world as "Custom".

Playing with Friends

Odyssey supports parties of up to eight players, meaning seven other people can jump into your world while you’re in it.

Up to seven other players can be invited to be a key holder of your world, which means they can access and edit the world anytime. This includes when they’re joining you online or when you’re away offline. Players can be invited via the Players tab of the Map menu. All party members without a key will be removed from your world when you leave your party or world.

Inside the World


Rift Encounters
Main Article: LEGO Fortnite:Rift Encounters

Similar to Battle Royale's, random events called Rift Encounters can occur while playing on a world, especially while a player's village level is increasing.

Star Destroyer Crash - Promo - LEGO Fortnite

One such encounter, added in Update v29.40 as part of the 2024 Star Wars Event, features a Galactic Empire Star Destroyer crashing into the land through a rift. This encounter marks the beginning of the player's Rebel Adventure, in which they must help the rebels survive by upgrading their Rebel Village and take back the world from the Empire.

LEGO® Passes[]

Main Article: LEGO® Pass

Similar to the Battle Pass, LEGO® Passes are seasonal cosmetic item bundles for LEGO® Fortnite Odyssey (alongside other official LEGO® experiences), which grant the player rewards for earning XP.
Currently there has been four passes, with the most recent being the Chill & Thrill pass.

Chill & Thrill[]

Chill & Thrill ran from December 10th 2024 to March 11th 2025.

Level up to claim more rewardsClaim 3 more rewards OR earn 10 levels to unlock
Raven Team Syd - Outfit - LEGO FortniteIncluded Peely Pavillion - Decor Bundle - LEGO Fortnite Mazy's City Slick - Loading Screen - Fortnite Juice Tent - Build - LEGO Fortnite Winterfest Living Room - Decor Bundle - LEGO Fortnite Brite Bomber Arcade - Decor Bundle - LEGO Fortnite Arcade Tent - Build - LEGO Fortnite

Lock (v33.00) - Icon - FortniteLOCKED PAGEClaim 5 more rewards OR earn 20 levels to unlock
Raven's Abode - Build - LEGO Fortnite Eyes of the Storm King - Loading Screen - Fortnite The Hygiene Haven For Raven - Decor Bundle - LEGO Fortnite Winterfest Dining - Decor Bundle - LEGO Fortnite Whisks Happen - Decor Bundle - LEGO Fortnite TBannersIconsS33StormChasersL Study Time - Decor Bundle - LEGO Fortnite

Lock (v33.00) - Icon - FortniteLOCKED PAGEClaim 12 more rewards OR earn 35 levels to unlock
Raven's Gadget Galore - Decor Bundle - LEGO Fortnite Winterfest Kitchen - Decor Bundle - LEGO Fortnite Raven's Comfy Living Room - Decor Bundle - LEGO Fortnite TBannersIconsS33StormKingL On Guard! - Decor Bundle - LEGO Fortnite Raven's Workshop - Decor Bundle - LEGO Fortnite Raven's Apothecary - Build - LEGO Fortnite

Lock (v33.00) - Icon - FortniteLOCKED PAGEClaim 20 more rewards OR earn 45 levels to unlock
Raven's Mausoleum - Build - LEGO Fortnite Cuddle Team Lounge - Decor Bundle - LEGO Fortnite TBannersIconsS33SproutL Lounge Tent - Build - LEGO Fortnite Winterfest Market 1 - Decor Bundle - LEGO Fortnite Main Stage Decor - Decor Bundle - LEGO Fortnite Winterfest Market 2 - Decor Bundle - LEGO Fortnite

Brick or Treat[]

Brick or Treat ran from October 12th 2024 to December 10th 2024.

Free Reward Track
The Free Reward Track is available to all players.

The Haunting of Llama Alley - Decor Bundle - LEGO Fortnite
Rest in Pieces - Decor Bundle - LEGO Fortnite
Carver's Kitchen - Decor Bundle - LEGO Fortnite
Ancient Dining - Decor Bundle - LEGO Fortnite
Decrepit Details - Decor Bundle - LEGO Fortnite
Electrified Experiments - Decor Bundle - LEGO Fortnite
Haunted Hearth - Decor Bundle - LEGO Fortnite
Sanguine Splashery - Decor Bundle - LEGO Fortnite
Splashing Pumpkins - Decor Bundle - LEGO Fortnite
Ghoulish Game Room - Decor Bundle - LEGO Fortnite
The Dump on Old Durrr Drive - Build - LEGO Fortnite
Premium Reward Track
Andy Fangerson - Outfit - Fortnite

The Premium Reward Track can be purchased for V-Bucks - Icon - Fortnite 1,400 V-Bucks, and will grant the Andy Fangerson Outfit upon purchasing.

The Eyesore of Eerie Avenue - Build - LEGO Fortnite
Frankie's Rest - Decor Bundle - LEGO Fortnite
Frankie's Laboratory - Decor Bundle - LEGO Fortnite
Frankie's Lavoritorium - Decor Bundle - LEGO Fortnite
The Creaker on Bleeker Street - Build - LEGO Fortnite
Countess of Slumber - Decor Bundle - LEGO Fortnite
Countess of Lounging - Decor Bundle - LEGO Fortnite
Countess of Feasting - Decor Bundle - LEGO Fortnite
Countess of Cookery - Decor Bundle - LEGO Fortnite
Countess of Repose - Decor Bundle - LEGO Fortnite
The Ruin of Rue Royale - Build - LEGO Fortnite

Tropical Treasures[]

Tropical Treasures ran from September 17th 2024 to October 12th 2024.

Free Reward Track
The Free Reward Track is available to all players.

Zesty Snoozer Bundle - Decor Bundle - LEGO Fortnite
Klombo's Jungle - Loading Screen - Fortnite
Saucy Living Room Bundle - Decor Bundle - LEGO Fortnite
The Hothouse - Build - LEGO Fortnite
Tomato Temple Flora Bundle - Decor Bundle - LEGO Fortnite
Crusty Counter Bundle - Decor Bundle - LEGO Fortnite
Tomato Plumbing Bundle - Decor Bundle - LEGO Fortnite
Brightest Tomato Bundle - Decor Bundle - LEGO Fortnite
Tomatoes and Textiles Bundle - Decor Bundle - LEGO Fortnite
Mighty 'Matohead Bundle - Decor Bundle - LEGO Fortnite
Nana Hut - Build - LEGO Fortnite
Premium Reward Track
Island Adventure Peely - Outfit - Fortnite

The Premium Reward Track can be purchased for V-Bucks - Icon - Fortnite 1,400 V-Bucks, and will grant the Island Adventure Peely Outfit upon purchasing.

Nana Plaza - Build - LEGO Fortnite
Nanas at Home Bundle - Decor Bundle - LEGO Fortnite
Tomato Temple - Build - LEGO Fortnite
A-peel-ing Living Room Bundle - Decor Bundle - LEGO Fortnite
Nana Hall - Build - LEGO Fortnite
Nana Living Bundle - Decor Bundle - LEGO Fortnite
Zesty Ziggurat - Build - LEGO Fortnite
Nana Decor Bundle - Decor Bundle - LEGO Fortnite
Nana Manor - Build - LEGO Fortnite
Uncle Pete's Pizza Pavilion - Build - LEGO Fortnite
Nana Gate - Build - LEGO Fortnite

Rebel Adventure[]

Rebel Adventure ran from May 3rd 2024 to July 23rd 2024.

Free Reward Track
The Free Reward Track is available to all players.

Tatooine Spice of Life - Decor Bundle - LEGO Fortnite
Tatooine Circuit Bedroom - Decor Bundle - LEGO Fortnite
Tatooine Turret and Tanks - Decor Bundle - LEGO Fortnite
Tatooine Spa - Decor Bundle - LEGO Fortnite
Tatooine Glassware - Decor Bundle - LEGO Fortnite
Mos Eisley Serving Station - Decor Bundle - LEGO Fortnite
Tatooine Hazardous Removal - Decor Bundle - LEGO Fortnite
Mos Eisley Lanterns - Decor Bundle - LEGO Fortnite
Mos Eisley Essentials - Decor Bundle - LEGO Fortnite
Mos Eisley Blue Milk Bar - Decor Bundle - LEGO Fortnite
Mos Eisley Marketplace - Build - LEGO Fortnite
Premium Reward Track
Chewbacca - Outfit - Fortnite

The Premium Reward Track can be purchased for V-Bucks - Icon - Fortnite 1,400 V-Bucks, and will grant the Chewbacca Outfit upon purchasing.

Mos Eisley Homestead - Build - LEGO Fortnite
Tatooine Hope - Decor Bundle - LEGO Fortnite
Mos Eisley Garage - Build - LEGO Fortnite
Tatooine Kitchenette - Decor Bundle - LEGO Fortnite
Mos Eisley Emporium - Build - LEGO Fortnite
Tatooine Dining - Decor Bundle - LEGO Fortnite
Mos Eisley Tower - Build - LEGO Fortnite
Tatooine Vaporators - Decor Bundle - LEGO Fortnite
Mos Eisley Large Garage - Build - LEGO Fortnite
Mos Eisley Cantina - Build - LEGO Fortnite
Dusty Durrr Burger - Build - LEGO Fortnite

LEGO® Style[]

While playing LEGO® Fortnite, your outfit is transformed into a LEGO® minifigure. If your outfit has a LEGO® style, the minifigure will resemble your outfit's appearance, otherwise it will resemble the appearance of a random default outfit's LEGO® style. Additionally, a limited selection of Emotes can be used with the LEGO® styles, but Sprays and Emoticons cannot be used.

As of Update v30.20, over 1,600 Outfits have LEGO® styles - of which over 1,300 are fully detailed.

At release (Update v28.01), over 1,200 Outfits had LEGO® Styles, although only a select few (approximately 317) were fully detailed. The rest were unfinished, with their appearances being made up of common LEGO® minifigure pieces (hair, torso, feet etc.) that were recoloured to create a close approximation of the outfit's appearance.[1][2]

Since release, there has been an ongoing effort alongside feature updates to replace all lower-detailed styles with higher-detailed ones. Outfits that will receive higher-detailed styles in the near future are marked with a WIP LEGO Style - Asset - Fortnite icon in the locker. Additionally, new outfits and more existing ones are also receiving LEGO® styles.
With Update v28.30 the option to choose between the original "Base" style and the higher-detailed "Signature" style was added, allowing players who prefer the lower-detailed style to wear it.[3]

Outfits without LEGO® Styles[]

Note: Doesn't include Recruits from previous chapters or TBD Outfits

Squad Leader (v33.10) - Outfit - Fortnite
Whistle Warrior (v31.20) - Outfit - Fortnite
Striped Soldier (v31.20) - Outfit - Fortnite
Hot Zone - Outfit - LEGO Fortnite
Big Mouth - Outfit - LEGO Fortnite
Squad Leader
Whistle Warrior
Striped Soldier
Hot Zone
Big Mouth
The Devourer - Outfit - LEGO Fortnite
Ghoul - Outfit - Fortnite
The Devourer

Collaboration Outfits[]

John Wick (v28.01) - Outfit - Fortnite
Sofia (New) - Outfit - Fortnite
Demogorgon (v30.10) - Outfit - Fortnite
Major Lazer - Outfit - Fortnite
Psycho Bandit (New) - Outfit - Fortnite
John Wick Sofia Demogorgon Major Lazer Psycho Bandit
Deadpool - Outfit - Fortnite
Ravenpool - Outfit - Fortnite
Cuddlepool - Outfit - Fortnite
Travis Scott (New) - Outfit - Fortnite
Astro Jack - Outfit - Fortnite
Deadpool Ravenpool Cuddlepool Travis Scott Astro Jack
Aquaman - Outfit - Fortnite
Blade - Outfit - Fortnite
Spirit Sniper - Outfit - Fortnite
Curse Buster - Outfit - Fortnite
Phantom Commando - Outfit - Fortnite
Aquaman Blade Spirit Sniper Curse Buster Phantom Commando
Specter Inspector - Outfit - Fortnite
Aura Analyzer - Outfit - Fortnite
Paranormal Guide - Outfit - Fortnite
Haunt Officer - Outfit - Fortnite
Ecto Expert - Outfit - Fortnite
Specter Inspector Aura Analyzer Paranormal Guide Haunt Officer Ecto Expert
Containment Specialist - Outfit - Fortnite
P.K.E. Ranger - Outfit - Fortnite
Venom - Outfit - Fortnite
Kratos - Outfit - Fortnite
Master Chief - Outfit - Fortnite
Containment Specialist P.K.E. Ranger Venom Kratos Master Chief
Michonne - Outfit - Fortnite
Daryl Dixon - Outfit - Fortnite
Predator - Outfit - Fortnite
T-800 - Outfit - Fortnite
Sarah Connor - Outfit - Fortnite
Michonne Daryl Dixon Predator T-800 Sarah Connor
Snake Eyes - Outfit - Fortnite
Tiki Tackler - Outfit - Fortnite
Striker Specialist - Outfit - Fortnite
Shot Stopper - Outfit - Fortnite
Pitch Patroller - Outfit - Fortnite
Snake Eyes Tiki Tackler Striker Specialist Shot Stopper Pitch Patroller
Derby Dominator - Outfit - Fortnite
Sgt. Sweeper - Outfit - Fortnite
Power Poacher - Outfit - Fortnite
Midfield Master - Outfit - Fortnite
Galactico - Outfit - Fortnite
Derby Dominator Sgt. Sweeper Power Poacher Midfield Master Galactico
Breakaway - Outfit - Fortnite
Chun-Li - Outfit - Fortnite
Ryu - Outfit - Fortnite
Ellen Ripley - Outfit - Fortnite
Xenomorph - Outfit - Fortnite
Breakaway Chun-Li Ryu Ellen Ripley Xenomorph
Lara Croft - Outfit - Fortnite
Aloy - Outfit - Fortnite
Neymar Jr - Outfit - Fortnite
Kelsier - Outfit - Fortnite
Clark Kent - Outfit - Fortnite
Lara Croft Aloy Neymar Jr Kelsier Clark Kent
Rick Sanchez - Outfit - Fortnite
Harry Kane - Outfit - Fortnite
Marco Reus - Outfit - Fortnite
Armored Batman Zero - Outfit - Fortnite
LeBron James - Outfit - Fortnite
Rick Sanchez Harry Kane Marco Reus Armored Batman Zero LeBron James
Tune Squad LeBron - Outfit - Fortnite
Modena Icon - Outfit - Fortnite
Maranello Racer - Outfit - Fortnite
Gildedguy - Outfit - Fortnite
Bloodsport - Outfit - Fortnite
Tune Squad LeBron Modena Icon Maranello Racer Gildedguy Bloodsport
Cammy - Outfit - Fortnite
Guile - Outfit - Fortnite
Mecha Morty - Outfit - Fortnite
Mike Lowrey - Outfit - Fortnite
Carnage - Outfit - Fortnite
Cammy Guile Mecha Morty Mike Lowrey Carnage
Fashion Banshee - Outfit - Fortnite
Unchained Ramirez - Outfit - Fortnite
Game Knight - Outfit - Fortnite
Shady Doggo - Outfit - Fortnite
Eddie Brock - Outfit - Fortnite
Fashion Banshee Unchained Ramirez Mecha Morty Shady Doggo Eddie Brock
Frankenstein's Monster - Outfit - Fortnite
The Mummy - Outfit - Fortnite
Rick Grimes - Outfit - Fortnite
KAWS Skeleton - Outfit - Fortnite
Chani - Outfit - Fortnite
Frankenstein's Monster The Mummy Rick Grimes KAWS Skeleton Chani
Paul Atreides - Outfit - Fortnite
Jill Valentine - Outfit - Fortnite
Chris Redfield - Outfit - Fortnite
Frankenstein's Bride - Outfit - Fortnite
Arcane Jinx - Outfit - Fortnite
Paul Atreides Jill Valentine Chris Redfield Frankenstein's Bride Arcane Jinx
Sakura Haruno - Outfit - Fortnite
Naruto Uzumaki - Outfit - Fortnite
Kakashi Hatake - Outfit - Fortnite
Sasuke Uchiha - Outfit - Fortnite
Renee (Reactive) - Outfit - Fortnite
Sakura Haruno Naruto Uzumaki Kakashi Hatake Sasuke Uchiha Renee
Andre (Reactive) - Outfit - Fortnite
Kait Diaz - Outfit - Fortnite
Marcus Fenix - Outfit - Fortnite
MJ (No Way Home) - Outfit - Fortnite
Arcane Vi - Outfit - Fortnite
Andre Kait Diaz Marcus Fenix MJ (No Way Home) Arcane Vi
Ezio Auditore - Outfit - Fortnite
Shuto Striker - Outfit - Fortnite
Mat Master - Outfit - Fortnite
Keri Commander - Outfit - Fortnite
Kata Captain - Outfit - Fortnite
Ezio Auditore Shuto Striker Mat Master Keri Commander Kata Captain
Heron Stance Hero - Outfit - Fortnite
Kumite Clasher - Outfit - Fortnite
Karateka Jones - Outfit - Fortnite
Gi Guardian - Outfit - Fortnite
Dojo Defender - Outfit - Fortnite
Heron Stance Hero Kumite Clasher Karateka Jones Gi Guardian Dojo Defender
Black Belt Brawler - Outfit - Fortnite
Chloe Frazer - Outfit - Fortnite
Nathan Drake - Outfit - Fortnite
Eivor Varinsdottir - Outfit - Fortnite
Throwback BG - Outfit - Fortnite
Black Belt Brawler Chloe Frazer Nathan Drake Eivor Varinsdottir Throwback BG
B.R.I.T.E. - Outfit - Fortnite
Sakura - Outfit - Fortnite
Blanka - Outfit - Fortnite
RoboCop - Outfit - Fortnite
Itachi Uchiha - Outfit - Fortnite
B.R.I.T.E. Sakura Blanka RoboCop Itachi Uchiha
Orochimaru - Outfit - Fortnite
Gaara - Outfit - Fortnite
Hinata Hyuga - Outfit - Fortnite
KAWSPEELY - Outfit - Fortnite
John Cena - Outfit - Fortnite
Orochimaru Gaara Hinata Hyuga KAWSPEELY John Cena
Vegeta - Outfit - Fortnite
Son Goku - Outfit - Fortnite
Beerus - Outfit - Fortnite
Bulma - Outfit - Fortnite
Queen Summer - Outfit - Fortnite
Vegeta Son Goku Beerus Bulma Queen Summer
Mr. Meeseeks - Outfit - Fortnite
Ash Williams - Outfit - Fortnite
Stadium Hero '92 - Outfit - Fortnite
Polo Prodigy - Outfit - Fortnite
FFC LeBron James - Outfit - Fortnite
Mr. Meeseeks Ash Williams Stadium Hero '92 Polo Prodigy FFC LeBron James
FFC Neymar Jr - Outfit - Fortnite
Doom Slayer - Outfit - Fortnite
All Might - Outfit - Fortnite
Katsuki Bakugo - Outfit - Fortnite
Ochaco Uraraka - Outfit - Fortnite
FFC Neymar Jr Doom Slayer All Might Katsuki Bakugo Ochaco Uraraka
Izuku Midoriya - Outfit - Fortnite
Hoplite Giannis - Outfit - Fortnite
Giannis Antetokounmpo - Outfit - Fortnite
Isaac Clarke - Outfit - Fortnite
The Kid LAROI - Outfit - Fortnite
Izuku Midoriya Hoplite Giannis Giannis Antetokounmpo Isaac Clarke The Kid LAROI
The Rogue LAROI - Outfit - Fortnite
Piccolo - Outfit - Fortnite
Son Gohan - Outfit - Fortnite
Geralt of Rivia - Outfit - Fortnite
Adonis Creed - Outfit - Fortnite
The Rogue LAROI Piccolo Son Gohan Geralt of Rivia Adonis Creed
Claire Redfield - Outfit - Fortnite
Leon S. Kennedy - Outfit - Fortnite
Captain Levi - Outfit - Fortnite
Mikasa Ackermann - Outfit - Fortnite
Eren Jaeger - Outfit - Fortnite
Claire Redfield Leon S. Kennedy Captain Levi Mikasa Ackermann Eren Jaeger
Goku Black - Outfit - Fortnite
Optimus Prime - Outfit - Fortnite
Optimus Primal - Outfit - Fortnite
Ciri - Outfit - Fortnite
Yennefer of Vengerberg - Outfit - Fortnite
Goku Black Optimus Prime Optimus Primal Ciri Yennefer of Vengerberg
Nord Warrior - Outfit - Fortnite
Philip J. Fry - Outfit - Fortnite
Turanga Leela - Outfit - Fortnite
Bender Bending Rodríguez - Outfit - Fortnite
Terminator - Outfit - Fortnite
Nord Warrior Philip J. Fry Turanga Leela Bender Bending Rodríguez Terminator
Megumi Fushiguro - Outfit - Fortnite
Nobara Kugisaki - Outfit - Fortnite
Satoru Gojo - Outfit - Fortnite
Streetwear Yuji Itadori - Outfit - Fortnite
Yuji Itadori - Outfit - Fortnite
Megumi Fushiguro Nobara Kugisaki Satoru Gojo Streetwear Yuji Itadori Yuji Itadori
Becky Lynch - Outfit - Fortnite
Bianca Belair - Outfit - Fortnite
Khaby Lame - Outfit - Fortnite
Shoto Todoroki - Outfit - Fortnite
Mina Ashido - Outfit - Fortnite
Becky Lynch Bianca Belair Khaby Lame Shoto Todoroki Mina Ashido
Eijiro Kirishima - Outfit - Fortnite
BattleBus - Outfit - Fortnite
Bumblebee - Outfit - Fortnite
Megatron - Outfit - Fortnite
Michael Myers - Outfit - Fortnite
Eijiro Kirishima BattleBus Bumblebee Megatron Michael Myers
Alan Wake - Outfit - Fortnite
Atom Eve - Outfit - Fortnite
Omni-Man - Outfit - Fortnite
Invincible - Outfit - Fortnite
Slim Shady - Outfit - Fortnite
Alan Wake Atom Eve Omni-Man Invincible Slim Shady
Rap Boy - Outfit - Fortnite
Marshall Never More - Outfit - Fortnite
Peter Griffin - Outfit - Fortnite
The Weeknd - Outfit - Fortnite
The Weeknd Combat - Outfit - Fortnite
Rap Boy Marshall Never More Peter Griffin The Weeknd The Weeknd Combat
Cell - Outfit - Fortnite
Frieza - Outfit - Fortnite
Solid Snake - Outfit - Fortnite
Raiden - Outfit - Fortnite
The Giant Chicken - Outfit - Fortnite
Cell Frieza Solid Snake Raiden The Giant Chicken
Tomura Shigaraki - Outfit - Fortnite
Dabi - Outfit - Fortnite
Himiko Toga - Outfit - Fortnite
T-60 Power Armor - Outfit - Fortnite
The Employee - Outfit - Fortnite
Tomura Shigaraki Dabi Himiko Toga T-60 Power Armor The Employee
Deadpool (Pen & Ink) - Outfit - Fortnite
Trunks - Outfit - Fortnite
Android 17 - Outfit - Fortnite
Android 18 - Outfit - Fortnite
Billy - Outfit - Fortnite
Deadpool (Pen & Ink) Trunks Android 17 Android 18 Billy
Edward Scissorhands - Outfit - Fortnite
Agony - Outfit - Fortnite
She-Venom - Outfit - Fortnite
Leatherface - Outfit - Fortnite
Fishpool - Outfit - Fortnite
Edward Scissorhands Agony She-Venom Leatherface Fishpool
Snoop Dogg - Outfit - Fortnite
LBC '93 Dogg - Outfit - Fortnite
Rap Boy Reloaded - Outfit - Fortnite
Ice Spice - Outfit - Fortnite
Rap Princess Ice Spice - Outfit - Fortnite
Snoop Dogg LBC '93 Dogg Rap Boy Reloaded Ice Spice Rap Princess Ice Spice
Juice WRLD - Outfit - Fortnite
Slayer Juice WRLD - Outfit - Fortnite
Godzilla Evolved - Outfit - Fortnite
Garog - Outfit - Fortnite
Samael - Outfit - Fortnite
Juice WRLD Slayer Juice WRLD Godzilla Evolved Garog Samael
Platinum The Weeknd - Outfit - Fortnite
V - Outfit - Fortnite
Johnny Silverhand - Outfit - Fortnite
Santa Dogg - Outfit - Fortnite
Kong - Outfit - Fortnite
Platinum The Weeknd V Johnny Silverhand Santa Dogg Kong
Mechagodzilla - Outfit - Fortnite
Kafka Hibino - Outfit - Fortnite
Kikoru Shinomiya - Outfit - Fortnite
Reno Ichikawa - Outfit - Fortnite
Toji Fushiguro - Outfit - Fortnite
Mechagodzilla Kafka Hibino Kikoru Shinomiya Reno Ichikawa Toji Fushiguro
Ryomen Sukuna - Outfit - Fortnite
Mahito - Outfit - Fortnite
Ryomen Sukuna Mahito


Update v33.10 - Thumbnail - LEGO Fortnite Update v31.40 - Thumbnail - LEGO Fortnite Update v31.20 - Thumbnail - LEGO Fortnite Update v30.40 - Thumbnail - LEGO Fortnite
Update v33.10
Storm Chasers
Update v31.40
Brick or Treat
Update v31.20
Lost Isles
Update v30.40
Fast Travel
Update v30.10 - Thumbnail - LEGO Fortnite Update v29.40 - Thumbnail - LEGO Fortnite Update v29.30 - Thumbnail - LEGO Fortnite Update v29.10 - Thumbnail - LEGO Fortnite
Update v30.10
Cozy and Expert
Update v29.40
Rebel Adventure
Update v29.30
Farm Friends
Update v29.10
Mechanical Mayhem
Update v29.00 - Thumbnail - LEGO Fortnite Update v28.30 - Thumbnail - LEGO Fortnite Update v28.20 - Thumbnail - LEGO Fortnite Update v28.10 - Thumbnail - LEGO Fortnite
Update v29.00
Update v28.30
Gone Fishin'
Update v28.20
Hunting Dagger
Update v28.10
Launch Pads

Update v33.10 - Storm Chasers


Update v31.40 - Brick or Treet


Update v31.20 - Lost Isles


Update v30.40 - Fast Travel


Update v30.10 - Cozy and Expert Modes


Update v29.40 - Star Wars


Update v29.30 - Farm Friends


Update v29.10 - Mechanical Mayhem


Update v29.00 - LEGO Kits


Update v28.30 - Gone Fishin'


Update v28.20 - Hunting Dagger


Update v28.10 - Launch Pads



  • The playable space is equal to 95 square kilometers, which is 19x the size of the Helios Battle Royale island.[4]
    • The game, powered by Unreal Engine 5, utilizes World Partition to stream this space and the Procedural Content Generation (PCG) framework to dynamically create detailed environments.
  • Odyssey was teased through The Big Bang event, where one of the galaxies transported the player into a LEGO universe.
  • Odyssey is part of a long-term partnership between Epic Games and The LEGO Group, which was first announced on April 7th 2022.
    • The partnership's aim is to "develop fun and safe digital spaces for children and families".[5]
    • Odyssey is "designed for people of all ages to enjoy together" and will "encourage creativity, experimentation and collaboration through play".[6]
  • The codename for this game mode is "Juno".
    • The dungeon mechanics of Odyssey were most likely taken from the scrapped mode codenamed "Saturn", which was leaked in July 2021.


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