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Fortnite Wiki

Resources are items that don't do much themselves, however can be crafted into various things when combined with other resources.


Resources have multiple ways of being obtained, some resources you get by mining, some by chopping, and others by killing.


Resources can be used for building, and crafting.


Name Icon Description
Artic Claw Arctic Claw - Item - LEGO Fortnite A sharp claw dropped by Frost Wolves
Bear Pelt Bear Pelt - Item - LEGO Fortnite Collected from Bears
Blast Core Blast Core - Item - LEGO Fortnite A crafting ingredient left behind by Blasters
Blast Powder Blast Powder - Item - LEGO Fortnite An explosive powder left behind by explosive enemies
Biomass Biomass - Item - LEGO Fortnite Can be crafted into Power Cells used to power certain toys
Bone Bone - Item - LEGO Fortnite A sturdy bone often dropped by skeletons
Brightcore Brightcore - Item - LEGO Fortnite A shiny stone found in Lava Caves.
Brute Scale Brute Scale - Item - LEGO Fortnite A scale left behind by fallen brutes
Copper Copper - Item - LEGO Fortnite A metal found in lava caves.
Copper Bar Copper Bar - Item - LEGO Fortnite Use for crafting building materials and lightweight weapons. Smelted from Copper
Cord Cord (29.10) - Item - LEGO Fortnite Crafting material. Refined from Vines
Cut Amber Cut Amber - Item - LEGO Fortnite Use for crafting sturdy weapons. Refined from Rough Amber
Cut Emerald Cut Emerald - Item - LEGO Fortnite Use for crafting heavy weapons. Refined from Rough Emeralds
Cut Ruby Cut Ruby - Item - LEGO Fortnite Use for crafting lightweight weapons. Refined from Rough Ruby
Cut Sapphire Cut Sapphire - Item - LEGO Fortnite Use for crafting runic weapons. Refined from Rough Sapphire
Cursed Bone Cursed Bone - Item - LEGO Fortnite A crafting ingredient left behind by Skeletons.
Drawstring Drawstring - Item - LEGO Fortnite Crafting material. Spun from Cord
Durasteel Durasteel - Item - LEGO Fortnite Refined in the Smelter from Durasteel Scrap
Eye of the Storm Eye of the Storm - Item - LEGO Fortnite An ominous, mystical orb of condensed Storm energy used to fuel the Tempest Gateway
Feather Feather - Item - LEGO Fortnite A small crafting ingredient often dropped by birds
Fertilizer Fertilizer - Item - LEGO Fortnite The leavings of an animal that can be used in farming
Flexwood Flexwood (v28.10) - Item - LEGO Fortnite A springy wood found in the Dry Valley
Flexwood Rod Flexwood Rod (29.10) - Item - LEGO Fortnite Use for crafting building materials and springy weapons. Carved from Flexwood
Frost Bear Pelt Frost Bear Pelt - Item - LEGO Fortnite Collected from Frost Bears
Frost Brute Scale Frost Brute Scale - Item - LEGO Fortnite A scale left behind by fallen Frost Brutes
Frostpine Frostpine - Item - LEGO Fortnite A sturdy wood found in the Frostlands
Frostpine Rod Frostpine Rod - Item - LEGO Fortnite Use for crafting building materials and sturdy weapons. Carved from Frostpine
Frost Shell Frost Shell - Item - LEGO Fortnite A crafting ingredient left behind by Frost Rollers
Glass Glass - Item - LEGO Fortnite Crafting material. Made from Sand
Gold Ore Gold Ore - Item - LEGO Fortnite A rich metal found in Grottoes
Gold Bar Gold Bar - Item - LEGO Fortnite Use for crafting building materials and runic weapons. Smelted from Gold Ore
Granite Granite - Item - LEGO Fortnite A common stone found in the Grasslands
Granite Slab Granite Slab - Item - LEGO Fortnite Use for crafting building materials and weapons. Harvested from Granite
Greater Storm Core Greater Storm Core - Item - LEGO Fortnite A highly concentrated source of Storm energy. When processed correctly, can reduce or deflect the effects of the Storm
Heavy Wool Heavy Wool - Item - LEGO Fortnite A crafting ingredient sometimes shed by friendly ram
Heavy Wool Thread Heavy Wool Thread - Item - LEGO Fortnite Crafting material. Spun from Heavy Wool.
Iron Iron - Item - LEGO Fortnite A sturdy metal found in Frostlands Caves
Iron Bar Iron Bar - Item - LEGO Fortnite Use for crafting building materials and sturdy weapons. Smelted from Iron.
Knotroot Knotroot - Item - LEGO Fortnite A lightweight wood found in Caves
Knotroot Rod Knotroot Rod - Item - LEGO Fortnite Use for crafting building materials and lightweight weapons. Cut from Knotroot
Mahogany Mahogany - Item - LEGO Fortnite A rich wood found on Lost Isles
Mahogany Rod Mahogany Rod - Item - LEGO Fortnite Use for crafting building materials and runic weapons. Cut from Mahogany
Malachite Malachite - Item - LEGO Fortnite A sturdy stone found in the Frostlands
Malachite Slab Malachite Slab - Item - LEGO Fortnite Use for crafting building materials and sturdy weapons. Cut from Malachite
Marble Marble - Item - LEGO Fortnite A rich stone found in Grasslands Caves
Marble Slab Marble Slab - Item - LEGO Fortnite Use for crafting building materials and runic weapons. Processed from Marble
Metal Plate Metal Plate - Item - LEGO Fortnite Use for crafting building materials. Smelted from any metal.
Obsidian Obsidian - Item - LEGO Fortnite A lightweight stone found in Lava Caves and atop cliffs in the Dry Valley
Obsidian Slab Obsidian Slab - Item - LEGO Fortnite Use for crafting building materials and lightweight weapons. Cut from Obsidian
Plank Plank - Item - LEGO Fortnite Use for crafting building materials and weapons. Carved from Wood
Plastoid Plastoid - Item - LEGO Fortnite Dropped by Stormtroopers and some Building Parts when destroyed
Red Rock Red Rock - Item - LEGO Fortnite A heavy stone found on Lost Isles
Red Rock Slab Red Rock Slab - Item - LEGO Fortnite Use for crafting building materials and heavy weapons. Cut from Red Rock
Rift Crystal Rift Crystal - Item - LEGO Fortnite Crystallized Rift energy. Used to craft the Legendary Forge and to strengthen tools and weapons to Legendary Status
Rift Shard Rift Shard - Item - LEGO Fortnite Crafting material
Rough Amber Rough Amber - Item - LEGO Fortnite A sturdy gem found in Grasslands Caves
Rough Emerald Rough Emerald - Item - LEGO Fortnite A heavy gem found in Grottoes
Rough Ruby Rough Ruby - Item - LEGO Fortnite A lightweight gem found in Lava Caves
Rough Sapphire Rough Sapphire (v29.10) - Item - LEGO Fortnite A rich gem found in the Frostlands
Sand Sand - Item - LEGO Fortnite Can be dug out of the ground in sandy areas with a shovel
Sand Brute Scale Sand Brute Scale - Item - LEGO Fortnite A scale left behind by fallen Sand Brutes
Sand Claw Sand Claw - Item - LEGO Fortnite A sharp claw dropped by Sand Wolves
Sand Shell Sand Shell - Item - LEGO Fortnite A crafting ingredient left behind by Sand Rollers
Sandstone Sandstone - Item - LEGO Fortnite Crafted with Sand and Granite in the Stone Breaker
Scrap Durasteel Scrap Durasteel - Item - LEGO Fortnite Dropped by crashed ships and some Building Parts when destroyed
Shatterhorn Fragment Shatterhorn Fragment - Item - LEGO Fortnite A shard of the Storm King's Horn. Used to craft Epic weapons and tools
Shell Shell - Item - LEGO Fortnite A crafting ingredient left behind by Rollers
Silk Silk - Item - LEGO Fortnite A fine slik web often dropped by spiders
Silk Fabric Silk Fabric - Item - LEGO Fortnite Crafting material. Spun from Silk Thread
Silk Thread Silk Thread - Item - LEGO Fortnite Crafting material. Spun from Silk
Snow Snow - Item - LEGO Fortnite A frosty ingredient used in the coolest recipes
Soil Soil - Item - LEGO Fortnite Can be dug out of the ground with a shovel
Stink Gland Stink Gland - Item - LEGO Fortnite A gas-filled sac dropped by various critters that has a terrible odor
Storm Core Storm Core - Item - LEGO Fortnite Resource dropped from Storm-Wild enemies
Storm Shell Storm Shell - Item - LEGO Fortnite A crafting ingredient left behind by Storm Rollers
Vines Vines - Item - LEGO Fortnite Leafy parts often found in bushes and small plants
Wolf Claw Wolf Claw - Item - LEGO Fortnite A sharp claw dropped by Wild Wolves
Wood Wood - Item - LEGO Fortnite A wood commonly found in Grasslands
Wooden Rod Wooden Rod (29.10) - Item - LEGO Fortnite Use for crafting building materials and weapons. Cut from Wood
Wool Wool - Item - LEGO Fortnite A crafting ingredient often shed by friendly sheep
Wool Fabric Wool Fabric - Item - LEGO Fortnite Crafting material. Spun from Wool Thread
Wool Thread Wool Thread - Item - LEGO Fortnite Crafting material. Made from Wool