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Fortnite Wiki

Shovel is a Common Tool in LEGO Fortnite, that was added in Update v28.01.



Shovel can be crafted through the Common Crafting Bench.

Shovel (Common) - Tool - LEGO Fortnite
Crafting Bench - Utility - LEGO Fortnite
Left Decoration - Asset - LEGO Fortnite   Ingredients   Right Decoration - Asset - LEGO Fortnite
  • Wooden Rod (29.10) - Item - LEGO Fortnite
    Wooden Rod
  • Plank - Item - LEGO Fortnite



A shovel is used to obtain Soil from the ground through digging. Performing excavation with this shovel will allow you to obtain one soil and consumes one use (one durability point).

It also allows, with a certain probability, the acquisition of seeds from the crops native to the biome in which you are located.


Shovel can also be used as weapons but with less efficiency than swords dealing Damage - Icon - LEGO Fortnite 1 damage.


Sound Type Sound
Pickup File:TBD
Dig File:TBD
Drop File:TBD


All Items
Weapons & Tools - Icon - LEGO Fortnite
Weapons & Tools
Hunting Dagger (Common) - Weapon - LEGO FortniteHunting DaggerHunting Dagger (Uncommon) - Weapon - LEGO FortniteHunting DaggerHunting Dagger (Rare) - Weapon - LEGO FortniteHunting DaggerHunting Dagger (Epic) - Weapon - LEGO FortniteHunting DaggerShortsword - Weapon - LEGO Fortnite ShortswordLongsword (Uncommon) - Weapon - LEGO FortniteLongswordLongsword (Rare) - Weapon - LEGO FortniteLongswordLongsword (Epic) - Weapon - LEGO FortniteLongswordRecurve Crossbow (Common) - Weapon - LEGO FortniteRecurve CrossbowRecurve Crossbow (Uncommon) - Weapon - LEGO FortniteRecurve CrossbowRecurve Crossbow (Rare) - Weapon - LEGO FortniteRecurve CrossbowRecurve Crossbow (Epic) - Weapon - LEGO FortniteRecurve CrossbowArrow - Ammo - LEGO Fortnite ArrowDynamite - Tool - LEGO Fortnite DynamiteBait Bucket - Tool - LEGO FortniteBait BucketBait Bucket (Uncommon) - Tool - LEGO FortniteBait BucketBait Bucket (Rare) - Tool - LEGO FortniteBait BucketBait Bucket (Epic) - Tool - LEGO FortniteBait BucketForest Axe (Common) - Tool - LEGO FortniteForest AxeForest Axe (Uncommon) - Tool - LEGO FortniteForest AxeForest Axe (Rare) - Tool - LEGO FortniteForest AxeForest Axe (Epic) - Tool - LEGO FortniteForest AxePickaxe (Common) - Tool - LEGO FortnitePickaxePickaxe (Uncommon) - Tool - LEGO FortnitePickaxePickaxe (Rare) - Tool - LEGO FortnitePickaxePickaxe (Epic) - Tool - LEGO FortnitePickaxeShovel (Common) - Tool - LEGO FortniteShovelShovel (Uncommon) - Tool - LEGO FortniteShovelShovel (Rare) - Tool - LEGO FortniteShovelShovel (Epic) - Tool - LEGO FortniteShovelFishing Rod - Tool - LEGO FortniteFishing RodFishing Rod (Uncommon) - Tool - LEGO FortniteFishing RodFishing Rod (Rare) - Tool - LEGO FortniteFishing RodFishing Rod (Epic) - Tool - LEGO FortniteFishing RodBowcaster - Weapon - LEGO Fortnite BowcasterDL-44 - Weapon - LEGO Fortnite DL-44E-11 - Weapon - LEGO Fortnite E-11Thermal Detonator - Tool - LEGO Fortnite Thermal DetonatorBlue Lightsaber - Weapon - LEGO Fortnite Blue LightsaberGreen Lightsaber - Weapon - LEGO Fortnite Green LightsaberRed Lightsaber - Weapon - LEGO Fortnite Red Lightsaber
Equipment - Icon - LEGO Fortnite
Basic Compass - Tool - LEGO Fortnite Basic CompassSpyglass - Tool - LEGO Fortnite SpyglassWrench - Tool - LEGO Fortnite WrenchIlluminator - Item - LEGO Fortnite IlluminatorBoulder Spawner - Tool - LEGO Fortnite BoulderGlider - Tool - LEGO Fortnite GliderGrappler - Tool - LEGO Fortnite GrapplerMacrobinoculars - Tool - LEGO Fortnite MacrobinocularsBoulder Spawner - Tool - LEGO Fortnite Small BoulderSurvival Compass - Tool - LEGO Fortnite Survival CompassTorch - Tool - LEGO Fortnite TorchKnight Shield (Common) - Weapon - LEGO FortniteKnight ShieldKnight Shield (Uncommon) - Weapon - LEGO FortniteKnight ShieldKnight Shield (Rare) - Weapon - LEGO FortniteKnight ShieldKnight Shield (Epic) - Weapon - LEGO FortniteKnight ShieldHealth Charm - Item - LEGO FortniteHealth CharmCool-Headed Charm - Item - LEGO FortniteCool-Headed CharmHealth Charm - Item - LEGO FortniteHealth CharmHearty Totem - Item - LEGO FortniteHearty TotemWavebreak Charm - Item - LEGO FortniteWavebreak CharmCharm of Resilience - Item - LEGO FortniteCharm of ResilienceCool-Headed Charm - Item - LEGO FortniteCool-Headed CharmGood Luck Charm - Item - LEGO Fortnite Good Luck CharmHealth Charm - Item - LEGO FortniteHealth CharmHearty Totem - Item - LEGO FortniteHearty TotemInner Fire Charm - Item - LEGO FortniteInner Fire CharmReflection Charm - Item - LEGO FortniteReflection CharmRegeneration Charm - Item - LEGO FortniteRegeneration CharmTotem of the Immortal - Item - LEGO Fortnite Totem of the ImmortalWavebreak Charm - Item - LEGO FortniteWavebreak CharmCharm of Resilience - Item - LEGO FortniteCharm of ResilienceHealth Charm - Item - LEGO FortniteHealth CharmInner Fire Charm - Item - LEGO FortniteInner Fire CharmReflection Charm - Item - LEGO FortniteReflection CharmRegeneration Charm - Item - LEGO FortniteRegeneration Charm
Resources - Icon - LEGO Fortnite
Granite - Item - LEGO Fortnite GraniteSand - Item - LEGO Fortnite SandSlurp Mushroom - Item - LEGO Fortnite Slurp MushroomSoil - Item - LEGO Fortnite SoilVines - Item - LEGO Fortnite VinesWheat - Item - LEGO Fortnite WheatWood - Item - LEGO Fortnite WoodKnotroot - Item - LEGO Fortnite KnotrootMarble - Item - LEGO Fortnite MarblePlastoid - Item - LEGO Fortnite PlastoidRough Amber - Item - LEGO Fortnite Rough AmberBrightcore - Item - LEGO Fortnite BrightcoreCopper - Item - LEGO Fortnite CopperFlexwood (v28.10) - Item - LEGO Fortnite FlexwoodObsidian - Item - LEGO Fortnite ObsidianRough Ruby - Item - LEGO Fortnite Rough RubyScrap Durasteel - Item - LEGO Fortnite Scrap DurasteelSnow - Item - LEGO Fortnite SnowFrostpine - Item - LEGO Fortnite FrostpineIron - Item - LEGO Fortnite IronMalachite - Item - LEGO Fortnite MalachiteRough Sapphire - Item - LEGO Fortnite Rough SapphireCord (29.10) - Item - LEGO Fortnite CordDrawstring - Item - LEGO Fortnite DrawstringGlass - Item - LEGO Fortnite GlassGranite Slab - Item - LEGO Fortnite Granite SlabPlank - Item - LEGO Fortnite PlankSilk Fabric - Item - LEGO Fortnite Silk FabricSilk Thread - Item - LEGO Fortnite Silk ThreadWooden Rod (29.10) - Item - LEGO Fortnite Wooden RodWool Fabric - Item - LEGO Fortnite Wool FabricWool Thread - Item - LEGO Fortnite Wool ThreadBiomass - Item - LEGO Fortnite BiomassCut Amber - Item - LEGO Fortnite Cut AmberFlour - Item - LEGO Fortnite FlourKnotroot Rod - Item - LEGO Fortnite Knotroot RodMarble Slab - Item - LEGO Fortnite Marble SlabPower Cell - Item - LEGO Fortnite Power CellSandstone - Item - LEGO Fortnite SandstoneCopper Bar - Item - LEGO Fortnite Copper BarCut Ruby - Item - LEGO Fortnite Cut RubyDurasteel - Item - LEGO Fortnite DurasteelFlexwood Rod (v28.10) - Item - LEGO Fortnite Flexwood RodObsidian Slab - Item - LEGO Fortnite Obsidian SlabCut Sapphire - Item - LEGO Fortnite Cut SapphireFrostpine Rod - Item - LEGO Fortnite Frostpine RodHeavy Wool Thread - Item - LEGO Fortnite Heavy Wool ThreadIron Bar - Item - LEGO Fortnite Iron BarMalachite Slab - Item - LEGO Fortnite Malachite SlabFeather - Item - LEGO Fortnite FeatherFertilizer - Item - LEGO Fortnite FertilizerSilk - Item - LEGO Fortnite SilkWolf Claw - Item - LEGO Fortnite Wolf ClawWool - Item - LEGO Fortnite WoolBlast Powder - Item - LEGO Fortnite Blast PowderBone - Item - LEGO Fortnite BoneBrute Scale - Item - LEGO Fortnite Brute ScaleShell - Item - LEGO Fortnite ShellBlast Core - Item - LEGO Fortnite Blast CoreSand Brute Scale - Item - LEGO Fortnite Sand Brute ScaleSand Claw - Item - LEGO Fortnite Sand ClawSand Shell - Item - LEGO Fortnite Sand ShellArctic Claw - Item - LEGO Fortnite Arctic ClawCursed Bone - Item - LEGO Fortnite Cursed BoneFrost Brute Scale - Item - LEGO Fortnite Frost Brute ScaleFrost Shell - Item - LEGO Fortnite Frost ShellHeavy Wool - Item - LEGO Fortnite Heavy Wool
Food & Beverage - Icon - LEGO Fortnite
Food & Beverage
Corn - Item - LEGO Fortnite CornEgg - Item - LEGO Fortnite EggMeat - Item - LEGO Fortnite MeatMilk - Item - LEGO Fortnite MilkPumpkin - Item - LEGO Fortnite PumpkinRaspberry - Item - LEGO Fortnite RaspberrySlapberry - Item - LEGO Fortnite SlapberrySpicy Pepper - Item - LEGO Fortnite Spicy PepperCheese - Item - LEGO Fortnite CheeseChillberry - Item - LEGO Fortnite ChillberryBlack and Blue Sushi - Item - LEGO Fortnite Black and Blue SushiCorn on the Cob - Item - LEGO Fortnite Corn on the CobFish Fillet - Item - LEGO Fortnite Fish FilletFried Egg - Item - LEGO Fortnite Fried EggGrilled Meat - Item - LEGO Fortnite Grilled MeatSimple Sushi - Item - LEGO Fortnite Simple SushiSmoked Fry Fish - Item - LEGO Fortnite Smoked Fry FishSpicy Fish Sandwich - Item - LEGO Fortnite Spicy Fish SandwichAnimal Treat - Item - LEGO Fortnite Animal TreatIce Cream - Item - LEGO Fortnite Ice CreamSlap Juice - Item - LEGO Fortnite Slap JuiceSlurp Juice - Item - LEGO Fortnite Slurp JuiceBread - Item - LEGO Fortnite BreadMeat Pie - Item - LEGO Fortnite Meat PiePumpkin Pie - Item - LEGO Fortnite Pumpkin PieSpicy Burger - Item - LEGO Fortnite Spicy BurgerSpicy Ice Cream - Item - LEGO Fortnite Spicy Ice CreamFruit Pie - Item - LEGO Fortnite Fruit PiePizza - Item - LEGO Fortnite PizzaChillberry Ice Cream - Item - LEGO Fortnite Chillberry Ice CreamChillberry Shake - Item - LEGO Fortnite Chillberry ShakeCorn Kernel - Item - LEGO Fortnite Corn KernelPumpkin Seed - Item - LEGO Fortnite Pumpkin SeedRaspberry Seed - Item - LEGO Fortnite Raspberry SeedWheat Grain - Item - LEGO Fortnite Wheat GrainSlapberry Seed - Item - LEGO Fortnite Slapberry SeedPepper Seed - Item - LEGO Fortnite Pepper SeedChillberry Seed - Item - LEGO Fortnite Chillberry Seed
Creatures - Icon - LEGO Fortnite
Chicken - Creature - LEGO Fortnite ChickenCow - Creature - LEGO Fortnite CowPig - Creature - LEGO Fortnite PigSheep - Creature - LEGO Fortnite SheepMountain Cow - Creature - LEGO Fortnite Mountain CowRam - Creature - LEGO Fortnite RamBear - Creature - LEGO Fortnite BearScorpion - Creature - LEGO Fortnite ScorpionSpider - Creature - LEGO Fortnite SpiderStone Roller - Creature - LEGO Fortnite Stone RollerWild Wolf - Creature - LEGO Fortnite Wild WolfHermit Crab - Creature - LEGO Fortnite Hermit CrabSand Roller - Creature - LEGO Fortnite Sand RollerSand Scorpion - Creature - LEGO Fortnite Sand ScorpionSand Spider - Creature - LEGO Fortnite Sand SpiderSand Wolf - Creature - LEGO Fortnite Sand WolfBlaster - Creature - LEGO Fortnite BlasterBrute - Creature - LEGO Fortnite BruteFrost Bear - Creature - LEGO Fortnite Frost BearFrost Roller - Creature - LEGO Fortnite Frost RollerFrost Scorpion - Creature - LEGO Fortnite Frost ScorpionFrost Spider - Creature - LEGO Fortnite Frost SpiderFrost Wolf - Creature - LEGO Fortnite Frost WolfBone Wolf - Creature - LEGO Fortnite Bone WolfFrost Brute - Creature - LEGO Fortnite Frost BruteSand Brute - Creature - LEGO Fortnite Sand BruteMine Skeleton Brawler - Creature - LEGO Fortnite Mine Skeleton BrawlerMine Skeleton Striker - Creature - LEGO Fortnite Mine Skeleton StrikerSkeleton Archer - Creature - LEGO Fortnite Skeleton ArcherSkeleton Blaster - Creature - LEGO Fortnite Skeleton BlasterSkeleton Brawler - Creature - LEGO Fortnite Skeleton BrawlerSkeleton Chopper - Creature - LEGO Fortnite Skeleton ChopperSkeleton Sentinel - Creature - LEGO Fortnite Skeleton SentinelSkeleton Slicer - Creature - LEGO Fortnite Skeleton SlicerSkeleton Striker - Creature - LEGO Fortnite Skeleton StrikerCrossbones Archer - Creature - LEGO Fortnite Crossbones ArcherCrossbones Blaster - Creature - LEGO Fortnite Crossbones BlasterCrossbones Brawler - Creature - LEGO Fortnite Crossbones BrawlerCrossbones Slicer - Creature - LEGO Fortnite Crossbones SlicerSkeleton Outlaw Archer - Creature - LEGO Fortnite Skeleton Outlaw ArcherSkeleton Outlaw Blaster - Creature - LEGO Fortnite Skeleton Outlaw BlasterSkeleton Outlaw Brawler - Creature - LEGO Fortnite Skeleton Outlaw BrawlerSkeleton Outlaw Slicer - Creature - LEGO Fortnite Skeleton Outlaw SlicerMine Skeleton Blaster (Hard Hat) - Creature - LEGO Fortnite Mine Skeleton Blaster (Hard Hat)Mine Skeleton Brawler (Hard Hat) - Creature - LEGO Fortnite Mine Skeleton Brawler (Hard Hat)Mine Skeleton Chopper (Hard Hat) - Creature - LEGO Fortnite Mine Skeleton Chopper (Hard Hat)Mine Skeleton Striker (Hard Hat) - Creature - LEGO Fortnite Mine Skeleton Striker (Hard Hat)Skeleton Knight Archer - Creature - LEGO Fortnite Skeleton Knight ArcherSkeleton Knight Sentinel - Creature - LEGO Fortnite Skeleton Knight SentinelSkeleton Knight Slicer - Creature - LEGO Fortnite Skeleton Knight SlicerDummy Brawler - Creature - LEGO Fortnite Dummy BrawlerDummy Lobber - Creature - LEGO Fortnite Dummy LobberRogue Archer - Creature - LEGO Fortnite Rogue ArcherRogue Brawler - Creature - LEGO Fortnite Rogue BrawlerRogue Slicer - Creature - LEGO Fortnite Rogue SlicerOutlaw Archer - Creature - LEGO Fortnite Outlaw ArcherOutlaw Blaster - Creature - LEGO Fortnite Outlaw BlasterOutlaw Brawler - Creature - LEGO Fortnite Outlaw BrawlerOutlaw Slicer - Creature - LEGO Fortnite Outlaw SlicerPirate Archer - Creature - LEGO Fortnite Pirate ArcherPirate Blaster - Creature - LEGO Fortnite Pirate BlasterPirate Brawler - Creature - LEGO Fortnite Pirate BrawlerPirate Slicer - Creature - LEGO Fortnite Pirate SlicerFalcon Knight Archer - Creature - LEGO Fortnite Falcon Knight ArcherFalcon Knight Sentinel - Creature - LEGO Fortnite Falcon Knight SentinelFalcon Knight Slicer - Creature - LEGO Fortnite Falcon Knight SlicerFalcon Knight Warrior - Creature - LEGO Fortnite Falcon Knight WarriorWolf Pack Archer - Creature - LEGO Fortnite Wolf Pack ArcherWolf Pack Chopper - Creature - LEGO Fortnite Wolf Pack ChopperWolf Pack Protector - Creature - LEGO Fortnite Wolf Pack ProtectorWolf Pack Slicer - Creature - LEGO Fortnite Wolf Pack SlicerSandtrooper Chopper - Creature - LEGO Fortnite Sandtrooper ChopperSandtrooper E-11 - Creature - LEGO Fortnite Sandtrooper E-11Sandtrooper Slicer - Creature - LEGO Fortnite Sandtrooper SlicerSandtrooper Striker - Creature - LEGO Fortnite Sandtrooper StrikerScout Trooper Archer - Creature - LEGO Fortnite Scout Trooper ArcherScout Trooper Chopper - Creature - LEGO Fortnite Scout Trooper ChopperScout Trooper E-11 - Creature - LEGO Fortnite Scout Trooper E-11Snowtrooper Bowcaster - Creature - LEGO Fortnite Snowtrooper BowcasterSnowtrooper Chopper - Creature - LEGO Fortnite Snowtrooper ChopperSnowtrooper E-11 - Creature - LEGO Fortnite Snowtrooper E-11Snowtrooper Slicer - Creature - LEGO Fortnite Snowtrooper SlicerStormtrooper Archer - Creature - LEGO Fortnite Stormtrooper ArcherStormtrooper E-11 - Creature - LEGO Fortnite Stormtrooper E-11Stormtrooper Striker - Creature - LEGO Fortnite Stormtrooper StrikerAWR Trooper - Creature - LEGO Fortnite AWR TrooperImperial Officer - Creature - LEGO Fortnite Imperial Officer