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Fortnite Wiki

Simple Dock is a Build in LEGO Fortnite, that can be obtained by upgrading the Village Square to Level 4. Simple Dock was added in Update v28.30 and is part of the Fishin' Docks Set.

Build Stages[]

Simple Dock - Build - LEGO Fortnite
Simple Dock
Stages (New) - Icon - LEGO Fortnite Stage 1/2
Left Decoration - Asset - LEGO Fortnite   Required parts   Right Decoration - Asset - LEGO Fortnite

Simple Dock - Build - LEGO Fortnite
Simple Dock
Stages (New) - Icon - LEGO Fortnite Stage 2/2
Left Decoration - Asset - LEGO Fortnite   Required parts   Right Decoration - Asset - LEGO Fortnite


Utility - Icon - LEGO Fortnite
Crafting Bench - Utility - LEGO Fortnite Crafting BenchLumber Mill - Utility - LEGO Fortnite Lumber MillGrill - Utility - LEGO Fortnite GrillSpinning Wheel - Utility - LEGO Fortnite Spinning WheelFood Processor - Utility - LEGO Fortnite Food ProcessorStone Breaker - Utility - LEGO Fortnite Stone BreakerGrain Mill - Utility - LEGO Fortnite Grain MillJuicer - Utility - LEGO Fortnite JuicerGem Cutter - Utility - LEGO Fortnite Gem CutterLoom - Utility - LEGO Fortnite Loom • [[File:|x20px]] Essence TableMetal Smelter - Utility - LEGO Fortnite Metal SmelterOven - Utility - LEGO Fortnite OvenCampfire - Utility - LEGO Fortnite CampfireMap Marker - Utility - LEGO Fortnite Map MarkerVillage Square - Utility - LEGO Fortnite Village SquareGarden Plot - Utility - LEGO Fortnite Garden Plot
Toys - Icon - LEGO Fortnite
Activation Switch - Toy - LEGO Fortnite Activation SwitchBoom Barrel - Toy - LEGO Fortnite Boom BarrelSmall Thruster - Toy - LEGO Fortnite Small ThrusterLarge Thruster - Toy - LEGO Fortnite Large Thruster • [[File:|x20px]] Wooden Crate • [[File:|x20px]] Dynamic Foundation • [[File:|x20px]] Small Wheel • [[File:|x20px]] Large WheelSmall Balloon - Toy - LEGO Fortnite Small BalloonLarge Balloon - Toy - LEGO Fortnite Large BalloonLarge Balloon - Toy - LEGO Fortnite Large BalloonLaunch Pad - Toy - LEGO Fortnite Launch Pad
Builds - Icon - LEGO Fortnite
Log Lookout - Build - LEGO Fortnite Log LookoutSimple Shack - Build - LEGO Fortnite Simple ShackDouble Shack - Build - LEGO Fortnite Double ShackRoomy Shack - Build - LEGO Fortnite Roomy ShackPorch Shack - Build - LEGO Fortnite Porch ShackLog Shed - Build - LEGO Fortnite Log ShedPalisade Gate - Build - LEGO Fortnite Palisade GateLog Cabin - Build - LEGO Fortnite Log CabinLog Watch Tower - Build - LEGO Fortnite Log Watch TowerLog Home - Build - LEGO Fortnite Log HomeJumbo Lodge - Build - LEGO Fortnite Jumbo LodgeLonely Lodge - Build - LEGO Fortnite Lonely LodgeBungalow - Build - LEGO Fortnite BungalowPleasant Pavilion - Build - LEGO Fortnite Pleasant PavilionDetached Garage - Build - LEGO Fortnite Detached GarageRoomy Home - Build - LEGO Fortnite Roomy HomeSpacious House - Build - LEGO Fortnite Spacious HouseHumble Manor - Build - LEGO Fortnite Humble ManorBungalow - Build - LEGO Fortnite Manor GatesManor Stables - Build - LEGO Fortnite Manor StablesTower Manor - Build - LEGO Fortnite Tower ManorNoble Manor - Build - LEGO Fortnite Noble ManorGrand Manor - Build - LEGO Fortnite Grand ManorStarter Palace - Build - LEGO Fortnite Starter PalacePalace Pavilion - Build - LEGO Fortnite Palace PavilionPalace Gates - Build - LEGO Fortnite Palace GatesTiered Palace - Build - LEGO Fortnite Tiered PalacePalace Tower - Build - LEGO Fortnite Palace TowerGrand Palace - Build - LEGO Fortnite Grand PalaceDouble Dock House - Build - LEGO Fortnite Simple DockDock House - Build - LEGO Fortnite Dock House • [[File:|x20px]] Double Dock HouseDeluxe Dock House - Build - LEGO Fortnite Deluxe Dock HouseTakeout Counter - Build - LEGO Fortnite Takeout CounterFlagship Restaurant - Build - LEGO Fortnite Flagship RestaurantFranchise - Build - LEGO Fortnite FranchiseShore Shack - Build - LEGO Fortnite Shore ShackThe Hideaway - Build - LEGO Fortnite The HideawayLifeguard Tower - Build - LEGO Fortnite Lifeguard TowerBeach Pavilion - Build - LEGO Fortnite Beach PavilionSwimmin' Shop - Build - LEGO Fortnite Swimmin' ShopLil' Beach House - Build - LEGO Fortnite Lil' Beach HouseBeach House - Build - LEGO Fortnite Beach HouseKnightly Large Keep - Build - LEGO Fortnite Knightly Large KeepKnightly Wall Corner - Build - LEGO Fortnite Knightly Wall CornerKnightly Gate House - Build - LEGO Fortnite Knightly Gate HouseKnightly Tower - Build - LEGO Fortnite Knightly TowerKnightly Tower Stairs - Build - LEGO Fortnite Knightly Tower StairsKnightly Wall - Build - LEGO Fortnite Knightly WallKnightly Wall Stairs - Build - LEGO Fortnite Knightly Wall StairsKnightly Small Keep - Build - LEGO Fortnite Knightly Small KeepKnightly Workshop - Build - LEGO Fortnite Knightly WorkshopKnightly Royal Mage's Tower - Build - LEGO Fortnite Knightly Royal Mage's Tower