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Fortnite Wiki
Fortnite Wiki

Wood is a Common Resource in LEGO Fortnite, that was added in the Update v28.01.



Wood can be obtained by cutting down the trees with a Forest Axe (Common) - Tool - LEGO Fortnite Common Forest Axe, but using a higher quality axe speeds up the process.

Object Wood - Item - LEGO Fortnite Wood
Tool Forest Axe (Common) - Tool - LEGO Fortnite
Amount Given
Upon Breaking
Small Tree: 3
Medium Tree: 6
Big Tree: 9
Essence 2
Breaking time (shots)
Forest Axe (Common) - Tool - LEGO Fortnite Common Small Tree: 3
Medium Tree: 7
Big Tree: 8
Forest Axe (Uncommon) - Tool - LEGO Fortnite Uncommon Small Tree: 2
Medium Tree: 5
Big Tree: 6
Forest Axe (Rare) - Tool - LEGO Fortnite Rare Small Tree: 2
Medium Tree: 3
Big Tree: 4
Forest Axe (Epic) - Tool - LEGO Fortnite Epic Small Tree: 1
Medium Tree: 2
Big Tree: 3

Natural Generation[]

Wood is commonly generated in the Grasslands - Icon - LEGO Fortnite Grasslands as trees. Wood can also be found by picking branches off the ground, breaking bushes, and destroying stumps.


Crafting Ingredient[]

Wood can be used as a crafting ingredient to produce multiple items.

Plank - Item - LEGO Fortnite
Lumber Mill - Utility - LEGO Fortnite
Left Decoration - Asset - LEGO Fortnite   Ingredients   Right Decoration - Asset - LEGO Fortnite
  • Wood - Item - LEGO Fortnite

Wooden Rod (29.10) - Item - LEGO Fortnite
Lumber Mill - Utility - LEGO Fortnite
Wooden Rod
Left Decoration - Asset - LEGO Fortnite   Ingredients   Right Decoration - Asset - LEGO Fortnite
  • Wood - Item - LEGO Fortnite

Forest Axe (Common - v28.20) - Tool - LEGO Fortnite
Crafting Bench - Utility - LEGO Fortnite
Forest Axe
Left Decoration - Asset - LEGO Fortnite   Ingredients   Right Decoration - Asset - LEGO Fortnite
  • Wood - Item - LEGO Fortnite
  • Granite - Item - LEGO Fortnite

Pickaxe (Common) - Tool - LEGO Fortnite
Crafting Bench - Utility - LEGO Fortnite
Left Decoration - Asset - LEGO Fortnite   Ingredients   Right Decoration - Asset - LEGO Fortnite
  • Wood - Item - LEGO Fortnite

Hunting Dagger (Common) - Weapon - LEGO Fortnite
Crafting Bench - Utility - LEGO Fortnite
Hunting Dagger
Left Decoration - Asset - LEGO Fortnite   Ingredients   Right Decoration - Asset - LEGO Fortnite
  • Granite - Item - LEGO Fortnite
  • Wood - Item - LEGO Fortnite

Arrow - Ammo - LEGO Fortnite
Crafting Bench - Utility - LEGO Fortnite
Arrow (x8)
Left Decoration - Asset - LEGO Fortnite   Ingredients   Right Decoration - Asset - LEGO Fortnite
  • Wood - Item - LEGO Fortnite
  • Feather - Item - LEGO Fortnite

Torch - Tool - LEGO Fortnite
Crafting Bench - Utility - LEGO Fortnite
Torch (x3)
Left Decoration - Asset - LEGO Fortnite   Ingredients   Right Decoration - Asset - LEGO Fortnite
  • Wood - Item - LEGO Fortnite
  • Vines - Item - LEGO Fortnite


  • Update v29.40 (May 14th): Wood now stacks up to 80 instead of 50.
Wood Wood - Item - LEGO Fortnite WoodFlexwood (v28.10) - Item - LEGO Fortnite FlexwoodFrostpine - Item - LEGO Fortnite FrostpineKnotroot - Item - LEGO Fortnite KnotrootMahogany - Item - LEGO Fortnite Mahogany
Stones Brightcore - Item - LEGO Fortnite BrightcoreGranite - Item - LEGO Fortnite GraniteMalachite - Item - LEGO Fortnite MalachiteMarble - Item - LEGO Fortnite MarbleObsidian - Item - LEGO Fortnite ObsidianRed Rock - Item - LEGO Fortnite Red Rock
Ores Copper - Item - LEGO Fortnite CopperGold Ore - Item - LEGO Fortnite Gold OreIron - Item - LEGO Fortnite Iron
Gems Rough Amber - Item - LEGO Fortnite Rough AmberRough Emerald - Item - LEGO Fortnite Rough EmeraldRough Ruby - Item - LEGO Fortnite Rough RubyRough Sapphire - Item - LEGO Fortnite Rough Sapphire
Organic Fertilizer - Item - LEGO Fortnite FertilizerSand - Item - LEGO Fortnite SandSoil - Item - LEGO Fortnite SoilVines - Item - LEGO Fortnite VinesSnow - Item - LEGO Fortnite Snow
Lumbermill Plank - Item - LEGO Fortnite PlankWooden Rod (29.10) - Item - LEGO Fortnite Wooden RodFlexwood Rod (v28.10) - Item - LEGO Fortnite Flexwood RodFrostpine Rod - Item - LEGO Fortnite Frostpine RodKnotroot Rod - Item - LEGO Fortnite Knotroot RodMahogany Rod - Item - LEGO Fortnite Mahogany Rod
Stone Breaker Granite Slab - Item - LEGO Fortnite Granite SlabMalachite Slab - Item - LEGO Fortnite Malachite SlabMarble Slab - Item - LEGO Fortnite Marble SlabObsidian Slab - Item - LEGO Fortnite Obsidian SlabRed Rock Slab - Item - LEGO Fortnite Red Rock SlabSandstone - Item - LEGO Fortnite Sandstone
Smelter Glass - Item - LEGO Fortnite GlassCopper Bar - Item - LEGO Fortnite Copper BarDurasteel - Item - LEGO Fortnite DurasteelGold Bar - Item - LEGO Fortnite Gold BarIron Bar - Item - LEGO Fortnite Iron BarMetal Plate - Item - LEGO Fortnite Metal Plate
Gem Cutter Cut Amber - Item - LEGO Fortnite Cut AmberCut Emerald - Item - LEGO Fortnite Cut EmeraldCut Ruby - Item - LEGO Fortnite Cut RubyCut Sapphire - Item - LEGO Fortnite Cut Sapphire
Spinning Wheel Cord (29.10) - Item - LEGO Fortnite CordHeavy Wool Thread - Item - LEGO Fortnite Heavy Wool ThreadSilk Thread - Item - LEGO Fortnite Silk ThreadWool Thread - Item - LEGO Fortnite Wool ThreadDrawstring - Item - LEGO Fortnite Drawstring
Loom Silk Fabric - Item - LEGO Fortnite Silk FabricWool Fabric - Item - LEGO Fortnite Wool Fabric
Friendly Creature Items Feather - Item - LEGO Fortnite FeatherHeavy Wool - Item - LEGO Fortnite Heavy WoolWool - Item - LEGO Fortnite Wool
Hostile Creature Item Bear Pelt - Item - LEGO Fortnite Bear PeltFrost Bear Pelt - Item - LEGO Fortnite Frost Bear PeltBone - Item - LEGO Fortnite BoneCursed Bone - Item - LEGO Fortnite Cursed BoneBrute Scale - Item - LEGO Fortnite Brute ScaleSand Brute Scale - Item - LEGO Fortnite Sand Brute ScaleFrost Brute Scale - Item - LEGO Fortnite Frost Brute ScaleStorm Core - Item - LEGO Fortnite Storm Core
Blast Core - Item - LEGO Fortnite Blast CoreFrost Shell - Item - LEGO Fortnite Frost ShellSand Shell - Item - LEGO Fortnite Sand ShellShell - Item - LEGO Fortnite ShellStorm Shell - Item - LEGO Fortnite Storm ShellArctic Claw - Item - LEGO Fortnite Arctic ClawSand Claw - Item - LEGO Fortnite Sand ClawWolf Claw - Item - LEGO Fortnite Wolf ClawSilk - Item - LEGO Fortnite SilkStink Gland - Item - LEGO Fortnite Stink Gland
Shatterhorn Fragment - Item - LEGO Fortnite Shatterhorn Fragment
Miscellaneous Biomass - Item - LEGO Fortnite BiomassPlastoid - Item - LEGO Fortnite PlastoidBlast Core - Item - LEGO Fortnite Blast CoreEye of the Storm - Item - LEGO Fortnite Eye of the StormGreater Storm Core - Item - LEGO Fortnite Greater Storm CoreScrap Durasteel - Item - LEGO Fortnite Scrap DurasteelRift Crystal - Item - LEGO Fortnite Rift CrystalRift Shard - Item - LEGO Fortnite Rift Shard