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Fortnite Wiki
Fortnite Wiki

The Matchmaking Portal is a Device in Fortnite: Creative, added in Update v11.00.


Allows players to matchmake into the displayed island.

All Settings[]

All default values have been Bolded.

All Options
Option Value Description
Island Code Island Code Sets the island code that the matchmaking portal will point to.
Set Island Title Text Visibility Yes, No Determines whether the island title should be visible when looking at the portal.
Visible During Game Yes, No Determines if the matchmaking portal is visible during the game.
Set Matchmaking Text Visibility (Deprecated) Yes, No Determines whether matchmaking information should be visible when looking at the portal.
Set Island Details Visibility Yes, No Determines whether island details should be visible when looking at the portal.
Enable Audio Yes, No Controls the ambient sound effects from the portal.
Enable Art Yes, No Renders the Portal non-interactive.
Code Override Allowed Yes, No Determines whether players can open an interface allowing them to change the island code that the portal is pointing to.
Code Override Cooldown 30, 0 - 120 How much time between interactions.
After Cooldown Reset, Keep Code Reset - Reset the portal and its code after the override cooldown. Keep Code - Keep the current code after the override cooldown.
Join Option Player Chooses, Public Only, Private Only
  • Player Choose - Player are allowed to choose between public and private matchmaking if available.
  • Public Only - Portal is locked to only allow players to join public games.
  • Private Only - Portal is locked to only allow players to join private games.
Light Strength 100.0, 0.0 - 100.0
  • Reset - Reset the portal and its code after the override cooldown.
  • Keep Code - Keep the current code after the override cooldown.

Functions and Events[]

Option Description
Enable When Receiving From Enables the device.
Disable When Receiving From Disables the device.
No settings to display

matchmaking_portal_device class[]

using { / }

Inheritance Hierarchy
Option Description
creative_object Base class for creative devices and props.
creative_device_base Base class for creative_device.

This class has no data members

Option Parameters Description
Enable Enables this device.
Disable Disables this device.
