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Fortnite Wiki
Fortnite Wiki

Disambig-iconFor the article on the Battle Royale Version of the same name, please see Nuts 'n' Bolts (Battle Royale)

Crafting ingredient. Found in toolboxes, crates and by destroying mechanical objects.
— In-Game Description

Needed to Craft[]

World Resources - Icon - Fortnite
World Resources
Wood - Material - Fortnite WoodStone - Material - Fortnite StoneMetal - Material - Fortnite MetalBars (Large) - Currency - Fortnite BarsKey - Item - Fortnite KeyAnimal Bones - Item - Fortnite Animal BonesStink Sac - Item - Fortnite Stink SacMechanical Parts - Item - Fortnite Mechanical PartsCube Monster Parts - Item - Fortnite Cube Monster PartsNuts 'n' Bolts - Item - Fortnite Nuts 'n' BoltsVictory Crown - Item - Fortnite Victory CrownRaptor Claw - Item - Fortnite Raptor Claw
Ammo - Icon - Fortnite
Medium Bullets - Ammo - Fortnite Medium BulletsShells - Ammo - Fortnite ShellsLight Bullets - Ammo - Fortnite Light BulletsHeavy Bullets - Ammo - Fortnite Heavy BulletsRockets - Ammo - Fortnite RocketsArrow - Ammo - Fortnite ArrowsJunk - Ammo - Fortnite JunkEnergy Cells - Ammo - Fortnite Energy CellsCash Cash
Utility Items - Icon - Fortnite
Utility Items
Smoke Grenade - Item - Fortnite Smoke GrenadePort-A-Fort - Item - Fortnite Port-A-FortPort-A-Fortress - Item - Fortnite Port-A-FortressPresent - Item - Fortnite Presents! (Birthday Presents (v31.20) - Item - Fortnite BirthdayHoliday Presents! - Item - Fortnite Holiday) • Buried Treasure - Item - Fortnite Buried Treasure (Avengers Buried Treasure - Item - Fortnite AvengersDrake's Map - Item - Fortnite Drake's Map) • Captain America's Shield (v31.10) - Item - Fortnite Captain America's ShieldRepair Torch - Item - Fortnite Repair TorchPurple Paint Grenade - Item - Fortnite Purple Paint GrenadeOrange Paint Grenade - Item - Fortnite Orange Paint GrenadeMed Mist - Item - Fortnite Med MistJetpack - Item - Fortnite Jetpack (Chitauri Jetpack - Item - Fortnite ChitauriStark Jetpack - Item - Fortnite StarkThe Mandalorian's Jetpack - Item - Fortnite The Mandalorian'sAlien Jetpack - Item - Fortnite Alien) • Alien Nanites - Item - Fortnite Alien NanitesChiller Grenade - Item - Fortnite Chiller GrenadeStink Bomb - Item - Fortnite Stink BombBoogie Bomb - Item - Fortnite Boogie Bomb (Double G Bomb - Item - Fortnite Double G) • Shockwave Grenade - Item - Fortnite Shockwave GrenadeImpulse Grenade - Item - Fortnite Impulse GrenadeBoom Box - Item - Fortnite Boom BoxRecon Scanner - Weapon - Fortnite Recon ScannerDecoy - Item - Fortnite DecoyGas Can - Item - Fortnite Gas CanFlare Gun - Weapon - Fortnite Flare Gun (Firework Flare Gun (v31.20) - Weapon - Fortnite Firework) • Tent - Item - Fortnite TentBurger - Item - Fortnite BurgerTomato - Item - Fortnite TomatoHarpoon Gun - Weapon - Fortnite Harpoon GunLump of Coal - Item - Fortnite Lump of CoalRusty Can - Item - Fortnite Rusty CanMythic Goldfish - Item - Fortnite Mythic GoldfishFishing Rod - Weapon - Fortnite Fishing Rod (Pro Fishing Rod - Weapon - Fortnite ProFishing Rod - Weapon - Fortnite CreativePro Fishing Rod - Weapon - Fortnite Creative Pro) • Grappler - Weapon - Fortnite Grappler (Batman Grapnel Gun - Weapon - Fortnite BatmanGrappler - Weapon - Fortnite Skye'sJules' Glider Gun - Weapon - Fortnite Jules' Glider GunIcy Grappler - Item - Fortnite Icy GrapplerIce Spice's Grappler - Item - Fortnite Ice Spice's) • Spiky Stadium - Item - Fortnite Spiky StadiumGrapple Glove - Item - Fortnite Grapple GloveReality Seed - Item - Fortnite Reality SeedGrapple Blade - Item - Fortnite Grapple BladeVehicle Mod - Off-Road Tires - Item - Fortnite Vehicle Mod: Off-Road TiresVehicle Mod - Cow Catcher - Item - Fortnite Vehicle Mod: Cow CatcherRipsaw Launcher - Weapon - Fortnite Ripsaw LauncherHollow Purple - Item - Fortnite Hollow PurpleStraw Doll Technique - Item - Fortnite Straw Doll TechniqueCluster Clinger - Item - Fortnite Cluster ClingerDial-A-Drop - Item - Fortnite Dial-A-DropBig Bush Bomb - Item - Fortnite Big Bush BombLaunch Pad - Trap - Fortnite Launch PadShield Bubble - Item - Fortnite Shield Bubble (Shield Bubble Jr. - Item - Fortnite Jr.) • Guardian Shield - Item - Fortnite Guardian ShieldCrash Pad - Item - Fortnite Crash Pad (Crash Pad Jr. - Item - Fortnite Jr.) • Storm Flip - Item - Fortnite Storm FlipJunk Rift - Item - Fortnite Junk RiftFalcon Scout - Item - Fortnite Falcon ScoutRocket Ram - Weapon - Fortnite Rocket RamBusiness Turret - Item - Fortnite Business TurretKinetic Boomerang - Weapon - Fortnite Kinetic BoomerangWings of Icarus - Item - Fortnite Wings of IcarusWaterbending - Item - Fortnite WaterbendingAirbending - Item - Fortnite AirbendingEarthbending - Item - Fortnite EarthbendingFirebending - Item - Fortnite FirebendingNitro Fists - Item - Fortnite Nitro Fists (Nitro Fists - Item - Fortnite Megalo Don's) • Iron Man's Flight Kit - Item - Fortnite Iron Man's Flight KitShip In a Bottle - Item - Fortnite Ship In a BottleBlizzard Grenade - Item - Fortnite Blizzard GrenadeIcy Feet - Item - Fortnite Icy Feet
Consumables - Icon - Fortnite
Candy Corn - Item - Fortnite Candy CornJelly Bean - Item - Fortnite Jelly BeanPepper Mint - Item - Fortnite Pepper MintThermal Taffy - Item - Fortnite Thermal TaffyHop Drop - Item - Fortnite Hop DropZero Point Pretzel - Item - Fortnite Zero Point PretzelLight Blue Small Fry - Small Fry - Fortnite Small FryOrange Flopper - Floppers - Fortnite FlopperSlurp Jellyfish - Jellyfish - Fortnite JellyfishLight Blue Shield Fish - Shield Fish - Fortnite ShieldfishBlue Slurpfish - Slurpfish - Fortnite SlurpfishCrystal Zero Fish - Zero Point Flopper - Fortnite Zero Point FishButterfly Rift Fish - Rift Fish - Fortnite Rift FishVendetta Flopper - Fish - Fortnite Vendetta FlopperPurple and Orange Thermal Fish - Thermal Fish - Fortnite Thermal FishSnowy Flopper - Fish - Fortnite Snowy FlopperMidas Flopper - Fish - Fortnite Midas FlopperMolten Spicy Fish - Spicy Fish - Fortnite Spicy FishBouncy Egg - Item - Fortnite Bouncy EggHeal Egg - Item - Fortnite Heal EggHop Egg - Item - Fortnite Hop EggGolden Egg - Item - Fortnite Golden EggDrift Hop Flopper - Hop Flopper - Fortnite Hop FlopperStink Fish - Fortnite Stink FlopperPink Cuddle Fish - Cuddle Fish - Fortnite Cuddle FishShadow Flopper - Flopper - Fortnite Shadow FlopperMeat - Item - Fortnite MeatApple (v15.20) - Item - Fortnite AppleBanana - Item - Fortnite BananaCabbage (v15.20) - Item - Fortnite CabbageCoconut - Item - Fortnite CoconutCorn - Item - Fortnite CornPepper - Item - Fortnite PepperMushroom - Item - Fortnite MushroomMythic Mushroom - Item - Fortnite Mythic MushroomSlurp Mushroom - Item - Fortnite Slurp MushroomZero Point Crystal - Item - Fortnite Zero Point CrystalIce Cream - Item - Fortnite Ice CreamFrozen Icecream Cone - Item - Fortnite Frozen Icecream ConeSpicy Icecream Cone - Item - Fortnite Spicy Icecream ConeGuzzling Icecream Cone - Item - Fortnite Guzzling Icecream ConeLil'Whip's Special Serve - Item - Fortnite Lil'Whip's Special ServeHop Rock - Item - Fortnite Hop RockShadow Stone - Item - Fortnite Shadow StoneBirthday Cake (v31.20) - Item - Fortnite Birthday CakeSpicy Taco - Item - Fortnite Spicy TacoGlitched - Item - Fortnite GlitchedKlomberry - Item - Fortnite KlomberrySlap Berry - Item - Fortnite Slap BerrySmall Shield Potion (v11.00) - Item - Fortnite Small Shield Potion (Small Shield Potion (v11.00) - Item - Fortnite Legacy) • Shield Potion (v11.00) - Item - Fortnite Shield Potion (Shield Potion (v11.00) - Item - Fortnite Legacy) • Bandage (v11.00) - Item - Fortnite Bandage (Bandage (v11.00) - Item - Fortnite Legacy) • Medkit - Item - Fortnite Medkit (Medkit - Item - Fortnite Legacy) • Bandage Bazooka - Weapon - Fortnite Bandage Bazooka (Chug Cannon - Weapon - Fortnite Chug CannonJuice's Chug Cannon - Weapon - Fortnite Juice's) • Glider (Chapter 2) - Glider - Fortnite GlidersMythic Goldfish - Item - Fortnite Mythic GoldfishSneaky Snowman - Item - Fortnite Sneaky Snowman (Sneaky Snowmando - Item - Fortnite Snowmando) • Creepin' Cardboard - Item - Fortnite Creepin' CardboardGuzzle Juice - Item - Fortnite Guzzle JuiceSlurp Juice - Item - Fortnite Slurp JuiceSlap Juice - Item - Fortnite Slap JuiceChug Jug - Item - Fortnite Chug Jug (Chug Jug - Item - Fortnite Ocean's Bottomless) • Chug Splash - Item - Fortnite Chug Splash (Chili Chug Splash - Item - Fortnite Chili) • Shield Keg - Item - Fortnite Shield KegPizza Party - Item - Fortnite Pizza Party • (TMNT Pizza Party - Item - Fortnite TMNT) • Pizza Slice - Item - Fortnite Pizza SliceStorm Flip - Item - Fortnite Storm FlipJunk Rift - Item - Fortnite Junk RiftAir Strike - Item - Fortnite Air StrikeZapper Trap - Trap - Fortnite Zapper TrapBalloons - Item - Fortnite BalloonsRift-To-Go - Item - Fortnite Rift-To-GoBush - Item - Fortnite BushEnemy Bot Grenade - Item - Fortnite Enemy Bot GrenadeFriendly Bot Grenade - Item - Fortnite Friendly Bot GrenadeChrome Splash - Item - Fortnite Chrome SplashSpiky Stadium - Item - Fortnite Spiky StadiumWildwasp Jar - Item - Fortnite Wildwasp JarSlap Splash - Item - Fortnite Slap Splash (Slap Splash - Item - Fortnite Super) • FlowBerry - Item - Fortnite FlowBerryFlowBerry Fizz - Item - Fortnite FlowBerry FizzThunderbolt of Zeus - Item - Fortnite Thunderbolt of ZeusBanana of the Gods - Item - Fortnite Banana of the GodsNuka-Cola - Item - Fortnite Nuka-ColaNitro Splash - Item - Fortnite Nitro SplashGodzilla's Fragment - Item - Fortnite Godzilla's Fragment
Miscellaneous Item - Icon - Fortnite
Uncategorized Items
Chitauri Laser Rifle - Weapon - Fortnite Chitauri Laser RifleChitauri Energy Launcher - Weapon - Fortnite Chitauri Energy LauncherProp-o-Matic - Item - Fortnite Prop-o-MaticTorch - Item - Fortnite TorchFlashlight (v11.00) - Item - FortniteFlashlight Ghost Keycard - Item - Fortnite Agency KeycardAuthority Keycard - Item - Fortnite Authority KeycardCatty Corner Keycard - Item - Fortnite Catty Corner KeycardDr. Doom Keycard - Item - Fortnite Dr. Doom KeycardGhost Keycard - Item - Fortnite Fortilla KeycardGrotto Keycard - Item - Fortnite Grotto KeycardStark Industries Keycard - Item - Fortnite Iron Man KeycardRig Keycard - Item - Fortnite Rig KeycardShark Keycard - Item - Fortnite Shark KeycardGhost Keycard - Item - Fortnite Deadpool Keycard - Item - Fortnite Keycard - Item - Fortnite Yacht KeycardEclipse Vault Keycard - Item - Fortnite Estate Vault KeycardEclipse Vault Keycard - Item - Fortnite Suites Vault KeycardEclipse Vault Keycard - Item - Fortnite Retreat Vault KeycardEclipse Vault Keycard - Item - Fortnite MEGA City Vault KeycardEclipse Vault Keycard - Item - Fortnite Ruin Vault KeycardEclipse Vault Keycard - Item - Fortnite Slappy Shores Vault KeycardForecast Tower Access Key - Item - Fortnite Forecast Tower Access KeyKeycard - Item - Fortnite Marina KeycardKeycard - Item - Fortnite Train KeycardKeycard - Item - Fortnite Comms KeycardKeycard - Item - Fortnite Mountain KeycardKeycard - Item - Fortnite Mansion KeycardKeycard - Item - Fortnite Pump KeycardAgency Keycard - Item - Fortnite Agency KeycardGrotto Keycard (Eminem) - Item - Fortnite Grotto KeycardShark Keycard (Ice Spice) - Item - Fortnite Shark KeycardKamehameha - Item - Fortnite KamehamehaDeku's Smash - Item - Fortnite Deku's SmashTodoroki's Ice Wall - Item - Fortnite Todoroki's Ice WallInflate-A-Bull - Item - Fortnite Inflate-A-BullNimbus Cloud (Kintoun) - Item - Fortnite Nimbus Cloud (Kintoun)Jewel - Item - Fortnite JewelVintage - Back Bling - Fortnite Eye Of The Storm TrackerGrab-itron - Weapon - Fortnite Grab-itronProp-ifier - Item - Fortnite Prop-ifierHunter's Cloak - Item - Fortnite Hunter's CloakDrake's Map - Item - Fortnite Drake's MapUpgrade Bench - Item - Fortnite Upgrade BenchExplosive Batarang - Item - Fortnite Explosive BatarangCarnage Symbiote - Item - Fortnite Carnage SymbioteVenom Symbiote - Item - Fortnite Venom SymbioteHowler Claws - Item - Fortnite Howler ClawsSpider-Man's Web Shooters - Item - Fortnite Spider-Man's Web Shooters (Spider-Verse Web Shooters - Item - Fortnite Spider-Verse) • Iron Man's Repulsors - Weapon - Fortnite Iron Man's RepulsorsInfinity Gauntlet - Weapon - Fortnite Infinity GauntletSpace Stone - Item - Fortnite Space StoneMind Stone - Item - Fortnite Mind StoneTime Stone - Item - Fortnite Time StoneReality Stone - Item - Fortnite Reality StonePower Stone - Item - Fortnite Power StoneSoul Stone - Item - Fortnite Soul StoneRevive Grenade - Item - Fortnite Revive GrenadeBounty Puck - Item - Fortnite Bounty PuckWater Balloon - Toy - Fortnite Water BalloonSuppressed Pistol - Weapon - Fortnite Suppressed PistolPortal Device - Item - Fortnite Portal DeviceFlare Gun - Weapon - Fortnite Flare GunRotor Cap - Item - Fortnite Rotor CapThruster - Item - Fortnite ThrusterMotor - Item - Fortnite MotorTail Rotor - Item - Fortnite Tail RotorSnowball - Toy - Fortnite SnowballCardboard Box - Item - Fortnite Cardboard BoxEMP Stealth Camo - Item - Fortnite EMP Stealth CamoBallistic Shield - Item - Fortnite Ballistic ShieldPeter Griffin's Medallion (v28.01.01) - Item - Fortnite Peter Griffin's MedallionNisha's Medallion (v28.01.01) - Item - Fortnite Nisha's MedallionOscar's Medallion (v28.01.01) - Item - Fortnite Oscar's MedallionMontague's Medallion (v28.01.01) - Item - Fortnite Montague's MedallionValeria's Medallion (v28.01.01) - Item - Fortnite Valeria's MedallionAspect of Speed - Item - Fortnite Aspect of SpeedAspect of Siphon - Item - Fortnite Aspect of SiphonAspect of Agility - Item - Fortnite Aspect of AgilityAspect of Combat - Item - Fortnite Aspect of CombatThe Machinist's Medallion - Item - Fortnite The Machinist's MedallionRingmaster Scarr's Medallion - Item - Fortnite Ringmaster Scarr's MedallionMegalo Don's Medallion - Item - Fortnite Megalo Don's MedallionRide the Lightning - Item - Fortnite Ride the LightningTow Hook Cannon - Item - Fortnite Tow Hook CannonMagneto Power - Item - Fortnite Magneto PowerWar Machine's Arsenal - Item - Fortnite War Machine's ArsenalWar Machine's Auto Turret - Item - Fortnite War Machine's Auto TurretWar Machine's Hover Jets - Item - Fortnite War Machine's Hover JetsDoombot's Siphon Medallion - Item - Fortnite Doombot's Siphon MedallionEmma Frost's Reveal Medallion - Item - Fortnite Emma Frost's Reveal MedallionMysterio's Stealth Medallion - Item - Fortnite Mysterio's Stealth MedallionArmor of Doom - Item - Fortnite Armor of DoomBoom Billy - Item - Fortnite Boom BillyShogun X Medallion - Item - Fortnite Shogun X MedallionNight Rose Medallion - Item - Fortnite Night Rose MedallionFire Boon - Item - Fortnite Fire BoonVoid Boon - Item - Fortnite Void BoonWater Boon - Item - Fortnite Water BoonWind Boon - Item - Fortnite Wind BoonVoid Oni Mask - Item - Fortnite Void Oni Mask (Void Oni Mask - Item - Fortnite Night Rose's) • Fire Oni Mask - Item - Fortnite Fire Oni Mask (Fire Oni Mask - Item - Fortnite Shogun X's) • Air Sprite - Item - Fortnite Air SpriteWater Sprite - Item - Fortnite Water SpriteVault Key - Item - Fortnite Solunar KeyGodzilla Medallion - Item - Fortnite Godzilla's Medallion
Traps - Icon - Fortnite
Chiller - Trap - Fortnite ChillerDamage Trap - Trap - Fortnite Damage TrapPoison Dart Trap - Trap - Fortnite Poison Dart TrapWall Dynamo - Trap - Fortnite Wall DynamoCeiling Zapper - Trap - Fortnite Ceiling ZapperPlayer Jump Pad (Directional) - Trap - Fortnite Player Jump Pad (Directional (Up)) - Trap - Fortnite Directional Jump PadCozy Campfire - Trap - Fortnite Cozy CampfireMounted Turret - Trap - Fortnite Mounted TurretFire Trap - Trap - Fortnite Fire TrapBouncer - Trap - Fortnite BouncerLaunch Pad - Trap - Fortnite Launch PadArmored Wall - Trap - Fortnite Armored Wall
Powers - Icon - Fortnite
Iron Man's Combat Kit - Item - Fortnite Iron Man's Combat KitDoctor Doom's Arcane Gauntlets (v31.00) - Item - Fortnite Doctor Doom's Arcane GauntletsDoctor Doom's Mystical Bomb - Item - Fortnite Doctor Doom's Mystical BombGroot's Bramble Shield - Item - Fortnite Groot's Bramble ShieldSilver Surfer's Board - Item - Fortnite Silver Surfer's BoardIron Man's Repulsor Gauntlets - Item - Fortnite Iron Man's Repulsor GauntletsIron Man's Unibeam - Item - Fortnite Iron Man's UnibeamThor's Mjolnir Strike - Item - Fortnite Thor's Mjolnir StrikeWolverine's Claws - Item - Fortnite Wolverine's ClawsBlack Panther's Kinetic Armor - Item - Fortnite Black Panther's Kinetic ArmorStorm's Whirlwind Blast - Item - Fortnite Storm's Whirlwind BlastShe-Hulk's Fists - Item - Fortnite She-Hulk's FistsVenom's Smash and Grab - Item - Fortnite Venom's Smash & GrabPredator's Cloaking Device - Item - Fortnite Predator's Cloaking DeviceWitch Broom (v26.30) - Item - Fortnite Witch BroomSpire Jumpboots - Item - Fortnite Spire JumpbootsCloak Gauntlets - Item - Fortnite Cloak Gauntlets (Cloak Gauntlets - Item - Fortnite Wildguard Relik's)
Vehicles - Icon - Fortnite
Motorboat - Vehicle - Fortnite MotorboatTaxi - Vehicle - Fortnite Islander Prevalent - Vehicle - Fortnite Islander PrevalentVictory Motors Whiplash - Vehicle - Fortnite Victory Motors WhiplashOG Bear - Vehicle - Fortnite OG BearTitano Mudflap - Vehicle - Fortnite Titano MudflapArmored Battle Bus - Vehicle - Fortnite Armored Battle BusShopping Cart - Vehicle - Fortnite Shopping CartATK - Vehicle - Fortnite ATKX-4 Stormwing - Vehicle - Fortnite X-4 Stormwing (Operation Snowdown) - Vehicle - Fortnite X-4 StormwingBaller - Vehicle - Fortnite BallerQuadcrasher - Vehicle - Fortnite QuadcrasherPirate Cannon - Vehicle - Fortnite Pirate CannonDriftboard - Vehicle - Fortnite Driftboard (TMNT Driftboard - Vehicle - Fortnite TMNT DriftboardSurfboard - Device - Fortnite Surfboard) • B.R.U.T.E. - Vehicle - Fortnite B.R.U.T.E. (Salvaged BRUTE - Vehicle - Fortnite Salvaged) • Choppa - Vehicle - Fortnite Choppa (Seven) - Vehicle - Fortnite ChoppaLoot Shark - Animal - Fortnite Loot SharkSaucer - Vehicle - Fortnite SaucerTitan Tank (IO) - Vehicle - Fortnite Titan Tank (The Seven) - Vehicle - Fortnite Titan TankWolf - Animal - Fortnite WolfBoar - Animal - Fortnite BoarRaptor (C4S3) - Animal - Fortnite RaptorNitro Drifter - Vehicle - Fortnite Nitro DrifterNitro Fang - Vehicle - Fortnite Nitro FangOctane Spawner - Device - Fortnite OctaneTrail Thrasher - Vehicle - Fortnite Trail ThrasherVictory Crown Rogue - Vehicle - Fortnite Victory Crown RogueGrandeur Trailsmasher - Vehicle - Fortnite Grandeur TrailsmasherLockjaw (Ringmaster's) - Vehicle - Fortnite Lockjaw (The Machinist's) - Vehicle - Fortnite LockjawBehemoth - Vehicle - Fortnite BehemothWar Bus - Vehicle - Fortnite War Bus