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Fortnite Wiki
Disambig gray This article is about the pass tied to Fortnite OG. For the Battle Pass for Chapter 4: Season OG, see Chapter 4: Season OG#OG Pass.
Season 1 - OG Pass - Fortnite

The OG Pass is a seasonal cosmetic item bundle in Fortnite OG, which grants the player rewards in exchange for XP.

OG Pass items are not exclusive to the season in which they are offered and are likely going to be added to the Item Shop sometime after the season ends. However, players are unable to access OG Pass from past seasons.


S2 - Chapter 1: Season 2[]

Level up to claim more rewards
Sparkle Diva (OG Pass) - Outfit - FortniteIncluded Diva's Dancefloor - Wrap - Fortnite Diva's Grin - Spray - Fortnite Sparkling Soarer - Glider - Fortnite Diva Drop - Contrail - Fortnite Sparkling Star - Pickaxe - Fortnite T UI S33 SparkleChop Sparkle Satchel - Back Bling - Fortnite

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Diva Fever - Emote - Fortnite Sparkle Stars - Emoticon - Fortnite Sparkle Satchel (Disco Satchel) - Back Bling - Fortnite Groovy! - Spray - Fortnite Sparkling Star (Disco Star) - Pickaxe - Fortnite Sparkle Diva (Featured) - Loading Screen - Fortnite Sparkle Diva (Dancefloor Diva - OG Pass) - Outfit - Fortnite

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Cuddle Carvers - Pickaxe - Fortnite Heart Break - Emoticon - Fortnite Cuddle Team Sierra - Glider - Fortnite Eyes of the Cuddle Team - Spray - Fortnite Sweet Scabbard - Back Bling - Fortnite Tactical Heartbreak - Wrap - Fortnite Cuddle Team Specialist (Featured) - Loading Screen - Fortnite Cuddle Team Specialist (OG Pass) - Outfit - Fortnite

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Sweet Scabbard (Polar Scabbard) - Back Bling - Fortnite T UI S33 SacredCuddle Heart Chopper - Emote - Fortnite Cuddle Carvers (Polar Carvers) - Pickaxe - Fortnite R3booted (Featured) - Loading Screen - Fortnite Cuddle Dropper - Contrail - Fortnite Cuddle Team Specialist (Polar Team Specialist - OG Pass) - Outfit - Fortnite

Lock (v33.00) - Icon - FortniteLOCKED PAGEClaim 22 more rewards OR earn 28 levels to unlock
Conqueror's Claim - Emote - Fortnite Blackened Shield - Back Bling - Fortnite Dark Charger - Glider - Fortnite Conqueror's Stare - Spray - Fortnite Conqueror's Charge - Wrap - Fortnite Knight Conqueror (Featured) - Loading Screen - Fortnite Conqueror's Axe - Pickaxe - Fortnite Knight Conqueror (OG Pass) - Outfit - Fortnite

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Conqueror's Axe (Burnished Axe) - Pickaxe - Fortnite War Banners - Contrail - Fortnite Conqueror's Crown - Emoticon - Fortnite Clash at Tilted Towers (Featured) - Loading Screen - Fortnite Blackened Shield (Burnished Shield) - Back Bling - Fortnite T UI S33 MedievalSheath Knight Conqueror (Golden Conqueror - OG Pass) - Outfit - Fortnite

S1 - Chapter 1: Season 1[]

Level up to claim more rewards
Renegade Rebel (OG Pass) - Outfit - FortniteIncluded Renegade Reaver - Pickaxe - Fortnite T UI S33 FigmentRushRustle Renegade Rider - Glider - Fortnite Eternal Renegade - Wrap - Fortnite Renegade Rebel (Featured) - Loading Screen - Fortnite Rebel's Rucksack - Back Bling - Fortnite Rebel Bubble - Spray - Fortnite

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Lil' Tank - Emote - Fortnite Never Yield - Spray - Fortnite Renegade Reaver (Racer's Reaver) - Pickaxe - Fortnite Rebel Joy - Emoticon - Fortnite Wreckfall - Contrail - Fortnite Rebel's Rucksack (Racer's Rucksack) - Back Bling - Fortnite Renegade Rebel (Renegade Racer - OG Pass) - Outfit - Fortnite

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Rocket Wrecker - Pickaxe - Fortnite Aerial Classic - Wrap - Fortnite T UI S33 FigmentStormAviator Bomb Bag - Back Bling - Fortnite Pilot's Charm - Emoticon - Fortnite Aerial Swagger - Spray - Fortnite Royale Rider - Glider - Fortnite Aerial Assault Bomber (OG Pass) - Outfit - Fortnite

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Bomb Bag (Captain's Bomb Bag) - Back Bling - Fortnite Aerial Assault Bomber (Featured) - Loading Screen - Fortnite Rescue Flares - Contrail - Fortnite Rocket Wrecker (Captain's Wrecker) - Pickaxe - Fortnite Jet Signals - Emote - Fortnite Da Bomb - Spray - Fortnite Aerial Assault Bomber (Aerial Assault Captain - OG Pass) - Outfit - Fortnite

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Wraith's Shadow - Contrail - Fortnite Skull Royale - Emoticon - Fortnite Ghoul Portal - Back Bling - Fortnite Skull Commander (Featured) - Loading Screen - Fortnite Spinal Slicer - Pickaxe - Fortnite Skeleglider - Glider - Fortnite Laughing Skull - Spray - Fortnite Skull Commander (OG Pass) - Outfit - Fortnite

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Ghoul Portal (Wraith Portal) - Back Bling - Fortnite T UI S33 FigmentEthicalNoggin Flow Bones - Wrap - Fortnite Outta My Skull - Spray - Fortnite Spinal Slicer (Wraith Slicer) - Pickaxe - Fortnite Skele-dance - Emote - Fortnite Skull Commander (Wraith Commander - OG Pass) - Outfit - Fortnite
